Fifteenth International Input-Output Conference ,Beijing, China P.R., June 27- July 1, 2005

Conference Program of the 15th International Input-Output Conference

Book Abstract of the 15th International Input-Output Conference

DAY Name of Sessions Authors
Title of Papers
PDF files
DAY I (Monday, June 27, 2005)
Plenary Session 1
Faye Duchin
Input-Output Economics and the Physical World
Lester Lave
Economic Input-Output Life Cycle Analysis Making Life Cycle Analysis Practical
J. Steven Landefeld
Input-Output Accounting: The Partnership between Users and Producers
Chen Xikang
Chinese Economic Development and Input-Output Extension
Session I.1.1

Anders Hammer Strømman, Glen Peters,
Edgar G. Hertwich,
Faye Duchin

The Global Value Chain Impacts of Increased Chinese Demand on Aluminium

Faye Duchin,
Roxana Juliá

Adapting to Climate Change: Global Agriculture and Trade. A Structural Approach
Bernd Meyer
Modeling Opportunities and Limits for Restructuring Europe towards Sustainability(MOSUS)
Session I.1.2
Erik Dietzenbacher
Waste Treatment in Physical Input-Output Analysis
Yuichi Moriguchi,
Keisuke Nansai,
Seiji Hashimoto,
Shinsuke Murakami, Shigekazu Matsui, Shigesada Takagi
Multi-Dimensional Physical I-O Tables (MDPIOT) for Japan: Framework, empirical data and applications
Jan Christoph Minx, Giovanni Baiocchi,
John Barrett,
Thomas Wiedmann, Sangwon Suh,
Manfred Lenzen
On the value of physical input-output tables for monitoring economy-wide resource flows
Session I.1.3
Jiemin Guo,
Mark A. Planting,
Mikael Mortensen,
Yvon Pho
Integrating U.S. Input-Output Tables with SNA: An Assessment Study
Ann Lawson
A Post-Mortem on the Method Used to Integrate the U.S. Industry Accounts
Andrew Bernat,
Richard Chard
Constructing Regional Purchase Coefficients to Improve Measures of US Interregional Trade
Session I.1.4
Shri Prakash
Human Development Index in an Input Output Framework
Shalini Sharma
Determining Values of Product and Company Brands in Input Output Framework As Outcomes of Intellectual Property Rights
R. Hemalatha
Education in Human Development Index of India - An Analysis
Session I.1.5
Hak. K Pyo,
Keun-Hee Rhee,
Bong Chan Ha
Growth Accounting, Productivity Analysis, and Purchasing Power Parity in Korea (1984-2002)
Ruoen Ren
Time-Series Input-Output Tables
Ruoen Ren
Industry Level TFP Growth in China
Session I.1.6
Heinz D. Kurz,
Neri Salvadori
Input-Output Analysis as Seen from a Higher Standpoint
Albert E. Steenge,
Richard van den Berg
Input-Output a la Quesnay: a Fuller Economic Vision
Gilbert Abraham-Frois, Emeric Lendjel
"Father" Potron's Early Contributions to Input-Output Analysis
Session I.1.7
Joao Ferreira do Amaral, Joao Dias,
Joao Carlos Lopes
Complexity as interrelatedness: An inter-sectoral approach
J. C. Lopes,
J. F. Amaral,
J. Dias
A new interrelatedness indicator to measure economic complexity, with an application to the Portuguese Case
Debdas Bandyopadhyay, Prasanta Mandal
Statistical Analysis of Complexity in Productive Structure of Indian Economy: 1984-1996
Session I.1.8
Nuria Gomez Sanz,
Luis Antonio Lopez Santiago,
Maria Angeles Tobarra Gomez
R&D Spillovers and Industrial Employment: the Case for Spain in 1993-2002
Joze P. Damijan,
Mark Knell
Measuring Spillovers between Industries through the Use of Input-Output Matrices
Petr Hanel,
Bilkis Khanam
Total Factor Productivity Growth and the R&D Expenditures of Canadian Manufacturing and Services Industries: Contribution of Inter-Industry and International spillovers, 1973-2000
Session I.1.9
Alexandra Manuela Gomes, Pedro Ramos
A Social and Regional Accounting Matrix for Portugal Focusing on Income Distribution
Andres Blancas
The Inter-Institutional Linkage Analysis: A SAM Approach
Maurizio Ciaschini,
C. Socci
Linkages in Social Accounting Matrix: Backward and Forward Dispersion Approach
Session I.1.10
Sergio Parrinello
The Service Economy Revisited
Rita Bhowmik,
Dilip Halder
Importance and Expansion Potentiality of Service Sector in Indian Economy, 1968-69 - 1993-94
Robert Stehrer,
Waltraud Urban
Comparisons of IO Structures in the Transition Countries
Session I.1.11
Nobuhiro Okamoto,
Takeo Ihara
Spatial Structure and Regional Development in China
Nobuhiro Okamoto,
Satoshi Inomata,
Takao Sano
Estimation Technique of International Input-Output Model by Non-survey Method
Ikuo Kuroiwa
Formation of Inter-Country Production Networks in East Asia: Application of International Input-Output Analysis
Session I.2.1
T. Barker,
P. Dewick,
S. de Ramon,
J. Koehlor,
Haoran Pan
Long-term Technological Change in Input-Output Coefficients for a Global Model: E3MG 1970-2100
Glen Peters,
F. Duchin
Tariffs and Comparative Advantage in Global Trade
Session I.2.2
Helga Weisz,
Peter Fleissner
Conceptual Differences between Physical and Monetary IO Models
Jan Christoph Minx, Giovanni Baiocchi
Time Use and Sustainability: An Input-Output Approach in Mixed Units
Stephan Moll
Physical Input-Output Analyses: Some Experiences from Ongoing Research
Session I.2.3
Charles Bowman
Coefficient change in input-output forecasting models
Zhibiao Wang
Nonlinear Direct Input Coefficient When Technological Progress Takes place
Filippo Moauro,
Riccardo Corradini
Volume Measures of Input-Output Table in a Time Series Perspective: a Proposal for Italy
Session I.2.4
Liv Hobbelstad Simpson
Experience with compilation of Supply and Use and Input-Output Tables for Constant Price Compilation of National Accounts in Different Countries
Marek Rojicek
