Intermediate Input-Output Confernece, 2004 - Brussels, Belgium

hold in Brussels, Belgium, September 2-4, 2004

Conference program

In total: 135 papers

 AuthorsTitles of papersConference Papers
1 Raja ALBQAMI Economic Impact of Tourism Sector on Saudi Arabian Economy Paper
2 Alessandro ANTIMIANI, Fedrica SANTUCCIO Mid-Term Review, Enlargement and "Effective Market Access" in theEU: an Evaluation in a CGE Context, Paper
3 Lawrence ARBENSER A General Equilibrium Analysis of the Impact of Inward FDI on Ghana:The Role of Complementary Policies, Paper
4 Pirkko AULIN-AHMAVAARA Aggregation of Industry-Level TFP-Measures Paper
5 Carlos AZZONI, Eduardo A. HADDAD, Joaquim M. GUILHOTO, Tatiane A. MENEZES, Fernando G. SILVEIRA Commodity Prices Changes and their Impacts on Poverty in DevelopingCountries: the Brazilian Case, Paper
6 Ali Asghar BANOUEI, Jillian Banouei Structure of Production and Urban Rural Income Inequalities in theFramework of Structural Path Analysis:The Case of Iran., Paper
7 Ali BAYAR, Peter CORNELISSE, Peter van der HOEK, Cristina MOHORA Tax Harmonization and Public Expenditures Restructuring in Romania,in the Process of Preparation for the EU Accession - A CGE Modeling, Exercise, Paper
8 Fatemeh BAZZAZAN Economic Structural Changes Overtime in Iran Paper
9 Wolfram BERGER Optimal Monetary Policy Under Global and Sectoral Shocks: IsInternational Monetary Cooperation Beneficial?, Paper
10 Luciano BERTI Prices for Welfare Paper
11 Keshab Raj BHATTARAI Welfare Impacts of Equal-yield Tax Reforms in the UK Economy Paper
12 Mariano BLANC Dynamic Equilibrium in Input Output Models: Theory and EmpiricalApplications, Paper
13 Uwe BLIEN, Friedrich GRAEF The Application of the ENTROP Procedure Paper
14 Marija BOCKARJOVA The Direct Estimation of the Event Matrix in the Input-OutputFramework in the Case of a Major Catastrophe, Paper
15 Francesco BOSELLO, Marco LAZZARIN, Roberto ROSON, Richard TOL Economy-Wide Estimates of the Implications of Climate Change: SeaLevel Rise, Paper
16 Rafael BOUCHAIN Algorithm to Calculate the Total Linkages Paper
17 Heloisa BURNQUIST, Cinthia Cabral DA COSTA, Joaquim José MARTINS GUILHOTO Impacts of Changes in Regional Sugar and Ethanol Exports uponBrazilian overall Economy, Paper
18 Edgars BREKIS, Ismena REVINA The Indicators of Macroeconomic Policy in Baltic Countries Paper
19 Anne BRIAND Comparative Water Pricing Analysis: Duality Formal-Informal in aCGE Model for Senegal, Paper
20 Jorge BUZAGLO, Alvaro Calzadilla A Multisectoral Distributional Study of Poverty Reduction: TheBolivian PRSP, Paper
21 Brita BYE, Birger STRØM, Turid ÅVITSLAND Welfare Effects of VAT Reforms: A General Equilibrium Analysis Paper
22 Jan CAPEK, Ivana KRAFTOVA Application of I/O Model in Seasonal Cycle Analysis of a SampleCzech Company, Paper
23 M. Alejandro CARDENETE, Francisco J. ANDRE, Esther VELAZQUEZ Performing an Environmental Tax Reform in a Regional Economy. A CGEApproach, Paper
24 Rosa Belen CASTRO NUÑEZ Analysis of the US technological Spillovers over the MexicanEconomy, Paper
25 J. Marcos CASTRO, Laura MONICHE-BERMEJO Antonio MORILLAS-RAYA Cross-Border Leakages in Community Support Frameworks. The Case ofAndalusia (Spain)., Paper
26 Jose Paulo Z. CHAHAD, Antonio E. COMUNE, Eduardo A. Haddad Spatial Interdependence of Brazilian Exports: Impacts on RegionalLabor Markets, Paper
27 Joana CHAPA The Impact of North American Free Trade Agreement on the MexicanEconomy, Paper
28 Joana CHAPA A Structural and Trade Liberalization Analysis of the MexicanEconomy, Paper
29 Maurizio CIASCHINI, Claudio SOCCI Backward and Forward Dispersion Approach in a Bi-regional SocialAccounting Framework, Paper
30 Cinthia COSTA, Joaquim José MARTINS GUILHOTO, Heloisa LEE BURNQUIST Relations of the Regional Cane Agroindustry with the NationalEconomy: Analysis Applied to the Center-South and North-Northeast, Paper
