13th International Conference on Input-Output Techniques

held at University of Macerata, Italy August 21-25th, 2000

In total: 144 papers

 AuthorsTitles of papersFiles
1 Clopper Almon, Maurizio Grassini The Changing Structure of Employment in Italy 1980-2010: Can Investment Affect the Outcome? Almon
2 B. Andreosso-O'Callaghan, Guoqiang Yue Intersectoral Linkages and Key Sectors in China 1987-1997 --An Application of Input-Output Linkage Analysis Andreosso
3 Jean Arrous Energy Input-Output Economics: What's the matter ? Arrous
4 Moss Madden, Fatemeh Bazzazan Dynamic Extended Input-Output Models Bazzazan
5 Duilio de Avila Bêrni Structural Change in the Brazilian Economy Between 1959 And 2000 Bêrni
6 M. Alejandro Cardenete, Ferran Sancho Impact Assessment Using a Social Accounting Matrix Cardenete
7 Guido Cella, Giovanni Pica Selecting efficient techniques: private versus social standpoint. Cella
8 Chen Xikang Shanxi Water Resource Input-Occupancy-Output Table and Its Application In Shanxi Province of China ChenX
9 Roberto A. De Santis A Conjectural Variation Computable General Equilibrium Model With Free Entry DeSantis
10 Erik Dietzenbacher, Bart Los Analyzing R&D Multipliers Dietzenbacher
11 Erik Dietzenbacher, Bart Los Structural Decomposition Analyses with Dependent Determinants Dietz
12 Ding Jianping Is China Abundant in the Unskilled Labor? Ding
13 Zorik Dondokov The Technology of Consumption and the SAM Approach Dondokov
14 Ming-tai Fan, Yu-xin Zheng China's Trade Liberalization for WTO Accession and Its Effects on China Fan
15 Emilio Fontela Leontief and the Future of the World Economy Fontela
16 Emilio Fontela, Ana Lopez, Antonio Pulido Structural Comparison of Input-Output Tables Fontela
17 Osmo Førssell Spillovers of R&D Expenditure on Energy Use in the EU-countries: Empirical Modelling of Energy Demand Forssell
18 Guglielmo Garlato Various Definitions of Direct and Indirect Requirements in Input-Output Analysis: a Comment and Further Developments Garlato
19 Guo Ju-e Some Trends on Change in Direct Input Coefficient of China Guo
20 Muhammad Handry Imansyah An Efficient Method for Constructing Regional Input-Output Table: A Horizontal Approach in Indonesia Imansyah
21 Shigemi Kagawa, Hajime Inamura The Structural Decomposition of Energy Consumption Intensity Based on a Hybrid Rectangular I-O Framework Kagawa
22 Hartmut Kogelschatz Bounds and Sensitivity of Growth Rates in an Input Output-Model with Consumption Kogelschatz
23 Kurt Kratena Prices and Factor Demand in an Endogenized Input-Output Model Kratena
24 Robert E. Kuenne An Oligopoly Model in a Leontief Framework Kuenne
25 Michael L. Lahr Reconciling Domestication Techniques, the Notion of Re-exports, and Some Comments on Regional Accounting Lahr
26 Michael L. Lahr, Ronald E. Miller A Taxonomy of Extractions Lahr&Mi
27 Kishori Lal Evolution of the Canadian Input-Output Tables 1961 to Date Lal
28 Chinkook Lee, Gerald Schluter Common and Diverse Economic Forces Affecting the Growth and Structural Change on U.S. Food and Kindred Product Industry, 1972-1992 Lee
29 Ming Lei Integrated Input-Output Accounting for Natural Resources-Energy-Economy-Environment LEI
30 Bart Los Endogenous Growth and Structural Change in a Dynamic Input-Output Model Los
31 Giovani Vitoria Machado Energy Use, CO2 Emissions and Foreign Trade: An IO approach applied to the Brazilian Case Machado
32 Louis de Mesnard About the criteria of output coincidence for forecasts to determine the orientation of the economy. Application for France, 1980-1997 MesnardO
33 Louis de Mesnard Methods to analyze structural change over time and space: a typological survey MesnardS
34 Zhanna Mingalyova, Svetlana Tkachyova Innovation Activities Infrastructure as Fees-Benefits System for Regional Sustainable Growth Mingalyova
35 Michio Morishima Economy and Democracy: A Theory of Finance à la A. De Viti de Marco Morishima
36 Antonio Morillas, Laura Moniche, J. Marcos Castro Structural Funds. Light and Shadow from Andalusia Morilas
37 Shinichiro Nakamura Inter-Industry Analysis of the Demand for Landfill Capacity Nakamura
38 Jean H. P. Paelinck Input-Output and Isomorphic Analytical Tools in Spatial Economics Paelinck
39 Teoman Pamukcu, Paul de Boer A Structural Decomposition Analysis of Imports of Turkey Pamucku