Use of the Supply and Use Tables in the Process of Constant Prices Estimation
Janja Kalin
Establishing the Compilation of Supply and Use and Input - output Tables at Constant Prices in Slovenia
Session I.2.5
Kazuyo Yokoyama,
Tetsuya Nagasaka
Development and Evaluation of An Model for Estimating Material and Energy Recovery from Landfilled Waste
Kazuhiko Nishimura
Instability in Autonomous Recycling Systems with Design Effect and Its Internalization
Shigemi Kagawa
Input-Output Analysis, Consumption Structure, and the Household Production Structure
Session I.2.6
Kazushige Shimpo
Industry Level TFP Growth in Japan
Marcel Timmer
International Comparisons of Sectoral Prices and Productivity
Kazuyuki Motohashi
TFP Growth and Level Comparison of China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan and United States
Session I.2.7
Robert Smith,
Alessandra Alfieri
Overview of the SEEA-2003 and its Relationship to Input-Output
Jan van Tongeren,
Roldan Muradian,
Ruud Picavet,
Jose Carlos Vera La Torre
Environmental Accounts Frameworks for Integrating Statistical Development and Policy Analysis: A Case Study of the Impacts of Exports on the Economy and Environment of Peru
Session I.2.8
Jie Zhang
Regional Tourism Satellite Accounts for Denmark: Accounting and modeling
F. Bazzazan,
A.A. Banouei,
M. Alavinasab
Economic Impacts of Tourism on Yazd Province: A Central Region of Iran
Tianhu Fan,
Jan Oosterhaven
Impact of International Tourism on the Chinese Economy
Session I.2.9
Liu Baojun
The Cause of China's Industrial Structure Evolution: A Systematic Analysis
Esteban Fernandez Vazquez,
Bart Los,
Carmen Ramos Carvajal
Using Additional Information in Structural Decomposition Analysis
Kiyonori Matsuki,
Shigemi Kagawa,
Hajime Inamura
A Spatial Structural Decomposition Analysis of the International Fragmentation
Session I.2.10
Xiuli Liu
CPE-IHO Model to Calculate the Direct, Complete and Conjunct impact of Dumping or Subsidy on Import Country's Economy
Hongxia Zhang
The Optimal Education Funds Input in China: an Analysis of Multi-Sector Endogenous Growth Based on the Extended Input-Output Model on Education (EIOME)
Fu Xue
Chinese Education Structure for Sustainable Development: a Multiyear Lag Education-Economy Extended I-O Model with Assets Occupancy
Session I.2.11
Cid L. Terosa,
George Manzano
Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process Technique (AHP) in Input-Output Key Sector Analysis
M. Alejandro Cardenete,
Ferran Sancho
The Missing Link in Key Sectors Analysis
M. Alejandro Cardenete,
Gaspar J. Llanes
Keysectors Analysis Using Social Accounting Matrices: An Alternative Approach
Evening Course on Monday
Yusuf Siddiqi
The Role of I-O Tables in the System of National Accounts
Ezra Davar
Prices in Input-Output System Models
DAY II(Tuesday, June 28, 2005)
Session II.1.1
Bernd Meyer,
Christian Lutz,
Marc Ingo Wolter
The Impact of Chinas Investment Growth on Economic Growth and Resource Consumption in the World. Results of Simulations with the Global Model GINFORS
Sam Cole
Integrating Culture into Global Scenarios and Models
Emilio Fontela,
Jose M. Rueda-Cantuche
Linking Cross-Impact Probabilistic Scenarios to World Social Accounting Models
Session II.1.2
Sangwon Suh
Attribution Principles in Linear Systems - the Role of Units
Session II.1.3
Oliver Fritz,
Erwin Kolleritsch,
Gerhard Streicher
Compiling a Multiregional Input-Output Table for Austria: A Discussion of Methods and Conceptual Issues
Bjarne Madsen,
Chris Jensen-Butler
Spatial Accounting Methods and the Construction of Spatial Social Accounting Matrices
Session II.1.4
Jinghua Li
A Weighted Structural Decomposition Analysis of Coke in China
Yang Cuihong
Analysis of Human Capital Contribution to the Chinese Economy
Xiuli Liu,
Chen Xikang
The Nonlinear Important Coefficients Input-Holding-Output Model
Session II.1.5
Gustav Dieckheuer
External Trade, Value Added and Employment: Studies with an Input-Output-Model for Germany
Yinglee Tseng,
Guang Yang
An Estimate of the Impact of Textile Quotas Elimination on China
Baoping Guo
Import-Export Analysis vs. Input-Output Analysis
Session II.1.6
Alessandra Alfieri,
Ilaria Dimatteo
The SEEA Framework for Water Accounts and Its Relationship to Other Water Management Databases
Manfred Lenzen,
Barney Foran
Australia's Water Accounts - Structure and Applications
Glenn-Marie Lange
Managing Water in Botswana and Namibia: an Accounting Approach
Session II.1.7
Shri Prakash,
B. Balakrishnan
Input Output Modeling of Employment and Productivity as Base of Growth
A. Ramasubramanian
Macro Contribution of a Micro-Level Company A Study Through Input-Output Framework
Session II.1.8
Gazi Ozhan
A Two-Region SAM for Turkey: The Marmara Region and the Rest of Turkey, 2003
A.A. Banouei,
M. Jelodari Mamaghani,
J. Banouei
Analysis of Structure of Production and Institutional Income Distribution since 1970 The Case of Iran
Susana Santos
Government Expenditure with Households and Vice Versa: A SAM Approach Applied to Portugal
Session II.1.9
Yun-kwong Kwok,
Eden S. H. Yu
Leontief Paradox and the Role of Factor Intensity Measurement
Chul Chung
Industry-specific Factor Abundance and Factor Content of Trade: Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek Theorem Revisited
Zahra Afshari,
Iman Sheibani,
Maryam Afshari
An Input-Output Model for Assessing the Alternative Growth Strategies in Iran
Session II.1.10
Viera Hajnovicova,
Jirina Lapisakova
The Analysis of Energy Consumption in the Slovak Republic

