21st International Input-Output Conference
& 3rd Edition of the International School of I-O Analysis
7-12 July 2013, Kitakyushu, Japan


Information for entrance visa to Japan

If you are a foreign national traveling to Japan, please go to the following web page of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan to see whether or not you need the entrance visa to Japan.

Guide to Japanese Visas (http://www.mofa.go.jp/j_info/visit/visa/index.html)

If you need the entrance visa to Japan, please download the visa application form; complete the form; and email it as attachment to the following email address for requesting the visa documents. Your email should include the confirmation email of your registration.
We will prepare and send you the necessary documents, which you will bring with other necessary material to the Japanese Embassy in your country. The duration of processing a visa request at the Japanese Embassy may vary and might potentially take a couple of months. So, please make sure to complete and email the visa application form AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, if you require the entrance visa to Japan.