| Authors | Titles of papers | Files |
1 |
Mun-Heng TOH |
Projecting the Leontief Inverse Directly by the RAS method |
mhtoh.pdf |
2 |
Heinz D.Kurz and Neri Salvadori |
The Dynamic Leontief Model and the Theory of Endogenous Growth |
salvador.pdf |
3 |
Clopper Almon |
Regression with Just the Facts |
justfact.pdf |
4 |
Clopper Almon |
How to Make a Product-to-Product Input-Output Table |
purity.pdf |
5 |
Clopper Almon |
A Perhaps Adequate Demand System with Applications to France, Italy, Spain and USA |
symcon4.pdf |
6 |
Wang Yinchu |
From Data Preparation to Construction of Simulation Models: the QUICKDYME Approach in COMPASS |
nanjing1.pdf |
7 |
Zuo Li and Wang Yinchu |
The Treatment of the Discrepency between the Systems of Input Output and National Accounting |
nanjing2.pdf |
8 |
Erik Diezenbacher, Bert Smid and Bjo/rn Volkerink |
Horizontal Integration in the Dutch Financial Sector |
horint.pdf |
9 |
Ina Drejer |
Technological Interdependence in the Danish Economy - A Comparison of Methods for Identifying Knowledge Flows |
denmark.pdf |
10 |
Bart Los |
The Empirical Performance of a New Interindustry Technology Spillover Measure |
spillov.pdf |
11 |
Erik Dietzenbacher, Alex R. Hoen and Bart Los |
Labor Productivity in Western Europe 1975-1985: An Intercountry, Interindustry Analysis |
europrod.pdf |
12 |
Harry C. Wilting, Wouter Biesiot, and Henri C. Moll |
An Input-Output Based Methodology for the Evaluation of Technological and Demand-Side Energy Conservation Options |
wilting.pdf |
13 |
Douglas Nyhus |
Investment and Exports : A Trade Share Perspective |
inv&trd.pdf |
14 |
Douglas S. Meade |
The Relationship of Capital Investment and Capacity Utilization with Prices and Labor Productivity |
Meade.pdf |
15 |
B.Areosso-O'Callaghan Guoqiang Yue |
An Analysis of Structural Change in China using Biproportional Methods |
andreoss.pdf |
16 |
Juan Carlos Collado Elena Alonso |
Impact of the Single Currency in the Spanish Economy Using a Dynamic Multisectoral Model |
collado.pdf |
17 |
Chin Lee |
Factor Price Equalization and The Demand for Skilled and Unskilled Labor |
chin.pdf |
18 |
Samuel Guillet GabrielleAntille |
Towards A Multisectoral Model for Switzerland |
antille1.pdf antille2.ps
19 |
Jan Oosterhaven |
Regional Economic Impacts: Non-, Semi-, and Full- Survey Methods Applied to the Energy Distribution sector in the Northern Netherlands |
edon-ny.pdf |
20 |
Adam Z. Rose, P-C Li |
Income Distribution Effect of Government Transfers : Sensitivity to Closure Rules in Input-Output and Compatible General Equilibrium Approaches |
income_d.pdf |
21 |
Bart Verspagan Merit |
Technology Spillovers Between Sectors and Over Time |
rm98_007.pdf |
22 |
Annemarth Idenburg |
Technology Choices and the Eco-efficiency of the Economy : a Dynamic Input-Output Approach |
ami98019.pdf |
23 |
Pirkko Aulin-Ahmavaara |
Effective Rates of Sectoral Productivity Change |
aulin.pdf |
24 |
Tobais F.N. Schmidt |
One Solution for a Bunch of Problems? European Environmental Tax Reforms and the Double Dividend Hypothesis |
iopaper.ps |
25 |
Davorin Kracun |
A Model of Short-Run Responses to Monetary, Fiscal, Income and Price Policies |
kracunny.pdf |
26 |
Flemming Møller and Mette Wier |
Indirect and Avoided Environmental Consequences in Project Evaluation |
Flemio.pdf |
27 |
Christian Bidad and Guido Erreygers |
Sraffa and Leontief on Joint Production |
sraflean.pdf |
28 |
Dr. Cristian Gehrke |
An Early Contribution to the Analysis of the Impacts of Automation on Workers |
automati.pdf |
29 |
Jean Claude Hennet |
A Feedback Control Approach to Multistage Production Planning Based on Input-output Analysis |
hennet_ioconf.pdf |
30 |
Victoria Shestalova |
A General Equilibrium Analysis of International TFP growth rates |
Shestalo.pdf |
31 |
Waughray, D.K. and Abelardo Rodriguez |
Valuing Water as an Economic Good in Dryland Areas- Balancing the Need for Food, Environmental and Financial Security |