Torstein Bye,
Erling Holmoy,
Finn Roar Aune

The Structure of Energy Demand in a Long Run Perspective: A CGE Decomposition for Norway
Kakali Mukhopadhyay,
Debesh Chakraborty
Energy Intensity in India during Pre-Reform and Reform Period - An Input-Output Analysis
Session II.1.11

Keisuke Nansai,
Rokuta Inaba,
Shigemi Kagawa,
Yuichi Moriguchi,
Seiji Hashimoto,
Minoru Fujii

Classifying Goods and Services as a Simple Indicator for Sustainable Consumption
R. R. Tan,
L. Pascual-Aquino
Predicting Direct and Indirect Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Biofuel Use with Life Cycle Assessment and Input-Output Analysis
Jesper Munksgaard,
Line Block Christoffersen, Mette Wier,
Trine S. Jensen,
Ole Gravgaard Pedersen,
Hans Keiding
Indexing the Environmental Pressure of Consumption - an Approach combining Input-Output Analysis, DEA and Damage Costs
Session II.2.1
Gulay Gunluk-Senesen
I-O Teaching in the 2000s
Ronald E. Miller,
Peter D. Blair
Miller and Blair II, "Input-Output Analysis Foundations, Extensions and Frontiers"
Session II.2.2
Zhang Lingling,
Tong Rencheng
Study on Relationship between ERP Logic and Consume Coefficient of Manufacture Enterprise I/O Table
Frank Felder,
Michael Lahr,
Nancy Mantell,
Scott Weiner
The Potential Economic Effects of an Enhanced Renewable Portfolio Standard for Electric Utilities in New Jersey
Vito Albino,
Silvana Kuhtz,
Ganli Peng,
Chaoying Zhou
Energy and Materials Use in Italian and Chinese Tile Manufacturers: a Comparison Using an Enterprise Input-Output Model
Session II.2.3
Dirk Stelder
Endogenous Agglomeration in an Interregional I-O Framework
Kwangmoon Kim
Comparative Analysis of the Economies of Asian MEGA Cities Based on the Inter-Regional Input-Output Model: Tokyo, Manila, and Ho Chi Minh
Norihiko Yamano,
Kazumi Hitomi,
Norihisa Sakurai
The Sensitivity of Multiregional Economic Structure to Exogenous Changes
Session II.2.4
Hassan Farsijani
Aligning Production Management Strategy for Managing Input-Output and Competitive Advantages
Deepak Iyengar,
Joseph P. Bailey,
Philip T. Evers
An Input-Output Analysis of Supply Chain Structure
Blanca Gallego,
Manfred Lenzen
Sharing the Responsibility for Industrial Production Impacts: A General Model
Session II.2.5
Satoshi Nakano,
Hirofumi Kito,
Yuji Sakai
Measures to Reduce SOx Emissions in a Coal-Dependent Area: Case Study of Shenyang, Liaoning Province
Kazuhiko Nishimura,
Satoshi Nakano
An Assessment of CO2 and SOx Emission Mitigation Potentials by Using Electric Power Planning Models for Three Regions in China
Benfan Liang
Effect of Pollutant Discharge Fee on the Environmental Protection of China
Session II.2.6
Luc Avonds
Belgian Input-Output Tables: State of the Art
Abel Lucena,
Monica Serrano
The Valuation System of the Input-Output Tables within the SAM and AGEMS Framework
Michel Braibant
Compilation of Use Matrix of Intermediate Consumption in France for a New Benchmark Year 2000
Session II.2.7
GianDemetrio Marangoni,
Giulio Fezzi
The Leontief Model and Economic Theory
GianDemetrio Marangoni
The Economic Consequences of a Technological Revolution
Toseef Azid,
Muhammad Junaid Khawaja
Vintage Capital and Survival Potential: Measurement through Marginal Input-Output Coefficients
Session II.2.8
Mitsuru Shimoda, Takatoshi Watanabe,
Kiyoshi Fujikawa
A Comparative Study on Direct and Indirect Division of Labor in Asia-Pacific Region Using IDE International IO Tables
Shuntaro Shishido,
A. Kawakami,
M. Kurokawa,
A. Movshuk,
K. Tamashiro
Policy Simulations with an Integrated Model for Japan and Northeast Asia
Hiroyuki Kosaka,
Takashi Yano
A 1985-90-95 Linked International Input-Output Analysis on Global Warming in the Asia-Pacific Region
Session II.2.9
Luis E. Vila
Integration vs. Polarization: A Sharing Model Approach to the Labor Market Effects of A Process of Educational Expansion
Nooraddin Sharify
Investigation for an Optimum Structure of Labor Force Using a Linear Programming Model

