Annual reports 2003MembershipMembership decreased from 357 to 338, mostly because more than 30 members had to be eliminated from the files for not having paid their membership fee for two consecutive years. 59 of the 338 individual members are nominated by institutional members. Membership (as of 30 March 2004) Individual members Individual members (including 59 members nominated by institutional members) 338 Institutional members Institutional
members 15
The usual work of the Secretariat - in close co-operation with the treasurer - comprised as usual the following activities: (a) Membership administration, (b) Recording of payments of Membership Fees, including dispatching reminders, (c) Responding to letters from members and others, (d) Communicating with the Council, (e) Communicating with our Publishing Company (subscription of members, address changes), (f) Communicating with the Editor of the journal Economic Systems Research , (g) Updating the website. The Secretariat was also involved in the preparation and organisation of the forthcoming conferences and the Council meeting held in Vienna in April 2003. The 2003 regular General Assembly was held on 28 May 2003 in Vienna . The 2004 regular General Assembly will be held on 27 May 2004, 4.30 p.m., at the Institut für Quantitative Volkswirtschaftslehre, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Sektor B, 4.Stock, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien.
The Council held a two day meeting in Vienna in April 2003 to discuss various basic issues concerning the activities of the IIOA, the preparation of the forthcoming conferences and administrative and organisational issues. The items dealt with were the following:
Results of the Council Elections 2003 According to the bylaws of the IIOA every three years Council elections must take place to replace three elected Council members whose term expires. At the end of 2003, the Council tenure of the following three Council members expired: Masahiro Kuroda, Kishori Lal and Edward N. Wolff. A call for candidates for the Council elections 2003 was mailed to all members in June 2003 and at the end of the deadline 10 members affirmed their candidacy for the Council elections. In October 2003 the ballots together with short curriculum vitae were mailed to all members who have paid their membership fee for 2003. Completed ballots were directly returned to our auditor, Dr. Baumgartner, who counted the votes and reported the results to the IIOA. Dr. Baumgartner received 106 filled in ballots, of which 105 were valid. The following three candidates (in alphabetical order) received the highest number of votes and are thus elected Council members for the years 2004 - 2012:
New President and new Vice-Presidents of the IIOA As the election period of Masahiro Kuroda ended in 2003, the new Council elected a new President. The Council elected
as the new President for the years 2004 - 2006. Furthermore, the terms of the two Vice-Presidents Faye Duchin and Jan Oosterhaven ended also in 2003, the new Council also had to elect two new Vice-Presidents for the period 2004 - 2006. The new council elected
as the new Vice-Presidents for the period 2004 - 2006.
Conference "Input-Output and General Equilibrium: Data, Modeling and Policy Analysis, September 2 - 4, 2004, Brussels , Belgium The Global Economic Modeling Network (EcoMod) and the International Input-Output Association (IIOA) organize together the International Conference on Input-Output and General Equilibrium: Data, Modeling and Policy Analysis, to be held on September 2-4, 2004 at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels , Belgium . The goal of the conference is to promote and stimulate the exchange of ideas in the field of input-output analysis and general equilibrium modeling. Under this general topic of the conference, the papers will cover the following issues:
Preparation of the 15 th International Conference on Input-Output Techniques, 27 June - 1 July 2005, Beijing , P.R. of China The International Input-Output Association (IIOA) and the Chinese Input-Output Society announce that the Fifteenth International Input-Output Conference will be held from June 27- July 1, 2005 at the Renmin University in Beijing . As already announced to the Members, this conference was originally scheduled in August 2004, but was postponed because of the threats of SARS resurrection in 2004. The formal call for papers of the conference will be announced soon, the basic information of the conference are as follows. Goal of the conference: The goal of the conference is to promote and stimulate the exchange of ideas among economists, government officials, engineers and managers with interests in input-output analysis worldwide. Authors are invited to submit any paper in input-output analysis as defined in its broadest sense. In order to make the discussions of the conference efficient and fruitful, we strongly expect your initiatives also by organising sessions on particular themes/thematic workshops and evening courses, etc. Deadline for abstracts : The deadline is currently scheduled for October 31, 2004 and authors should send their submission (including the title and the abstract of the paper, names of all authors, and full postal and e-mail address of the corresponding authors) to the Head of the Scientific Programme Committee, including
