12th International Conference on Input-Output Techniques

In total: 64 papers

 AuthorsTitles of papersFiles
1 Mun-Heng TOH Projecting the Leontief Inverse Directly by the RAS method mhtoh.pdf
2 Heinz D.Kurz and Neri Salvadori The Dynamic Leontief Model and the Theory of Endogenous Growth salvador.pdf
3 Clopper Almon Regression with Just the Facts justfact.pdf
4 Clopper Almon How to Make a Product-to-Product Input-Output Table purity.pdf
5 Clopper Almon A Perhaps Adequate Demand System with Applications to France, Italy, Spain and USA symcon4.pdf
6 Wang Yinchu From Data Preparation to Construction of Simulation Models: the QUICKDYME Approach in COMPASS nanjing1.pdf
7 Zuo Li and Wang Yinchu The Treatment of the Discrepency between the Systems of Input Output and National Accounting nanjing2.pdf
8 Erik Diezenbacher, Bert Smid and Bjo/rn Volkerink Horizontal Integration in the Dutch Financial Sector horint.pdf
9 Ina Drejer Technological Interdependence in the Danish Economy - A Comparison of Methods for Identifying Knowledge Flows denmark.pdf
10 Bart Los The Empirical Performance of a New Interindustry Technology Spillover Measure spillov.pdf
11 Erik Dietzenbacher, Alex R. Hoen and Bart Los Labor Productivity in Western Europe 1975-1985: An Intercountry, Interindustry Analysis europrod.pdf
12 Harry C. Wilting, Wouter Biesiot, and Henri C. Moll An Input-Output Based Methodology for the Evaluation of Technological and Demand-Side Energy Conservation Options wilting.pdf
13 Douglas Nyhus Investment and Exports : A Trade Share Perspective inv&trd.pdf
14 Douglas S. Meade The Relationship of Capital Investment and Capacity Utilization with Prices and Labor Productivity Meade.pdf
15 B.Areosso-O'Callaghan Guoqiang Yue An Analysis of Structural Change in China using Biproportional Methods andreoss.pdf
16 Juan Carlos Collado Elena Alonso Impact of the Single Currency in the Spanish Economy Using a Dynamic Multisectoral Model collado.pdf
17 Chin Lee Factor Price Equalization and The Demand for Skilled and Unskilled Labor chin.pdf
18 Samuel Guillet GabrielleAntille Towards A Multisectoral Model for Switzerland antille1.pdf
19 Jan Oosterhaven Regional Economic Impacts: Non-, Semi-, and Full- Survey Methods Applied to the Energy Distribution sector in the Northern Netherlands edon-ny.pdf
20 Adam Z. Rose, P-C Li Income Distribution Effect of Government Transfers : Sensitivity to Closure Rules in Input-Output and Compatible General Equilibrium Approaches income_d.pdf
21 Bart Verspagan Merit Technology Spillovers Between Sectors and Over Time rm98_007.pdf
22 Annemarth Idenburg Technology Choices and the Eco-efficiency of the Economy : a Dynamic Input-Output Approach ami98019.pdf
23 Pirkko Aulin-Ahmavaara Effective Rates of Sectoral Productivity Change aulin.pdf
24 Tobais F.N. Schmidt One Solution for a Bunch of Problems? European Environmental Tax Reforms and the Double Dividend Hypothesis iopaper.ps
25 Davorin Kracun A Model of Short-Run Responses to Monetary, Fiscal, Income and Price Policies kracunny.pdf
26 Flemming Møller and Mette Wier Indirect and Avoided Environmental Consequences in Project Evaluation Flemio.pdf
27 Christian Bidad and Guido Erreygers Sraffa and Leontief on Joint Production sraflean.pdf
28 Dr. Cristian Gehrke An Early Contribution to the Analysis of the Impacts of Automation on Workers automati.pdf
29 Jean Claude Hennet A Feedback Control Approach to Multistage Production Planning Based on Input-output Analysis hennet_ioconf.pdf
30 Victoria Shestalova A General Equilibrium Analysis of International TFP growth rates Shestalo.pdf
31 Waughray, D.K. and Abelardo Rodriguez Valuing Water as an Economic Good in Dryland Areas- Balancing the Need for Food, Environmental and Financial Security PaperD~2.pdf