40 A. Panethimitakis, E. Athanassiou Assessing Structural Change Panethimtakis
41 Xiaoming Pan Social and Ecological Accounting Matrix: an Empirical Study for China PanX
42 Jusha Piispala On Regionalising Input/Output Tables - Experiences from Compiling Regional Supply and Use Tables in Finland Piispala
43 José Manuel Rueda Cantuche Input-Output Structural Decomposition for Andalusia and Madrid (Spain) Rueda
44 Aying Liu, David S. Saal An Input Output Analysis of Structural Change in Apartheid Era South Africa: 1975-93 Saal
45 Julio Sanchez-Choliz, Rosa Duarte Analysing Water Pollution by Way of Vertically Integrated Coefficients. An Application to the Aragonese Economy Sanchez
46 Anushree Sinha, Siddiqui KA, Sangeeta, N. SAM Multiplier Analysis of Informal Households: Application to the Indian Economy Sinha Appendix.xls
47 Carsten Stahmer The Magic Triangle of Input-Output Tables Stahmer
48 Edward N. Wolff Skills and Changing Comparative Advantage Wolff
49 Yang Chuihong Study on Multiplier Effects on China Township and Village Enterprises on National Economy Yang
50 Carlos Eduardo Frickmann Young, PhD International Trade and Industrial Emissions in Brazil: An Input-Output Approach Young
51 Yuxin Zheng, Gang Ma Impact of Carbon Tax and Reduced CO2 Discharge on Chinese Economy: A Static CGE Analysis Zheng&Ma
52 Zheng Yuxin Sources of China's Energy Usage Changes in 1990's Zheng
53 Vittorio Nicolardi Balancing large accounting systems: an application to the 1992 Italian I-O Table. Nicolardi
54 Susanna Mantegazza, Stefano Pisani Present Practices and Future Developments Mantegazza
55 Bert M. Balk, Paul M. C. de Boer, Sonja Greve The Average Efficiency of Firms within an Industry: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis Balk
56 Bart Hobijn, Paul de Boer, Piet Lesuis Estimating Structural TFP Growth as a Latent Variable Hobijn
57 Erik Dietzenbacher, Rutger Hoekstra The RAS Structural Decomposition Approach Dietzenbacher
58 Ezra Davar Input-Output In Mixed Measurements Davar
59 Yuan Jianwen, Wang Yuqian The Current and Future Industrial Structure of Guangdong Province Yuan
60 Michael Sonis, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings On the Sraffa-Leontief Model Sonis
61 Achim Diekmann The Impact of Transport on the EU Economy Dieckmann
62 Pirkko Aulin-Ahmavaara Dynamic input-output and capital Aulin
63 Annemarth M. Idenburg, Harry C. Wilting DIMITRI: a Dynamic Input-output Model to study the Impacts of Technology Related Innovations Idenburg
64 Christoph Boehringer, Klaus Conrad, Andreas Löschel Carbon Taxes and Joint Implementation An applied CGE analysis for Germany and India Boehringer
65 Mária Forgon, Csák Ligeti ESA'95 & the Practice: Hungarian IOT, 1998 Forgon
66 Jules Gazon From Economic Stucture To Power Structure: A Structural Analysis Gazon
67 Asger Olsen, Peter Rørmose Jensen Current Price Identities in Macroeconomic Models Olsen
68 Sanjib Pohit Income and Employment Effects in Mumbai Region: An Input-Output Approach Pohit
69 Matteo Manera, Bruno Sitzia Input-Output Analysis and Econometrics: a Discussion of Some Key Issues with an Example from the Theory of Production Manera
70 Darla K. Munroe, Geoffrey J. D. Hewings The Role Of Intraindustry Trade In Interregional Trade In The Midwest Of The US Monroe
71 Michael Sonis, Geoffrey J. D. Hewings, Yasuhide Okuyama Feedback Loops Analysis of Japanese Interregional Trade, 1980-85-90 SonisOkuyama
72 Michel Braibant International Comparability Of The Business Services Braibant
73 Maria Cristina Ortiz Furtuoso, Joaquim José Martins Guilhoto Using Input-Output to Measure the GDP and to Estimate Monthly Growth Rates of Productive Complexes: The Case of the Brazilian Agribusiness Guilhoto
74 Heinz D. Kurz, Neri Salvadori 'Classical' Roots of Input-Output Analysis: A Short Account of its Long Prehistory Kurz
75 Yasuhide Okuyama, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings, Michael Sonis, Philip R. Israilevich An Econometric Analysis Of Bi-Proportional Properties In An Econometric Input-Output Modeling System OkuyamaHew
76 Gonzalo Sáenz de Miera A Hybrid Input-Output Model Of Water Saenz
77 Shuntaro Shishido Japan's Economic Growth and Policy Making in the Context of Leontief's Scientific Contributions Shishido
