30th International Input-Output Association Conference
12th Edition of the International School of I-O Analysis
1st - 5th July 2024, Santiago, Chile


Andrés Bello University

With more than 30 years of history, Andrés Bello University is recognized as one of the most important universities in the country. At the undergraduate and graduate level, it is the university with the most enrolled students in Chile, with a presence in the country’s three main cities. In addition, it is nationally and internationally recognized as one of the four Chilean universities with the highest scientific production, conducting excellent research in all disciplinary areas.

In collaboration with ECLAC, the Department of Economics and Administration of the Faculty of Economics at Universidad Andrés Bello enthusiastically supports the realization of the 30th International Input-Output Conference (IIOC), alongside the 12th edition of the International School of Input-Output Analysis (ISIOA). The department recognizes the importance of this event in fostering knowledge exchange and promoting discussions on key issues.

With its commitment to academic excellence and research, the department is pleased to contribute its expertise and resources to make this conference a success. The collaboration between ECLAC and Andrés Bello University highlights the strong partnership between academia and policy-making institutions, further enhancing the conference's value and impact.