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Annual reports 2004Presidential AddressDear Colleagues, The resolution to form the International Input-Output Association and its journal, Economic Systems Research, was taken at the 8th conference of the IIOA, held in Sapporo, Japan, in 1986. As we approach the 20th anniversary of IIOA, it is time to assess what we have accomplished to date and lay the groundwork for what we plan to take on over the next couple of decades. The principal objective of my Presidency is to more widely and fully engage the membership in this brainstorming process and, then, in its execution. As I write, preparations for the 15th IIOA conference that will take place June 27 through July 1, 2005, in Beijing are in an intensive stage. As usual, there will be several notable keynote speakers and multiple plenary and parallel sessions on a wide range of topics related to input-output economics. I have just been reviewing the draft Book of Abstracts and believe you will agree that we have an especially strong program for this meeting. A preliminary schedule for the conference will presently be posted on the IIOA website. The Beijing conference will include 2 special events that we expect to make into permanent features. Following on the success of the evening training sessions inaugurated at the last conference, there will be 4 such sessions at Beijing on concepts and methods for constructing input-output tables, including regional accounts and social accounting matrices. This kind of material serves as a common denominator for our members engaged not only in data compilation but also in theoretical and methodological development and applied analysis. We hope to use the evening sessions as a way to build bridges among colleagues engaged in different kinds of work. There will also be a session and panel discussion on teaching input-output economics in the 21st century. This session will feature a report on the dozens of responses that have been received to a call for curricula about input-output economics currently being offered in a variety of settings in different countries. I would like to see us proceed to evaluate and amplify these teaching materials as a basis for creating course modules of varying lengths that can be widely distributed for use in both economics and interdisciplinary courses. I hope that you will participate in these new conference features and provide feedback to me and the Council about what you like and what you would like to see at future conferences. This communication can take place either at the Members’ Meeting in Beijing or through personal communication. To facilitate this kind of person-to-person communication, we have in the course of the past year compiled an e-mail list of members and an online Members’ Directory. They have been utilized by the Council and the conference organizers in planning for the Beijing conference (and soliciting the curricular materials mentioned above) and will soon be available to all members through the IIOA website. I am convinced that substantially improved facilities for electronic communication among our membership, and between members and the Council, will stimulate the emergence of exciting new ideas and the identification of energetic individuals willing and able to implement them. I perceive increasing numbers of researchers in a variety of academic fields making clear their need for the conceptual framework of input-output economics in order to help resolve the most pressing problems of our times regarding economic development, environmental protection, and globalization. These interests and needs provide us with an unprecedented opportunity to further develop, and to demonstrate, the unique intellectual and practical contributions of input-output economics. I count on your participation in assuming these challenges, and I hope to see you in Beijing this summer -- an ideal venue for these discussions. Faye
Duchin Membership Membership decreased from 338 to 324: the number of new members was only half of the size of the number of members who had to be eliminated from the files for not having paid their membership fee for two consecutive years. Only 4 members cancelled their membership explicitly. The number of institutional members increased by 3. 56 of the 324 individual members are now nominated by institutional members. Membership (as of 30 March 2005) Individual members Individual members (including 56 members nominated by institutional members) 324 Institutional members Institutional
members 18
Work of the Secretariat The usual work of the Secretariat – in close co-operation with the treasurer – comprised as usual the following activities: (a) Membership administration, (b) Recording of payments of Membership Fees, including dispatching reminders, (c) Responding to letters from members and others, (d) Communicating with the Council, (e) Communicating with our Publishing Company (subscription of members, address changes), (f) Communicating with the Editor of the journal Economic Systems Research, (g) Updating and enlarging the website. The Secretariat was also involved in the preparation and organisation of the forthcoming Beijing conference. The 2004 regular General Assembly was held on 27 May 2004 in Vienna. The 2005 regular General Assembly will be held on 23 May 2005, 6.00 p.m., at the Institut für Quantitative Volkswirtschaftslehre, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Sektor B, 4.Stock, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien.
In 2004 the Council did not meet face to face, but had two electronic meetings. The main issues discussed at these electronic Council meetings referred to future conferences and activities. The electronic meetings supplement the face-to-face meetings that take place on the occasion of the International Input-Output Conferences. The next face-to-face Council meetings are scheduled during the forthcoming Beijing conference.