31 Luis CRUZ Energy Use and CO2 Emissions in Portugal Paper
32 Samir CURY, Carlos Henrique CORSEUIL Allexandro M. COELHO A Computable General Equilibrium Model to Analyse DistributiveAspects in Brazil with a Trade Policy Illustration, Paper
33 Harvey CUTLER, Stephen DAVIES The Economic Consequences of Population-and Employment-Led Growth Paper
34 Louis DE MESNARD Understanding the Shortcomings of Commodity-Based Technology inInput-Output Models: an Economic-Circuit Approach, Paper
35 Francisco Javier DE MIGUEL, Antonio Manresa Suppression of Agricultural Subsidies in the Extremadura Region: anApplied General Equilibrium Analysis, Paper
36 Erik DIETZENBACHER Waste Treatment in Physical Input-Output Analysis Paper
37 Erik DIETZENBACHER, Kakali MUKHOPADHYAY An Empirical Examination of the Pollution Haven Hypothesis forIndia: Towards a Green Leontief Paradox?, Paper
38 Xoan-Ramon Doldán-Garcia M.L. CHAS-AMIL, Y. ZOTES-TARRÍO Application of Input-Output Methods for the Study of the GalicianFishing in 1999., Paper
39 Edson P. DOMINGUES, Mauro B. LEMOS Regional Impacts of Trade Liberalization Strategies in Brazil Paper
40 William EDMONDSON The Switch from SIC to NAICS in a Partially-Closed Model of theU.S. Benchmark Accounts: The Implications for Agriculture., Paper
41 Taran FÆHN, Antonio G. GOMEZ-PLANA, Snorre KVERNDOKK Can a Carbon Permit System Reduce Spanish Unemployment? Paper
42 Jin FAN, Qingwu ZHENG, Yan WANG, Xiaohui YUAN, Junwei LIANG Does the Marshall-Lerner Condition Hold in China? - EmpiricalAnalysis Based on China's SAM 2000, Paper
43 Margarida FIGUEIREDO, Alexandre Lahóz MENDONÇA DE BARROS, Joaquim José MARTINS GUILHOTO Agriculture and Productive Structure of the State of Mato Grosso,Brazil: an Input-Output Approach, Paper
44 Christos FLOROS, Pierre FAILLER Policy Analysis for Fisheries: A Dynamic CGE Approach Paper
45 Maria FORGON, Csák LIGETI Integration the Hungarian SUT and I/O into the National Accounts Paper
46 Greg GAJEWSKI, David CROWTHER, Bazlul KHONDKER, Marc LUPPINO, Sajjad ZOHIR Estimating the Impacts of the Jamuna Bridge on Poverty Levels inBangladesh Using SAM and CGE Models: A Comparative Study, Paper
47 Ziad GHANEM Updating Input-Output Tables: A Linear Programming Approach Paper
48 Nishaal GOOROOCHURN Tourism Taxation: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation Paper
49 Maurizio GRASSINI Rowing along the Computable General Equilibrium ModellingMainstream, Paper
50 Branko GRCIC, Blanka PETKOVIC, Zeljko Mrnjavac Impact Analysis of Various EU Policies Applying I-O Technique Paper
51 Paul GRETTON Ian BOBBIN Mark HORRIDGE A Users Perspective on the, Treatment of Transport Activities in Input-Output Tables and, Suggestions for the Future, Paper
52 José Ramón GUZMÁN Dynamics of an Input Output Reaction Diffusion Model Paper
53 Eduardo HADDAD, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings Transportation Costs, Increasing Returns and Regional Growth: AnInterregional CGE Analysis, Paper
54 Zonghie HAN, Bertram SCHEFOLD An Empirical Investigation of Paradoxes (Reswitching and ReverseCapital Deepening) in Capital Theory, Paper
55 Jing HE Optimization model in Input output analysis and computable generalequilibrium by using multiple criteria non-linear programming, Paper
56 Jing HE, Xikang CHEN A dynamic computable general equilibrium model to calculate shadowprices of water resources: implications for China, Paper
57 Pascal HETZE The Joint Use of Technology and Know-How. What Are the Effects onUnemployment and Innovation?, Paper
58 Friedrich HINTERBERGER, Stefan GILJUM Modelling Global Resource Use: MFA, Land Use and Input-OutputModels, Paper
59 Bart HOBIJN, Margaret MCCONNELL, Bess RABIN Unraveling the U.S. Supply Chain Paper
60 Alex HOEN, Erik DIETZENBACHER, Bart LOS, Jan G. Meist International Convergence and Divergence of Material InputStructures: An Industry-Level Perspective, Paper