PaperD~2.pdf |
32 |
Xiaoming Pan |
Interindustrial Effects of Labor Productivity : an Empirical Study of China |
xiaoming.pdf |
33 |
Josef Ricther |
Reflections on the Empirical Foundations of Input-Output Analysis |
Ricther.pdf |
34 |
Christian Lutz |
NOx Emissions and the Use of Advanced Pollution Abatement Techniques in West Germany |
Lutzny.pdf |
35 |
Greenhalgh and Mary Gregory |
Labour Productivity and Product Quality: Their Growth and Inter-Industry Transmission in the UK 1979 to 1990 |
greegreg.pdf |
36 |
Erik Dietzenbacker and Bjørn Volkerink |
Key Sectors of Innovation |
keyinno.pdf |
37 |
Terry Barker |
Achieving a 10% cut in Europes CO2 emissions Using Additional Excise Duties : Multilateral Versus Unilateral Action using E3ME |
NY2A.pdf |
38 |
Bernd Meyer |
ECO- Taxes, CO2 - Emissions and Structural Change in Germany |
new.pdf |
39 |
Jan Van der Linden |
Input-Output and the Analysis of Sector Policy Scenerios |
EIS-meth.pdf |
40 |
Paul Konijn |
Input-Output Systems in Current and Constant Prices in the European Union after the Introduction of ESA95 |
W4W12.pdf |
41 |
Mehmet Kula |
Analysis of Price Increases by the Input-Output Costing Model in the Turkish Economy, 1996 |
iioasum.pdf con-tables.xls
42 |
Ina Drejer |
Technological Interdependence in the Danish Economy - A Comparison of Methods for Identifying knowledge Flows |
Denmark_flows.pdf |
43 |
Ali H. Bayar |
Can Europe Reduce Unemployment Through Environmental Taxes? |
W4W1.pdf |
44 |
Sake de Boer and Wim Van Nunsopeet |
Simultaneous Compilation of Current and Constant Prices in Supply and Use tables |
simulta.pdf |
45 |
Victor S. Venida |
Employment, Productivity and the Informal Sector in the Phillippines , 1974-88 : An Input -Output Analysis |
nydrfr98.pdf |
46 |
Wim Van Nunspeeet |
Ten Years Supply and Use Tables in the Netherlands |
10_Y_NY.pdf |
47 |
Micheal L. Lahr |
A Strategy for Producing Hybrid Regional Input-Output Tables |
strategy.pdf |
48 |
Joyashree Roy |
Qualitative Input-Output Analysis of the Indian Economic Structure |
joy1.pdf |
49 |
Xiaoming Pan |
Interindustrial Effects of Labor Productivity: an Empirical study of China |
xiaming.pdf |
50 |
Victoria Shestalova |
A General Equilibrium Analysis of International TFP Growth Rates |
shestalo.ps |
51 |
Augustin Canada |
Spanish Experience on the Implementation of a Computerized System According to ESA-95 I/O Framework |
canada.pdf |
52 |
Oscar de Juan and Eladio Febrero |
Measuring Productivity from Vertically Integrated Sectors |
Measur~1.pdf |
53 |
Paula Antonello |
Simultaneous Adjustment of Quantities and Prices: an Example of Hamiltonian Dynamics |
antonell.pdf |
54 |
Axel Düring |
National Innovation Systems Analysed by the SMFA: A Comparison between Germany,Japan, and the USA for the Decade 1980/1990 |
during.pdf |
55 |
Bill Edmondson |
A Procedure For Determining Food and Fiber Output, Employment, and Value-Added by Agricultural Sector |
edmondsn.pdf |
56 |
Kenneth A. Reinert |
What Difference Does a Country Make? Open- and Closed- Loop Effects in North America |
reinert.pdf |
57 |
Giandemetrio Marangoni |
Infrastructure and Performance of the Italian Economic System |
nynyny.pdf |
58 |
Norbert Rainer |
Derivation of Input-Output Matrices from Supply and Use Tables in the 1993 SNA/ 1995 SNA |
Paper.pdf |
59 |
Helmet Maier |
Are Economic Goals and Goals of Environmental Protection Compatible |
absflo98.pdf |
60 |
Ludvik Bogataj |
Input-Output Analysis Applied to MRP Models with Compound Distribution of Total Demand |
Journali.pdf |
61 |
Maurizio Grassini |
The Core of the Multisectoral INFORUM Model |
Core.pdf |
62 |
Akiko Nakajima |
Japan Korea Link Input-Output Analysis |
jklink.pdf |
63 |
D. Campisi and M. Gastaldi |
Regional Growth in Multiregional I-O Framework |
ny.pdf |
64 |
Y.M. Siddiqi and M. Salem |
Implementing the 1993 SNA Recommendation on Valuation in Canadian Input-Output Accounts |
siddsale.pdf |