32 Xiaoming Pan Interindustrial Effects of Labor Productivity : an Empirical Study of China xiaoming.pdf
33 Josef Ricther Reflections on the Empirical Foundations of Input-Output Analysis Ricther.pdf
34 Christian Lutz NOx Emissions and the Use of Advanced Pollution Abatement Techniques in West Germany Lutzny.pdf
35 Greenhalgh and Mary Gregory Labour Productivity and Product Quality: Their Growth and Inter-Industry Transmission in the UK 1979 to 1990 greegreg.pdf
36 Erik Dietzenbacker and Bjørn Volkerink Key Sectors of Innovation keyinno.pdf
37 Terry Barker Achieving a 10% cut in Europes CO2 emissions Using Additional Excise Duties : Multilateral Versus Unilateral Action using E3ME NY2A.pdf
38 Bernd Meyer ECO- Taxes, CO2 - Emissions and Structural Change in Germany new.pdf
39 Jan Van der Linden Input-Output and the Analysis of Sector Policy Scenerios EIS-meth.pdf
40 Paul Konijn Input-Output Systems in Current and Constant Prices in the European Union after the Introduction of ESA95 W4W12.pdf
41 Mehmet Kula Analysis of Price Increases by the Input-Output Costing Model in the Turkish Economy, 1996 iioasum.pdf
42 Ina Drejer Technological Interdependence in the Danish Economy - A Comparison of Methods for Identifying knowledge Flows Denmark_flows.pdf
43 Ali H. Bayar Can Europe Reduce Unemployment Through Environmental Taxes? W4W1.pdf
44 Sake de Boer and Wim Van Nunsopeet Simultaneous Compilation of Current and Constant Prices in Supply and Use tables simulta.pdf
45 Victor S. Venida Employment, Productivity and the Informal Sector in the Phillippines , 1974-88 : An Input -Output Analysis nydrfr98.pdf
46 Wim Van Nunspeeet Ten Years Supply and Use Tables in the Netherlands 10_Y_NY.pdf
47 Micheal L. Lahr A Strategy for Producing Hybrid Regional Input-Output Tables strategy.pdf
48 Joyashree Roy Qualitative Input-Output Analysis of the Indian Economic Structure joy1.pdf
49 Xiaoming Pan Interindustrial Effects of Labor Productivity: an Empirical study of China xiaming.pdf
50 Victoria Shestalova A General Equilibrium Analysis of International TFP Growth Rates shestalo.ps
51 Augustin Canada Spanish Experience on the Implementation of a Computerized System According to ESA-95 I/O Framework canada.pdf
52 Oscar de Juan and Eladio Febrero Measuring Productivity from Vertically Integrated Sectors Measur~1.pdf
53 Paula Antonello Simultaneous Adjustment of Quantities and Prices: an Example of Hamiltonian Dynamics antonell.pdf
54 Axel Düring National Innovation Systems Analysed by the SMFA: A Comparison between Germany,Japan, and the USA for the Decade 1980/1990 during.pdf
55 Bill Edmondson A Procedure For Determining Food and Fiber Output, Employment, and Value-Added by Agricultural Sector edmondsn.pdf
56 Kenneth A. Reinert What Difference Does a Country Make? Open- and Closed- Loop Effects in North America reinert.pdf
57 Giandemetrio Marangoni Infrastructure and Performance of the Italian Economic System nynyny.pdf
58 Norbert Rainer Derivation of Input-Output Matrices from Supply and Use Tables in the 1993 SNA/ 1995 SNA Paper.pdf
59 Helmet Maier Are Economic Goals and Goals of Environmental Protection Compatible absflo98.pdf
60 Ludvik Bogataj Input-Output Analysis Applied to MRP Models with Compound Distribution of Total Demand Journali.pdf
61 Maurizio Grassini The Core of the Multisectoral INFORUM Model Core.pdf
62 Akiko Nakajima Japan Korea Link Input-Output Analysis jklink.pdf
63 D. Campisi and M. Gastaldi Regional Growth in Multiregional I-O Framework ny.pdf
64 Y.M. Siddiqi and M. Salem Implementing the 1993 SNA Recommendation on Valuation in Canadian Input-Output Accounts siddsale.pdf

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