The Intermediate International Input-Output Meeting

hold in Sendai, Japan, July 26-28th, 2006

Conference Leaflet (PDF)

Conference Program (PDF)

In total: 69 papers

 AuthorsTitles of papersFiles
1 Akhabbar, A. Lenotief and Samuelson on the Non-substitution Theorem Some Methodological Remarks Akhabba.pdf
2 Albino, V. Kuhtz, S. Petruzzell, A. Analysing Logistics Flows in Industrial Clusters Using an Enterprise Input-Output Model Albino.pdf
3 Anefalos, L. Filho, J. Guihoto, J. Input-Output Model for Economic Evaluation of the Supply Chain: The case of Cut FlowersExportation Anefalos.pdf
4 Ariyoshi, N. The Development of Japanese System for Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting: Japanese SEEA and Japanese NAMEA Ariyoshi.pdf
5 Arshinkov, B. Risks for Value in Third Parties Relationships within Eastern Europe Arshinkov.pdf
6 Baiocchi, G. Minx, J. Barrett, J. Wiedmann, T. The Impact of Social Factors and Consumer Behaviour on the Environment - an Input-output Approach for the UK Baiocchi.pdf
7 Bellino, E. Switching of Techniques along theWage-Profit Frontier: a More General Framework Bellino.pdf
8 Bhattarai, K. Capital Accumulation and Growth: Multisectoral Analysis Bhattarai.pdf
9 Nathani, C. Wickart, M. Estimation of a Swiss Input-output Table from Incomplete and Uncertain Data Sources Nathani-1.pdf
10 Nathani, C. Materials Use and Induced Energy Demand: an Input-output Analysis Nathani-2.pdf
11 Goce-Dakila, C. Mizokami, S. A SAM-Based General Equilibrium Model of the Impact of Impedance Factor in Transport on Regional Economies in the Philippines Dakila.pdf
12 Guan, D. Hubacek, K. A Hydro-economic Accounting and Analytical Framework for Water Resource Consumption in China Guan.pdf
13 de Boer, P. Structural decomposition analysis and the index number problem: a proposed solution de Boer.pdf
14 Dietzenbacher, E. Temurshoev, U. Ownership Relations in the Presence of Cross-shareholding Dietzenbacher.pdf
15 Ferguson, S. Public and Quasi-Public Expenditure and Economic Sustainability in the High-Risk Palestinian Economy Ferguson.pdf
16 Fritz, O. Kolleritsch, E. Streicher, G. Building a Multiregional Input-Output Table for Austria: Compilation Methods and Results Fritz.pdf
17 Fujikawa, K. Inada, Y. Shimoda, M Watanabe, T. A Comparative study on resource saving technology based on OECD I-O database Fujikawa.pdf
18 Fujikawa, K. Yin, Q. A quantitative analysis on Free Trade Agreement using East Asia linked CGE model Fujikawa.pdf
19 Fuse, M. Yagita, H. Evaluation of Automobile Global Recycling using Input-Output Analysis Fuse.pdf
20 Guilhoto, J. Azzoni, C. Silveira, F. Menezes, T. Hasegawa, M. Haddad, E. International Prices Changes of Agricultural Commodities and Their Impacts on Income Distribution and Poverty in Brazil Guihoto.pdf
21 Hatano, T. Okuda, T. Water resource allocation in the Yellow River Basin, China applying a CGE model Hatano.pdf
22 Homma, T. Akimoto, K. Evaluation of global warming mitigation policies considering changes in industrial structures and IT penetration Homma.pdf
23 Jaramilo, P. Trade, Economic growth and Environment Pressure in Chile: An Input-output Approach Jaramilo.pdf
24 Jeong, J. Lee, J. Identifying Industrial Clusters in Korea Jeong.pdf
25 Jorgenson, D. Ho, M. Stiroh, K. Growth of U.S. Industries and Investments in Information Technology and Higher Education Jorgenson.pdf
26 Jorgenson, D. Nomura, K. The Industry Origins of Japanese Economic Growth Jorgenson.pdf
27 Koike, A. Ueda, T. Tissen, M. Economic Damage Assessment of a Catastrophe Shocks to Physical and Social Capital in a Spatial CGE Analysis Koike.pdf
28 Labanderia, X. Labeaga, J. Rodriguez, M. A Macro and Microeconomic Integrated Approach to Assessing the Effects of Public Policies Labanderia.pdf
29 Lahr, M. The Effects of a Rise in the Minimum Wage on Labor Market Vacancies in New Jersey: A CGE Analysis. Lahr.pdf
30 Mahady, F. Lahr, M. A Production and Market Driven Model for Capturing Transportation Efficiencies Manhady.pdf
31 Lennox, J. Andrew, R. Reforming Water Use in Canterbury: a Shared Responsibiliies Perspective Lennox.pdf
32 Lenzen, M. Foran, B. Dey, C. Sustainability Accounting for Business: a New International software Based on Input-output Tables Lenzen.pdf
33 Lenzen, M. Wood, R. Gallego, B. RAS matrix balancing under conflicting information Lenzen.pdf
34 Los, B. Oosterhaven, J. Structural change in intermediate, consumption and capital goods trade during economic integration: the EU experience Los.pdf