Bernhard Eckwert,
Itzhak Zilcha

Improvement in Information, Income Inequality and Growth
Session II.2.10
Xiaohui Yuan,
Juan Mei,
Jin Fan
Multiplier Analysis on Structural Characteristics of Consumption of Rural Residents in China
Juan Mei,
Jin Fan
Compilation of Chinese Rural Residents Consumption Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) of 2003
Zhiyang Yin,
Jin Fan,
Qingwu Zheng
Analysis and Compilation of Regional Insure-Economic -Social Accounting Matrix in China
Session II.2.11
Claudia Nessi Zonenschain Olinto Ramos
Analysis of the Process of Structural Changes Occurred in the "Catch-Up" Experience of South Korea, Brazil and China, through the Use of Input-Output Tables and Other Economic Indicators
Mikio Suga
The Influence on Inequality of Compensation of Employee by Change in Industrial Structure
J.M. Albala-Bertrand
Relative Capital Shortage and Potential Output Constraint: A Gap Approach
Session II.3.1
Anders Wadeskog
Analysis of Households in the Environmental Accounts - the Swedish Experience
Wang Jin-nan,
Jiang Hong-qiang,
Cao Dong,
Zhu Bao-liang
Building and Simulation-analysis of Environmental and Economic Computable Models for China
M. Wier,
T. C. Jensen,
L. B. Christoffersen,
J. Munksgaard,
T.S. Jensen,
O.G. Pedersen,
H. Keiding
Growth, Economic Policy and Environmental Performance
Session II.3.2
Hong Zhao
Compilation and Application of China Input-Output Table
Antonio D'Agata
An Adaptive Multisectoral Model with Structural Change
Helmut Maier
Economic Explanation of Natural and Social Phenomena - Is There an Economic System within Nature?
Session II.3.3
John Gowdy
The Revolution in Economic Theory and the Future of Input-Output Analysis
Albert E. Steenge,
Marija Bockarjova
Preparing for the Increasing Risk of Big Floods in a Low-Lying Country
Sam Cole
An Input-Output Approach to Performance and Protection in China's Regional Economies
Session II.3.4

