30th International Input-Output Association Conference
12th Edition of the International School of I-O Analysis
1st - 5th July 2024, Santiago, Chile



Sustainability is central to our program at ECLAC. We actively incorporate sustainable practices in the events and conferences we organize to promote positive social and environmental impacts. Our proposed events reflect the core values of ECLAC and align with the principles of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. From the planning stages to event execution and evaluation, we consistently integrate sustainability at every step.

Our sustainability considerations encompass the following areas:


  • At ECLAC, we practice sustainable waste management by segregating waste, including glass, cans, plastic bottles, and general waste, with dedicated disposal facilities available throughout our buildings.
  • We prioritize energy efficiency by utilizing low-energy lighting, supplemented by solar-powered lighting and natural lighting infrastructure to minimize energy consumption.
  • Our strategic location in the heart of Vitacura provides convenient access to nearby accommodations and restaurants within walking distance, reducing carbon emissions from transportation.
  • Our ongoing renovation project for ECLAC's North Building aligns with our sustainability commitment, aiming to create the organization’s first NET Zero building. The project includes a 2,600-square-meter photovoltaic plant generating approximately 475,000 kWh of annual power. The building will also feature natural ventilation, energy-efficient lighting, and a wastewater treatment system. Excess energy will be directed to other buildings or fed back into the grid, supporting sustainability efforts.
  • Additionally, we demonstrate our dedication to sustainable construction by utilizing local materials that reduce carbon footprints, such as recycled steel, organic fiber insulation, linoleum floors made from renewable materials, and responsible disposal of construction waste.


  • We will ensure appropriate Vegetarian, Halal, and Kosher options are available throughout the conference. Advanced notification is required for proper planning of quantities.
  • ECLAC will partner with local catering vendors that prioritize the use of local and regional products. Together with our catering vendors, we will strive to minimize waste by serving snacks and food that can be repurposed and by donating any excess food to staff, students, and local charitable organizations.
  • We are committed to reducing plastic waste and will make efforts to eliminate the use of plastic cups, plates, and cutlery during the conference.
  • Water refill stations are conveniently located throughout the ECLAC headquarters, eliminating the need to purchase bottled water.

Accommodation & Travel

  • The ECLAC Conference Services Unit is dedicated to provide accommodation options that prioritize sustainability that align with our values.
  • We will block-book a range of accommodations in advance at favorable rates and within close proximity to the conference venue. This ensures convenient access for all attendees, allowing them to reach the venue by walking a short distance.
  • ECLAC will try to accommodate for low-emission transport between ECLAC Headquarters and venues at Andrés Bello University when possible.

Conference Organization

  • We are committed to creating a paperless environment by utilizing online platforms for accessing conference programs and information.
  • We will prioritize the use of recycled paper for flyers and programs, promoting sustainable printing practices. We will minimize the distribution of conference giveaways and ensure that any items provided are made from recyclable materials.
  • As part of our social responsibility, we plan to include a voluntary contribution link on our registration page, allowing attendees to make direct voluntary contributions to variety of UN agencies of their choice UN entities focusing on environmental conservation such as United Nations Environmental Programme or other agencies such as World Food Programme (WFP) and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).
  • We will collaborate with local small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) suppliers and vendors who share our commitment to sustainability practices, promoting local businesses that prioritize sustainability.