78 Brian Wixted Nations And Supranational Clusters: International trade, industrial interdependency and knowledge flows Wixted
79 Michel Braibant The French Experience With Satellite Accounts BraibantFr
80 Roberto Bruno The intermediate costs matrix construction in the Italian input-output table of 1992 BrunoI
81 Ezra Davar Leontief and Walras: Input-Output and Reality Davar
82 Izumi, Hiroshi Fujikawa, Kiyoshi Li, Jie Productivity Growth of Chinese Economy by Industry IzumiFujika
83 Shantong Li, Fan Zhai The Impact of Accession to WTO on China's Economy Li&Zhai
84 Natalia ALDAZ, Joaquín A. MILLÁN Gross Production vs. Value Added Approaches to Regional Comparisons of Sectoral Growth Aldaz&Millan
85 Gülay Günlük-Senesen, Ümit Senesen Reconsidering Import Dependency: The Break-Down of Sectoral Demands with respect to Suppliers Senesen
86 Thijs ten Raa, Pierre Mohnen Neoclassical Growth Accounting and Frontier Analysis: A Synthesis tenRaa
87 Myrna van Leeuwen Importance of agro-food chains in EU regions: a cross-section analysis VanLeeu
88 Jung Ho Chung, Chong Gui Kim Analysis of Structural Change in the Korean Economy: 1975-1995 Chung&Kim
89 Maurizio Ciaschini The End Of Technical Coefficients? Ciaschini
90 Hajime Inamura, Mongkut Piantanakulchai, Yasushi Takeyama A Life Cycle Inventory Analysis of Carbon Dioxide for a Highway Construction Project Using Input-Output Scheme: A Case Study of the Tohoku Expressway Construction Works InamuraPianta
91 Dr. Clementina IVAN-UNGUREANU, Mihai-Iulian GHEORGHE The Possibility And Pitfalls For Input-Output Analysis In The Transitional Economy of Romania Ivan
92 Masahiro Kuroda, Koji Nomura Capital Accumulation and Structural Change in Japan Kuroda
93 Susanna Mantegazza, Stefano Pisani Analysis of the calculation methodologies of National Accounts in the I-O framework: consistency, constraints and independent estimation Mantegazza
94 Douglas S. Meade Information Workers in the "New Economy": Has IT Investment Had a Favorable Effect on the Demand for Skilled Labor? Meade
95 Gabrielle Antille, Emilio Fontela, Samuel Guillet Changes in technical coefficients: The experience with Swiss I/O Tables AntilleFon
96 Asakura, Keiichiro Collins, Patrick Nomura, Koji Hayami, Hitoshi Yoshioka, Kanji CO2 Emission from Solar Power Satellite through its Life Cycle: Comparison of Power Generation Systems using Japanese Input-Output Tables AsakuraColl
97 Diego Colatei, Jeffery I Round Poverty And Policy: Experiments With A Sam-Based CGE Model For Ghana Colatei&Rou
98 S. de Boer, T. Takema, P. Verbiest Supply and use tables in constant prices deBoerTakema
99 Iljen Dedegkajeva Estonian Experience In Compiling Supply And Use Tables Dedegkajeva
100 Melchor Fernández-Fernández, Manuel Fernández-Grela Sectoral and Spatial Linkages in Production Structure: Galicia vs. Região Norte Fernández
101 Carlos Llano Verduras The Estimation of the Interregional Trade In the Context of an Interregional Input-Output Model for the Spanish Economy Llano
102 Bart Los, Bart Verspagen Shifting Consumption Patterns: A Neglected Determinant of Growth Performance? Los&Verspagen
103 John R Madden The Economic Consequences of Pay Equity for Female-Intensive Occupations: A Multiregional CGE Analysis MaddenPay
104 G. Marangoni, G. Fezzi I-O for Management Control: The Case of a Multinational Pharmaceutical Company Marangoni&Fez
105 Kenning Marchant Input-Output Properties of an Alternative Mathematical Structure For The Analysis of Markets and Institutions MarchantMar
106 Scott McDonald Drought in Southern Africa: A Study for Botswana McDonaldDrou
107 Tim Folke The framework for balancing supply and uses by industry/category of final use and commodity Folke
108 Marko Nokkala, Jukka Kola Structural Policy as Investment Decisions in Finnish Rural Areas in 2000-2006: A Social Accounting Matrix Approach Nokkala&Kola
109 Marko Nokkala Social Accounting Matrices and Sectoral Analysis: The Case of Agricultural Sector Investments in Zambia Nokkala_Zambia
110 J. Asger Olsen, Peter Rørmose Jensen Current Price Identities in Macroeconomic Models Olsen&Ror
111 Iwao Ozaki, Masahiro Kuroda, Koji Nomura Economies of Plant-Scale and Structural Change OzakiKuroda