Jin Fan,
Yan Wang,
Hanhui Hu

Shock Analysis of the Impact of the Implementation of Consumption Credit Policy on China's Township Residents' Consumption Behavior-A CGE-based Analysis
Cristela Goce-Dakila,
Shoshi Mizokami,
Kwangmun Kim
Impact of Transport Margin on Economic Welfare in National Capital Region, Philippines: A Single Region SAM Approach
Klaus Conrad,
Henrike Koschel,
Andreas Loschel
Not Employed 35 Hours or Employed 40?- A CGE Analysis for Germany
Session II.3.5
Yuichi Hasebe,
Nagendra Shrestha
Trade and Economic Growth in East Asia: An Analysis for Economic Interdependency Using International Input-Output Table
Hikaru Sakuramoto,
Kozo Ishida,
Masahiko Shimizu,
Ayu Washizu,
Naoko Takenaka
Economic and Environmental Interdependency in East Asian Countries
Kazushige Shimpo,
Asako Okamura
IO-based Model of the World Economy: Changes in Lifestyles of Households in Thailand
Session II.3.6
Oliver Fritz,
Gerhard Streicher,
Gerold Zakarias
MultiREG - A Multiregional Econometric Input-Output Model for Austria: An Overview of the Model's Structure and its Development
Gerhard Streicher,
Gerold Zakarias
Endogenizing Regional Trade Relations in the Context of a Multiregional Econometric IO Model
Gerold Zakarias,
Oliver Fritz,
Kurt Kratena,
Gerhard Streicher
Endogenous Update of I-O Coefficients in a Multiregional Econometric IO Model
Gerhard Streicher,
Gerold Zakarias
Projecting Transport Demand for Austria until 2025: An Application of a Multiregional Econometric IO-Model
Session II.3.7
Michael Landesmann,
Robert Stehrer
Outsourcing, Regionalism and Global Economic Growth
Robert Stehrer
Effects of World Economic Integration on Growth, Structure and Labor Markets
Gianni Vaggi,
Marco Missaglia
The European Union enlargement and its Influence on the Economic Relations between the EU and MENA Countries
Session II.3.8
Nguyen T.
Anh Tuyet,
Keiichi N. Ishihara
Evaluation of Energy Productivity in Vietnam using IO Table
Jayant Sathaye,
Joyashree Roy,
Raman Khaddaria,
Sarmistha Das
Reducing Electricity Deficit through Energy Efficiency in India: An Evaluation of Macroeconomic Benefits
Xu Jian
The ECA Method for Evaluating Effect on Energy Requirements of Economic Growth
Session II.3.9
Olav Bjerkholt,
Mark Knell
Did Ragnar Frisch Discover Input-Output Economics?
Christian Lager
The Treatment of Fixed Capital
Akhabbar Amanar
Is the constancy of technical coefficients a matter of tolerance? Leontief and the Cowles Commission's econometricians
Session II.3.10
Rafael Bouchain,
Roberto Ramirez
Structural Change in the Mexican Economy
Seok-Hyeon Kim
Impacts of Information Technology on Productivity and Linkage of the US Economy
Araceli Nivon Zaghi
Software Development for Input-Output Analysis
Session II.3.11
J. V. Alarcon,
B. Khondker,
PD. Sharma,
SHD Unit staff Bangladesh Planning Commission
Interactive Interface - The SHD Modelling System for Monitoring Sustainable Human Development in Bangladesh
Partha Pratim Ghosh, Arpita Dhar,
Debesh Chakraborty
A Keynes-Leontief-Klein Type of "Integrated Macro-Econometric and Input-Output Model" for Sri-Lanka
Hu Guoqiang
Comparative Analysis of Economy-Motivating Consumption, Investment and Net Export in Henan Province
Session II.4.1
Chandrima Sikdar,
Debesh Chakraborty
Promotion of Free Trade between India, Bangladesh and the European Union
Gulay Gunluk-Senesen,
Umit Senesen
Relative Price and Technology Components of Import Liberalisation in Turkey: 1973-1996
Session II.4.2
Gloria P. Gerilla,
Kardi Teknomo,
Kazunori Hokao
Technological Changes in Japanese Housing and Its Effects on Carbon Emissions
Yang Wei,
Niklaus Kohler
Analysis on Mass-Energy Flows and Environment Impacts of the Construction Sector of China
Kakali Mukhopadhyay
Environment and Poverty in India: An Input-Output Approach
Session II.4.3
Gong Yurong
Input & Output Investigation and Analysis of Railway Transportation Industry in 2002
Ole Kveiborg
A Comparison of Economic Impacts from Pricing Schemes in Transport: A Review of Different Methodological Approaches and the Results They Can Give
Shoshi Mizokami,
Motoki Itose,
Cristela Goce-Dakila
Impact of Transport Infrastructure Investment on Regional Economic Welfare: A Spatial Computable General Equilibrium (SCGE) 2-Region Model
Session II.4.4
Bernardi Cabrer,
Jose Manuel Pavia,
Amparo Sancho
Innovation Diffusion: an Approach to Spanish Sectors
Kim Heon-Goo
Industrial Labor Productivity from IT Innovation: Korea Case 1995-2000
Christian DeBresson
Innovative Poles and Innovative Holes in China during the Early 1990s: What Input-Output's Can Contribute
Session II.4.5
Ki Seok Byun,
Chong Gui Kim
Analysis for the Factor of Growth of Korean Economy: 1975~2000
Natalino Martins
Structural Change and Economic Growth in Portugal: An Application of Input-Output Decomposition Analysis
Anita Kumari
Liberalization and Sources of Industrial Growth in India: An Analysis Based on Input-Output Approach
Session II.4.6
Ilmo Maenpaa
Comparison of Environmental Multipliers of Physical and Monetary Leontief Inverse
Suwin Sandu,
Deepak Sharma