One of the main task was the further preparation of the forthcoming 15th International Input-Output Conference jointly organised by the International Input-Output Association (IIOA), the Chinese Input-Output Society and the Renmin University of China. The conference is sponsored by the Renmin University of China and the National Bureau of Statistics of China. The main organisation was to be performed by the head of the Scientific Programme Committee, Norihisa Sakurai, and the head of the Local Committee, Zhao Yanyun. For further information see: http://www.applstats.org/english/io/index.htm Norbert
Rainer Report
on the International Conference “Input-Output and General
Equilibrium: Data, Modeling and Policy Analysis, September 2 –
4, 2004, Brussels, Belgium About 220 abstracts were submitted and about 140 were accepted. At the conference 4 papers were presented in 2 plenary sessions, and 132 papers in 5 to 6 parallel sessions. The whole program ran over 2½ days, with a welcome reception on Thursday evening, sit-down lunches very close to the conference venue on the first two days, a very good gala dinner in the elegant Hotel Conrad on Friday evening, and a farewell luncheon reception on Saturday. The local organization by EcoMod ran smoothly and very professional. Due the selective work of the program committee chairs (Ali Bayar from EcoMod and Klaus Conrad from the IIOA) and the rest of the scientific committee, a relatively coherent, high-quality program resulted, with few papers below standard. The general feeling of the participants was positive to very positive. The conclusion of the co-chair and the IIOA council members present (Ciaschini, Dietzenbacher, Lahr, Oosterhaven and ten Raa) was that we certainly should try to continue this format of smaller, more-focused, high-quality, intermediate-year IO-oriented conferences. The conference papers can be downloaded from the EcoMod website: http://www.ecomod.net/conferences/iioa2004/iioa2004_papers.htm. Jan
Oosterhaven Editors Report Volume 16 (2004) had 458 pages, which was only six pages less than our annual page limit (of 464 pages). Continuing the policy of one special issue per year, it was my pleasure to include “Biproportional Techniques in Input-Output Analysis” in issue 2. This special issue contains papers that the editors Michael L. Lahr and Louis de Mesnard had selected for their sessions at the 48th annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association in Charleston in 2001 and at the 14th International Conference on Input-Output techniques in Montreal in 2002. By the end of the year, several colleagues were working on special issues. Sangwon Suh was preparing an issue on “Applications of Input-Output Analysis in Industrial Ecology”, Christian DeBresson was editing “China’s Growing Pains: Recent Input-Output Research in China on China” and Yasuhide Okuyama was working on “Economic Modeling for Disaster Impact Analysis”. It thus seems that also in the next volumes we can carry on the tradition of one special issue per year. A full account of the number of submissions and their status on January 1, 2005, is given in Table 1. It provides a detailed overview for 2004 and a comparison with the four foregoing years. The number of submissions has been slowly increasing over the years (albeit with a dramatic drop in 2001). Yet, it would be my pleasure to receive many more high-quality submissions. Because if this trend would continue also in the next couple of years, we would be able to improve the quality of the journal even further and (in a more distant future) perhaps also expand its size. Table 1. Overview of submissions and their status.
Report of the Treasurer In 2004 we had a small financial surplus which was a little bit higher than in our estimate. This outcome is the result of several compensating effects: - The revenue from Membership Fees was higher than expected. This is mainly due to the fact that we now have more Institutional Members than in previous years. An important additional financial source (but already included in our estimate for 2004) was the money coming from our publishing company Francis & Taylor. The Fee for individual members is still 110 US $ for two years or US $ 60 for one year. - The expenditures were also slightly higher than planned. More money was spent for telecommunication and for improving our homepage. In addition there were expenditures for travel costs of Council members which were not included in our estimate. On the other hand less money than assumed was needed for the Brussels Conference and for administration. The financial report is expressed in US $. Especially because of the exchange rate US $ to EURO in 2004 some costs turned out higher than estimated. Most of our costs – with the exception of the costs for the journal – have to be covered in EURO. Expressed in EURO the costs were lower than planned. Mainly because of the Beijing Conference we will have a remarkable deficit in 2005. We need to continue our efforts to find additional members. We are happy to announce that from 2005 onwards members have the possibilities to pay their Fees also via Credit cards. On March 30, 2004 already 114 members had paid for 2004, 15 for 2005 and a few even for 2006. Josef
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International Input-Output Association (IIOA) • Urbangasse 16/19 • A-1170, Vienna, Austria |