112 Lovrenc Pfajfar and Alesa Lotric Dolinar Intersectoral linkages in the Slovenian economy in the years 1990, 1992, 1993 and 1995 Key sectors in the Slovenian economy Pfajfar&Dolin
113 Jirina Lapisáková, Viera Hajnovicová The impact of internal and external disparities on the structure of the Slovak economy Lapisáková
114 Micha Przybylinski Opening the Polish Economy After 1990. Przybylinski
115 Norbert Rainer Eurostat's ESA 95 manual on Input-Output: Valuation matrices RainerEURO
116 Roberto Luís Olinto Ramos, Claudia Nessi Zonenschain The performance of the Brazilian imports and exports based on the System of National Accounts: 1980 - 1998 Ramos&Zonen
117 Hermann Schnabl The ECA-method for identifying sensible reactions within the IO-context SchnablElas
118 Bert Smid The Effects of R&D on the Dutch Production Structure SmidR&D
119 D. Stelder, J. Oosterhaven, G. J. Eding A new Interregional Input-Output Software approach to generalised interregional input-output endogenisation, linkage, multiplier and impact analysis StelderOoster
120 Günter Strassert Physical Input-Output Accounting and Analysis: New Perspectives Strassert
121 Lucja Tomaszewicz New I-O Table And SAMs For Poland Tomaszewicz
122 Mette Wier, Manfred Lenzen, Jesper Munksgaard, Sinne Smed Linking Environmental Effects to Consumption Pattern and Lifestyle - an Integrated Model Study WierLenzen
123 Takashi Yano, Hiroyuki Kosaka Trade Patterns and Exchange Rate Regimes: Testing the Asian Currency Basket Using an International Input-Output System Yano&Kosaka
124 Yulia Zaytseva Link Between Final Demand And Value Added: Two-Blocks Input-Output Model With Separation Of Goods And Services Zaytseva
125 Rossella Bardazzi Effects of the Changing Structure of Population on the Italian Economy BardazziEffect
126 Andrés Blancas A Dynamic Input-Output Model of NAFTA's Effects On Pollution BlancasDynam
127 Gerhardt Bouwer The Consequences of the Implementation of the Supply and Use Tables in South Africa Bouwer_South
128 Jiemin Guo, Mark A. Planting Using Input-Output Analysis to Measure U.S. Economic Structural Change Over a 24 Year Period Guo&Plant
129 Rutger Hoekstra, Jeroen van den Bergh Comparing and Expanding SDA and INA Techniques Applied to Physical Flows in the Economy Hoekstra&vanden
130 Maija Kurcalte, Valerijs Vdovins Input-Output Tables for Latvia: Compilation Practices and First Results Kurcalte&Vdvo
131 Ivo Lavrac, Janja Kalin Findings in Compiling Supply and Use Tables in Slovenia: Lessons for the Transition of Data Sources Lavrac&Kali
132 Louie Nan Liu, Pierre Vilain Estimating Commodity Inflows to a Sub-State Region Using Input-Output Data: Accuracy Tests Using the Commodity Flow Survey Liu&Vilain
133 Anemé Malan Changes In Income Distribution In South Africa - A Social Accounting Matrix Approach Malan_Income
134 Jan Oosterhaven, Dirk Stelder On the Use of Gross versus Net Multipliers, with a bi-regional application on Dutch transportation Oosterhaven
135 K. N. Prasad Intersectoral Terms Of Trade In Input-Output Framework: An Exploratory Study Prasad
136 D. Psaltopoulos, D. Skuras, K.J. Thomson Assessing the Economic Effects of Private Investment Initiatives in Rural Areas of Southern Europe: A Regional SAM Approach in Greece Psaltopoulos
137 Norihisa Sakurai, Yue Moriizumi Trade Patterns and Factor use: Evidence for Asia-Pacific Countries Sakurai&Mori
138 Faye Duchin International Trade: Evolution in the Thought and Analysis of Wassily Leontief Duchin
139 Paul A. Samuelson Our Wassily: W.W. Leontief (1905-1999) Samuelson
140 Liu Baojun An Analysis of Macroeconomic Impacts Produced by the Fixed Capital Investment in China LiuBaojun
141 Robert Stehrer Industrial Specialisation, Trade, and Labour Market Dynamics in a Multisectoral Model of Technological Progress Stehrer
142 William Edmondson Disaggregation of Personal Consumption Expenditures: Extending the Input-Output Accounts Edmonson&Hanson
143 Carsten Nathani Linking an IO Model with a Material Flow Model to assess Structural Chnage related to Material Efficiency Strategies. An application to the Paper Cycle. Nathani
144 Manrique de Lara Peñate, Casiano, Santos Peñate A Nonlinear Approach for the Adjustment and Updating of IO Accounts Lara&Santos

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