Carbon Dioxide Emissions in the Australian Electricity Supply Industry: A Structural Decomposition Analysis
Julio Sanchez-Choliz,
Rosa Duarte,
Alfredo Mainar
Ecological Impact of Household Activity in Spain A New Approximation to Ecological Footprints
Session II.4.7
Rafael Bouchain,
Roberto Ramirez
In Vindication of the Gosh model on the Forward Linkages
Ezra Davar
Input-Output System Models: Leontief versus Ghosh
Session II.4.8
Joaquim Bento de Souza Ferreira Filho
Bottom-UP X Top-Down Regional Modeling: A Comparison of the Two Approaches in Modeling Regions Inside Brazil
Bjarne Madsen,
Chris Jensen-Butler
LINE - An Interregional General Equilibrium Model for Danish Municipalities
Morten Larsen,
Bjarne Madsen,
Chris Jensen-Butler
Modeling Transport in an Interregional General Equilibrium Model with Externalities
Session II.4.9
Guo Jue,
Li Qi,
Xing Gong Qi
Input-Output Analysis of the Influential Effect of Chinese Financial Development to Economic Growth
Ali Souri
The Oil Export and the Growth Pattern of Iran
Pham Van Bo
Role of Construction Sector in National Economy: A Study of India and Vietnam
Session II.4.10
David Batten,
James Lennox,
Scott Maves
SESAME-Water: A System of Economic and Social Accounting Matrices and Extensions to support Water Policy and Management in Australia
Ramon G. Guajardo Quiroga,
Patricia I. Garcia Lopez
Assessing the Impact of Water Supply on the Economy of Nuevo Leon, Mexico: Empirical Results from an Input-Output Model
Session II.4.11
Clopper Almon
Introduction to Inforum Software
Somprawin Manprasert
Optimization in Dynamic Interindustry Models Built with Inforum Software
Frank Hohmann
Synchronous Solution of Several Dynamic Interindustry Models
Evening Course on Tuesday
Mark Planting
Methodological Overview of Construction of I-O Accounts, special focus on the U.S. accounts
Susana Santos
Social Accounting Matrix and the System of National Accounts: An Application
DAY IV(Thursday, June 30)
Session IV.1.1
Peter Ritzmann
European Union Input-output Data
Carlo Driesen,
Erik Hoogbruin,
Brugt Kazemier
From Supply and Use Tables to Input-Output Tables and Vice Versa
Maria Forgon,
Csak Ligeti
Integration the Hungarian SUT/IOT and the National Accounts
Iljen Dedegkajeva,
Reelika Parve
Compilation of Product-by-Product IOT for Estonia
Session IV.1.2
James Thurlow
Diversification and Poverty-Reduction in Zambia: An Economy-Wide Approach
Glenn-Marie Lange,
Jon Barnes
A Social Accounting Matrix for Tourism in Namibia
Aneme Malan
Compilation of a Social Accounting Matrix according to the 1993 System of National Accounts: The South African Experience
Scott McDonald,
Cecilia Punt,
Melt van Schoor
A Multi Region Social Accounting Matrix for South Africa
Session IV.1.3
Patrick Canning,
Zhi Wang
A Flexible Mathematical Programming Model to Estimate Interregional Input-Output Accounts
Zhan Guo,
Karen R. Polenske
Evaluation of Yellow-Dust Storms and Countermeasure Policies in North China Using
Li Shantong,
He Jianwu
A Three-regional Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model for China
Session IV.1.4
M. Grassini
The Difference of CGE Modeling and INFORUM Approach
Wang Yinchu
The Impact of Free Trade between China and Japan on Chinese Economy
Mitsuhito Ono
Simulation of Japan-China Regional Economic Arrangement
Douglas Nyhus
China: An Input-Output Modeling System
Session IV.1.5
Lin Sun
The linkage of Shanghai Economy with the Rest of China and the World market|Input-Output and CGE Model Analysis
Zhang Jin Shui,
Hao Xiao Hong
The Optimal Growth Solution for the Multi-sector Nonlinear Dynamic Input-Output Model And the Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Model
Wang Fei, Guo Songhong,
Mitsuo Ezaki
Labor Migration and Regional Development in China: A Regional CGE Analysis
Mingtai Fan,
Yuxin Zheng,
Shuchang Qi,
Jie Chen
A Dynamic CGE Model for China's Agricultural Policy Analysis
Session IV.1.6
Taye T. Amos
Determinants of Technical and Allocative Efficiency Among Small-Scale Maize Farmers in Nigeria
Xiaohe Liu,
Xu Jian, Ping Liu,
Benjamin Buetre
Developing an Input-Output Table of China for Detailed Agricultural Policy Analysis
Guan Qingsheng,
Zhang Dongping
On the Harmony of Agriculture with Economy: The Henan Province Case
G. N. Nagaraja,
Komala C. N.,
Mamatha Girish,
G. Nanjundagowda
Optimization of Farm Income in Integrated Dairy Based Farming Systems
Session IV.1.7
Maury Gittleman,
Thijs ten Raa,
Edward N. Wolff
The Vintage Effect in TFP Growth: An Analysis of the Age Structure of Capital
Hiroshi Izumi,
Jie Li
Productivity Growth in Japanese Economy by Industry \A Estimation through Total Labor Productivity and Total Factor Productivity
Erik Dietzenbacher,
Olaf de Groot,
Bart Los
Consumption Growth Accounting
Christoph Meister,
Bart Verspagen
European Productivity Gaps: Is R&D the Solution?
Session IV.1.8
Ping Fan
The Current Status of Input-output in Xinjiang Region and the Deliberation for Its Application
Deyou Zhao
A Solution to Draw up Production Branch Input-Output Tables Improvement to UV Calculative Methods
Zhang Yaxiong
The Compilation and Application of 1997 China Multiregional Input-Output Model