35 Manresa, A. An Applied General Equilibrium Analysis of a Double Dividend Policy for the Spanish Economy Manresa.pdf
36 Ciaschini, M. Pretaroli, R. Socci, C. A convenient policy control through the Macro Multiplier approach Maurizio.pdf
37 McDonald, G. Patterson, M. Development of a New Zealand Physical Input-Output Table McDonald.pdf
38 Miyagi, T. Evaluation of economic impacts from the accessibility-change by transportation investment: A SCGE modeling approach. Miyagi.pdf
39 Miyata, Y. Shibusawa, H. Does a Decrease in the Population Prevent a Sustainable Growth of a Compact City? - A Comparison of Cases of Decreasing and Increasing Populations of Obihiro Metropolitan Area, Japan by an Intertemporal CGE-Modeling Approach Miyata.pdf
40 Mizutani, M. Tsuchiya, K. Akiyoshi, S. Koike. A Ishikawa, Y. International Freight Transport Demand Forecasting by SCGE Model Mizutani.pdf
41 Mizutani, M. Tsuchiya, K. Takuma, F. Maki, K. Ishikawa, Y. A Potential Model of Industrial Location Considering Transportation Costs Mizutani.pdf
42 Morioka, T. The Economic effect of a Local Professional Baseball Team, Hiroshima Carp Morioka.pdf
43 Pham, N. Trinh, B. Nguyen, T. Structural change and economic performance of Vietnam 1986-2000: Evidence from the three input-output tables Pham.pdf
44 Pizzoli, E. Economic sustainable development and agriculture in industrialized countries: an input-output scenario and a confrontation starting from the Italian case Pizzoli.pdf
45 Bunditsakulchai, P. Inamura, H. Kagawa, S. Yamada, M. Price-endogenized Inter-industry Approach with Goods and Bads Bunditsakulchai.pdf
46 Sakhornrad, P. Assessment of Trade Agreements of Thailand: Income Distribution Perspective Sakhornrad.pdf
47 Prihawantoro, S. Nazara, S. The Contribution of Technology in Economy: The Decomposition of Output Differentials in 1995-2000 Indonesian IRSAM Prihawantoro.pdf
48 Roca, J. Serrano, M. Income Growth and Atmospheric Pollution in Spain: An Input-output Approach Roca.pdf
49 Scaramucci, J. Cunha, M. Bioethanol Basis for Regional Development in Brazil: an Input-output Model with Mixed Technologies Scaramucci.pdf
50 Schaffer, A. Gender-specific input-output analysis Scaffer.pdf
51 Gunluk-Senesen, G. Accounting for Arms in Input-output and National Income Accounts Gunluk-Senesen.pdf
52 Simpson, L. Compilation of supply and use tables in different countries, Norway, Eastern Europe, Africa Simpson.pdf
53 Na, S. Economic Growth and CO2 Emissions in the East Asian Region Na.pdf
54 ten Raa, T. The Theory of Benchmarking and the Measurement of Industrial Organization ten Raa.pdf
55 ten Raa, T. Shestalova, V. Alternative measures of Total Factor Productivity growth ten Raa.pdf
56 Tong, H. Wang, C. Chao, Y. Cai, P. The Optimal Direction for Adjusting Industry Structure Tong.pdf
57 Tongsiri, W. Kosaka, H. Analysis of Japan-Thailand Free Trade Agreement using Asian International Input-Output Model Tongsiri.pdf
58 Uda, K. An Extended Skyline Analysis for International Input-output Table Uda.pdf
59 Ueta, K. Inada, Y. Fujikawa, K. Na, S. Site location of CDM projects: an input output analysis Kazuhiro.pdf
60 Senesen, U. Presentation of Findings with the Input-output Model: some suggestions Senesen.pdf
61 Nomaler, O. Verspagen, B. Assessing the Technological Potential of Sectors in an Input-output Model of Patent Citations Nomaler.pdf
62 Wang, Y. Li, X. Environmental Impact of Mobile Communication Industry in China Wang.pdf
63 Wilting, H. Hoekstra, R. Schenau, S. Emissions and Trade; a Structural Decomposition Analysis for the Netherlands Wilting.pdf
64 Wolfl, A. The Interaction between Manufacturing and Services and Role for Productivity Growth Wolfl.pdf
65 Yamano, N. Webb, C. The OECD Input-output Datadase Harmonised Tables for International Analyses Yamano.pdf
66 Yokoyama, K. Kagawa, S. Relationship Between Economic Growth and Waste Management: Dynamic Waste Input-Output Approach Yokoyama.pdf
67 Kim, Y. Transition of Energy Consumption Structure in Korea-Using 90-95-2000 link IO table for the Analysis of Energy and Environment Kim.pdf
68 Zakharova, E. The Russian Agricultural Outlook for 1995-2000 using Input-output Tables Zakharova.pdf
69 Kazuyo, Y. Kagawa, S. Relationship Between Economic Growth and Waste Management: Dynamic Waste Input-Output Approach Kazuyo.ppt

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