Conditions for the travel grant and the Leontief Memorial Prize can be found on the website of the IIOA . Further information is available on the website : http://www.applstats.org.cn/I&O/i&omain.htm Norihisa
Volume 15 (2003) had 516 pages, which clearly exceeded our page limit (of 464 pages). I would like to acknowledge our publisher for allowing me to do so. I was happy to be able to continue the policy of one special issue per year. Rob Vos edited issue 2, "Accounting for Poverty and Income Distribution Analysis," with papers presented at a seminar at the Institute of Social Studies (ISS) in The Hague in November 2001, on the occasion of Graham Pyatt's farewell as a professor of the ISS. By the end of the year, Michael L. Lahr and Louis de Mesnard were editing the special issue "Biproportional Techniques in Input-Output Analysis," with selected papers presented in the sessions they had organized for the Montréal conference. In addition, several other colleagues have contacted me with their plans for special issues in the future. It thus seems that also in the next volumes we can carry on the tradition of one special issue per year. It was a pleasure to be able to devote the entire issue 3 to the Montréal conference. It included the invited papers based on the keynote addresses delivered by Lawrence R. Klein, Dale W. Jorgenson and Frederic M. Scherer, and the two papers that were presented in the plenary session "Papers from the Leontief Memorial Prize Competition" (including the prize-winning paper by Kazuhiko Nishimura). The referees were very fast with their reports to which the authors responded quickly and accurately. Therefore, this issue could be published within a year after the conference. A full account of the number of submissions and their status on January 1, 2004, is given in Table 1. It provides a detailed overview for 2003 and a comparison with the four foregoing years. The number of submissions has recovered and is at the level of 1999 again. This is good news, bearing the very lean year 2001 in mind. Also the prospects for the future are positive. It turns out that the number of submissions has become less dependent on the input-output conferences, which places a journal in a somewhat vulnerable position. A consequence of the larger number of submissions is that the rejection rate tends to be increasing. In comparison to several other journals, it may seem as if our rejection is fairly low. It should be stressed, however, that ESR is a specialized journal so that authors have a fairly adequate idea of its standards. Most submissions are already of a very decent quality (although almost all papers require at least one revision). Table 1. Overview of submissions and their status.
Percentages are based only on the ordinary submissions, i.e.
excluding the contributions to special issues. The rejection rate
includes the withdrawn papers and the remainder consists of submissions
with the referees or with the author(s) for revision. Erik
Dietzenbacher In 2003 the deficit was a little bit higher than expected. There are two main reasons: - The revenue from Membership Fees was smaller than expected. Fewer members used the opportunity to pay their Membership Fees for two or more years. In addition some of our Institutional Members had difficulties to pay their fee. The Fee is still 110 US $ for two years or US $ 60 for one year. - On the expenditure side we tried hard to keep to costs low. In interpreting the financial report one has to take into account that the report is in US $. Because of the current exchange rate US $ to EURO some costs turned out higher than planned. Most of our costs - with the exception of the costs for the journal - have to be covered in EURO. Expressed in EURO the costs were lower than planned. For 2004 we expect no deficit but no big surplus either. The additional costs for the special Conference in Brussels this September will be compensated by additional money coming from our publishing company Francis & Taylor . In addition we were able to attract two new institutional members from 2004 onwards. On March 30, 2004 already 119 members had paid their membership fee for 2004, 22 for 2005 and a few even for 2006.
Richter |
International Input-Output Association (IIOA) • Urbangasse 16/19 • A-1170, Vienna, Austria |