Zaizhe Wang,
Zuyao Hu,
Xianchun Xu,
Shuchang Qi,
Kouzo Miyagawa

The Regional Structure of Chinese Economy
Session IV.1.9
Yusuf Siddiqi
Capitalization of Research and Development: The Canadian Experience
H. Bergmann
Data based Uncertainty in Regional Input-Output-Analysis
Alexander Elbert
Trade Margins of Israel - Methods and Problems of Calculations
Bent Thage
Symmetric Input-Output Tables: Compilation Issues
Session IV.1.10
D.P. Pal,
Economic Integration: A Systemic Measure in I-O Framework
Anushree Sinha,
KA Siddiqui,
Poonam Munjal
Impact of Globalization on Home Based and Other Women Workers: A Macro Analysis
Chandrima Sikdar,
Thijs ten Raa,
Pierre Mohnen,
Debesh Chakraborty
India-Bangladesh Bilateral Trade in the Context of Globalization: A General Equilibrium Approach
Vijay K. Bhasin,
Camara Obeng
Trade Liberalisation, Foreign Borrowing, Poverty, and Income Distributions of Households in Ghana
Plenary Session 2
Anne P. Carter
Input Output and Mainstream Economics in the United States: Research Strategy and Representation of Technology
Emilio Fontela,
Antonio Pulido,
Gabrielle Antille Gaillard
Input-Output in Europe: Trends in Research and Applications
Masahiro Kuroda
Input-Output Analysis of the Japanese Economy: Structural Analysis and its Application
Andras Brody
Time's Arrow and Errors in Data and/or Computation in Leontief Models
Session IV.2.1
Jin Fan,
Qingwu Zheng,
Yan Wang,
Xiaohui Yuan
Scenario Analysis on the Influence of Improving the RMB Exchange Rate Regimes Forming Mechanism on the China's Macro Economy-General Equilibrium Analysis
Jing He
An Empirical Analysis of Macrocosmic Response to Crude Oil Price Volatility in China by Using the Input-Output Models
Gao Ying,
He Jianwu
Study on Application of Structural Path Analysis Method within a SAM Framework
Session IV.2.2
Wang Jiamo
A Feasible Dynamic Nonlinear Input-Output Model
Debdas Bandyopadhyay
Growth-equity Trade-Off: A Case Study of India
Oscar De-Juan,
Eladio Febrero
A Giant with Clay-Feet. (Non-equilibrium Prices in AGE models).
Session IV.2.3
Peter R. Jensen,
Thomas Olsen
Structural Decomposition Analysis of Air Emissions in Denmark 1980-2002
Bui Trinh,
Francisco Secretario,
Kwangmoon Kim,
Duong Manh Hung
Construction of Mega City's Inter-Regional Input-Output Table for Vietnam by the Hybrid Approach
Bui Trinh,
Francisco T. Secretario, Le Ha Thanh,
Kim Kwangmun,
Nguyen Thuy Duong
Economic Environmental Impact Analysis Based on a Bi-region Interregional I-O Model for Vietnam
Session IV.2.4
Rodrigo Simoes
Spatial Industrial Complexes; Spatial Accessibility Matrix and Fuzzy Logic Approach, Minas Gerais - Brazil
Joost R. Santos
Impact Assessment of Major Economic Disruptions using the Inoperability Input-Output Model (IIM)
M. Alejandro Cardenete Flores,
M. Carmen Lima
Impact Assessment of European Structural Funds in Andalusia: a CGE Approach
Session IV.2.5
Hartmut Kogelschatz
On the Solution of Stochastic Input-Output Models
Zonghie Han,
Bertram Schefold
An Empirical Investigation of Paradoxes (Reswitching and Reverse Capital Deepening) in Capital Theory
Jose Ramon Guzman
Bifurcations of an Input-Output Reaction Diffusion Model
Session IV.2.6
Takayuki Hatano,
Takaaki Okuda
Virtual Water Analysis on the Yellow River Basin Using Multi-Regional I-O Tables
Dabo Guan,
Klaus Hubacek,
Laixiang Sun
Virtual Water Flows in China: Input-output Analysis for Hydro-economic Regions
Session IV.2.7
Ho Un Gim
The Overestimation Problem in the Leontief Multiplier: A Suggested Solution Based on "the General Relation"
Akiko Nakajima
Decomposition of Employment Inducement Coefficients Case of Japan, USA and ROK
Roland Lantner
Interdependence, Feedback Loops and Leontief Inverse
Session IV.2.8
Nuria Gomez Sanza, Luis Antonio Lopez Santiago, Maria Angeles,
Tobarra Gomez
Foreign Outsourcing and Industrial Employment: The Case of Spain 1993-2002
Pham Quang Ngoc,
Pierre Mohnen
Optimal Choice of Ownership Structure in Vietnam
Lining He,
Faye Duchin
Agriculture and Regional Development in China: A Structural Analysis of Scenarios about the Future
Evening Course on Wednesday
Yusuf Siddiqi
Compiling Regional Input-Output Tables
Liv Hobbelstad Simpson,
Janja Kalin,
Marek Rojicek
Supply and Use Tables as compilation framework for Supply and Use Tables and Input-Output Tables in Constant Prices
DAY V (Friday, July 1)
Session V.1.1
Wang Yixuan
Energy Accounts of China, Compilation and Use
O.G. Pedersen
