The International Input-Output Association (IIOA) is a non-profit, scientific organisation founded in 1988. The IIOA today is a thriving, growing and influential organisation with over 630 members spanning 59 countries.

The objective of the IIOA is the advancement of knowledge in the field of Input-Output data compilation and analysis, including improvements in basic data, theoretical insights and modelling, and applications - traditional and novel - of Input-Output techniques. The IIOA delivers its core objectives by supporting young scholars, widening the awareness of the organisation, providing exchange of experience through our global annual IIOA Conference.

The global IIOA community brings together both producers (e.g. national statistical offices) of the statistics needed and the wide range of users, analysts and policy makers to advance knowledge on energy, environment, international trade, financial flows, price and general equilibrium analysis, ecological sustainability and well-being.

We welcome you to browse through the IIOA webpages, contact one of our Council Members, and to attend our annual conferences to learn more of the IIOA and its activities.

We also encourage you to become a Member of the IIOA by registering here.

Forthcoming webinar

Presenter: Nicolò Golinucci
Title of presentation: Input-Output Analysis meets Python: a MARIO crash course

Date and time: Fri, 27-Sep-2024 15:00(CET)
Start in 6 days, 12 hours, 5 minutes

We are pleased to welcome you to the upcoming 16th IIOA Webinar scheduled for Friday, September 27th, 2024, from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM CET. We would like to extend our gratitude to Dr. Nicolò Golinucci for hosting this webinar entitled “Input-Output Analysis meets Python: a MARIO crash course”.

Dr. Nicolò Golinucci is a researcher and entrepreneur in the field of sustainability and industrial ecology. He holds a PhD in Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology from Politecnico di Milano, where his thesis focused on the role of industrial ecology in evaluating strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. During his doctoral studies with the SESAM group in the Department of Energy at Politecnico di Milano, Nicolò, along with colleagues Mohammad Amin Tahavori and Lorenzo Rinaldi, developed MARIO (Multifunction Analysis of Regions through Input-Output). MARIO is an open-source Python package designed to facilitate the use of input-output and supply-and-use tables in research. Currently, Nicolò is the administrator and senior researcher at eNextGen, a startup and spin-off from Politecnico di Milano. eNextGen provides sustainability services, with a particular focus on carbon footprinting, for companies looking to implement sustainable practices.

Abstract: The webinar aims to provide input-output researchers with the foundational knowledge to incorporate MARIO, an open-source Python software for input-output analysis, into their analytical framework, potentially enhancing research efficiency and expanding methodological options. The structure of the webinar includes:

Introduction (15 minutes): Overview of Python and existing packages for input-output analysis. Presentation of MARIO: origins, development, and key functionalities in the context of input-output analysis. Discussion on the advantages of open-source tools in academic research

Practical Demonstration (30 minutes): Step-by-step guide on MARIO usage, from basic Python setup to conducting an input-output analysis. Topics include software installation, data importation, analysis execution, and result interpretation.


Measuring the Global Economy: Launch of the New ICIO-TiVA Data

At the launch, the ICIO-TiVA team will present the latest OECD ICIO tables and TiVA indicators and information on how to access them. Additionally, a panel of experts from various fields will share their experiences using ICIO tables and TiVA indicators in their research programmes and discuss how these tools can best inform policymakers about the functioning of global production networks.

Date: 22nd November


Announcement - 2024 IIOA Conference - Save the date in your diaries

Dear valued IIOA Members,

On behalf of the IIOA Council. This note is informing you of the 30th International Input-Output Association Conference and the 12th Edition of the International School of Input-Output Analysis (ISIOA).

The location will be: Santiago, Chile

Dates for your diary: 1-5 July 2024

It is our great pleasure that the UN ECLAC will be hosting the IIOA Conference together with the Andrés Bello University, the Central Bank of Chile and the Chilean Foreign Ministry. The ISIOA sessions will be held at the esteemed Andrés Bello University.

The LOC Chair will be: José E. Durán Lima (Economic Affairs Officer, Chief, Regional Integration Unit, International Trade and Integration Division, UN ECLAC).

The SPC Chair will be: Luis Enrique Pedauga (Economic Analyst at European Commission and Associate Professor at Universidad de León).

We will have a new role liaising between the LOC and SPC, a Conference Liaison Officer (CLO), this will be: Kuishuang Feng (Associate Professor, University of Maryland).

In our usual style, a specific Conference Webpage for Santiago will be set up and further details will follow soon.

So, please start thinking of possible ideas, papers and presentations as we announce further details and key dates, in particular the Call for Papers.

Look forward to seeing you in Santiago.

Best regards
Your IIOA Team

29th IIOA Conference in Alghero, 25-30 June 2023, a beautiful Closing Video

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