23rd International Input-Output Conference
& 5th Edition of the International School of I-O Analysis
22-26 June 2015, Mexico, Mexico City


Conference Program

Preliminary Program: Download (PDF)

On Saturday June 27, there will be a post-conference excursion to Teotihuacan for $65 per person, including bus ride, lunch, and the tour. There is also an option for air balloon rides.

The Thursday June 25 Excursion will be a combination of a short visit to the Anthropology Museum (just the main hall) and a walking tour around the city's Historic Center including a lunch. The tour will end in the Palacio de MinerĂ­a where the General Assembly gathers. the tour will be followed by the conference gala dinner in the main yard of this palace. Pablo Ruiz will arrange things so people need not return to their hotels to change into more formal attire.

The Local Organization Committee is working on arrangements for another IIOA paddel tennis tournament. They are also looking into securing access to some soccer (futbol) fields so folks can kick something around after the program ends daily.