Waste Accounts Based on Physical Input-Output Tables
Aldo Femia
Calculation of Indirect Material Flows of Imported Products in an Incomplete Economy: Combining IO Analysis and Technical Coefficients
Session V.1.2
Motaz Khorshid
Problems of Expanding the Input-Output tables to a Comprehensive Social Accounting Matrices: Lessons of Experience from the Middle East Countries.
F. Bazzazan,
M. Alavinasab,
A.A. Banouei
Construction Regional Input-Output Table and Its Applications
Edoardo Pizzoli
From Firm's and Farms' Balance-Sheets to the National Input-Output Table: An Empirical Investigation for 2000 Year
Session V.1.3
Li Shantong,
Duan Zhigang
Macroeconomic Effects of Olympic Economy on the Beijing and Rest of China
Ning Ai,
Karen R. Polenske
Application and Extension of Input-Output Analysis in Economic-Impact Analysis of Dust Storms: A Case Study in Beijing, China
Yu-Hung Hong
Assessing Property Tax Reform in China: An Input-Output Analysis
Xiaoyu Shi
Energy Prices and Intensity in China
Session V.1.4
Raja M. Albqami
Determine the Impact of Money Supply on the Real Economic Growth
Burkhard Schade
A System Dynamics Model to Evaluate Economic Feasibility of Environmentally: Sustainable Scenarios with an Integrated Input-Output-Table
Jing He
A Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Model to Calculate Shadow Prices of Water Resources: Implications for China
Session V.1.5
Giuseppe Freni,
Fausto Gozzi,
Neri Salvadori
Existence and Uniqueness of Balanced Growth Paths in an Endogenous Growth Multisector Linear Model
Liu Xinjian
A Relative Theory of National Production
Thijs ten Raa
Debreu's Coefficient of Resource Utilization, the Solow Residual, and TFP: The Connection by Leontief Preferences
Session V.1.6
Raufdeen Rameezdeen,
Nisa Zainudeen,
Thanuja Ramachandra
Study of Linkages between Construction Sector and other Sectors of the Sri Lankan Economy
Paramita Dasgupta,
Debesh Chakraborty
The Structure of the Indian Economy
A.K. Patro
Structural Change of the Orissan Economy: an Analysis between 1994-95 and 2001-02
Session V.1.7
Jari Kauppila
Applying Input-Output Approach in Economic History: The Finnish Economy at the Dawn of the Great Depression of the 1930s
Natalino Martins
Symmetrizing and Deflating in the Construction of the Portuguese Input-Output Tables for 1995 and 1999
Filippo Moauro,
Riccardo Corradini
Volume Measures of Input-Output Table in a Time Series Perspective: a Proposal for Italy
Michel Braibant
Comparison of Input-Output tables in Different Countries
Session V.1.8
Jane Kiringai
Updating an Input-Output Table with Insufficient Information: A Kenyan Example
Manfred Lenzen,
Blanca Gallego,
Richard Wood
A Flexible Approach to Matrix Balancing under Partial Information
Jan Oosterhaven and Bertus G. Talsma
GRAS and RAS versus Minimizing Absolute and Squared Differences in Coefficients
Session V.2.1
Milan Jayasinghe
On the Mechanics of Measuring the Production of Financial Institutions: New Insights from Canadian Experience
Zhao Jinwen
Diagnostics High Leverage Cases and Influential Observations in Regression Analysis
Erik Dietzenbacher,
Vito Albino,
Silvana Kuhtz
The Fallacy of Using US-Type Input-Output Tables
Session V.2.2
Ryoji Hasegawa
Regional Comparisons and Decomposition Analyses of CO2 Emission in Japan
Pongsun Bunditsakulchai
Price-endogenized Inter-industry Approach with Goods and Bads - Theory and Application -
Kakali Mukhopadhyay,
Debesh Chakraborty,
Erik Dietzenbacher
Pollution Haven and Factor Endowment Hypotheses Revisited: Evidence from India
Session V.2.3
Liu Lin-qing,
Tan Li-wen
Identification of Mage-Clusters with the Method of Maxima: Application to Hubei Province
Mina Mahmoodi
Analysis of the Link between Input-Output and Population at the Regional Level: The Case of Yazd Province of Iran
Ma Zhong,
Chen Bo,
Shang Haiyang
Compilation and Application of Local Input-Output Table: A Case of Gansu Province of China
Session V.2.4
Eryuan Wang
Input-Output Analysis of Energy Consumption
Baiding Hu
An Analysis of Energy Intensity in China
Baiding Hu
Modelling Sectoral Fuel Demand in China
Session V.2.5
Ding Jingzhi,
Min Qi,
Lin Yi
Forecast of Crude Oil Price and Its Impact on China's Economy
Kenneth U. Nnadi
A Quantitative Economics of Structural Interdependencies in Nigeria's Real Sector
Fu Xue
Impact of Increase of Industries Fixed Capital Investment on Chinese Economy

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