61 Marjan HOFKES, Reyer GERLAGH, Vincent LINDERHOF Trend Analysis of Sustainable National Income for the Netherlands, Paper
62 Jose IBARRA A Dynamic Input Output Model for the Mexican Economy Paper
63 Katsushi IMAI Targeting versus Universalism: An Evaluation of Indirect Effects ofthe Employment Guarantee Scheme in India, Paper
64 Olga IVANOVA The Influence of Market Imperfections on the Evaluation ofInvestments - a SCGE Model Approach, Paper
65 Alexandrine JAMIN, Jean-Marc BONNISSEAU General Equilibrium Theory and Increasing Returns: an Alternativeto the Survival Assumption, Paper
66 Ronald JANßEN-TIMMEN, Waike MOOS The Economic Importance of Cross-Sectional Technologies: AnInput-Output Approach, Paper
67 Milan JAYASINGHE On the Mechanics of Measuring the Production of FinancialInstitutions, Paper
68 Jim JIN, David CANNING Price Setting General Equilibrium With Intermediate Goods Paper
69 Shigemi KAGAWA, Shinichiro NAKAMURA, Hajime INAMURA Measuring Spatial Repercussion Effects of Regional Waste Recycling Paper
70 Claudia KEMFERT, Truong P. TRUONG, Thomas BRUCKNER Economic Impact Assessment of Climate Change -A Multi-gasInvestigation, Paper
71 Mirela KEUSCHNIGG, Christian KEUSCHNIGG Aging, Labor Markets and Pension Reform in Austria Paper
72 Robert KEYFITZ Currencies and Commodities: Modeling the Impact of Exchange Rateson Commodity Prices in the World Market, Paper
73 Mossa Anisa KHATUN, Hajime INAMURA A Dynamic International Trade Model Using Overlapping Generationand General Equilibrium Concept, Paper
74 Motaz Khorshid Model-Centered Government Decision Support Systems forSocioeconomic Development in the Arab World, Paper
75 Chonggui KIM The structure of the Korean Economy on the 2000 Input-Output Tables Paper
76 Karl KIM, Denise EBY KONAN Using I-O Analysis and CGE Modeling to Estimate InfrastructureDemand in Hawaii, Paper
77 Kunhong KIM, Young Sik KIM Intermediate Input Channel and the Sectoral Comovement alongBusiness Cycle: Analysis Based on the Intertemporal Optimisation, Approach, Paper
78 Gernot KLEPPER, Sonja PETERSON The EU Emissions Trading Scheme: Allowance Prices, Trade Flows,Competitiveness Effects, Paper
79 Juraj KOTULIC BUNTA, Viliam PALENIK, Miroslav KOTOV Review of Recent CGE Applications in the Slovak Republic's Economy Paper
80 Kurt KRATENA, Michael WUEGER A Consumers Demand Model for Sustainable Development Paper
81 Roland LANTNER, Frederic Carluer A Theoretical Indicator of General Interdependence in Some LinearSystems: Application to the French Regional Case, Paper
82 João C. LOPES, João F. AMARAL, João DIAS Complexity as Interrelatedness: an Input-Output Approach Paper
83 Bart LOS, Erik DIETZENBACHER, Olaf DE GROOT Consumption Growth Accounting Paper
84 Casiano MANRIQUE DE LARA PEÑATE, Dolores SANTOS PEÑATE Step-Wise SAM Updating Approaches Paper
85 Kenning MARCHANT Tournament Determinants in Input-Output Relations Paper
86 Kenning MARCHANT The Cognitive Infrastructure of Input-Output Relations Paper
87 Igor MARCIALIS The Impact of the Network Enterprises Development on the GlobalMarket Equilibrium: the Need to Manage the Resource Flows outside the, Rules as a Must to Survive, Paper
88 Alain MAURIN, Sébastien MATHOURAPARSAD Jean-Gabriel MONTAUBAN Social Accounting Matrices and Sectoral Analysis for Guadeloupe:First Prototype Models and First Results, Paper
89 Inge MAYERES, Stef PROOST Testing Alternative Transport Pricing Strategies: A CGE Analysisfor Belgium, Paper
90 Bernd MEYER, Christian LUTZ, Marc Ingo WOLTER Global Multisector/Multicountry 3 - E Modelling: From COMPASS toGINFORS, Paper
91 Nadezhda MIKHEEVA, Masaaki Kuboniwa Social Accounting Matrices for Russia for 1995-2001 Paper
92 Tobias MÜLLER Evaluating the Economic Effects of Income Security, Reforms in Switzerland: an Integrated Microsimulation - Computable, General Equilibrium Approach, Paper
93 Kakali MUKHOPADHYAY Impact of Trade on Energy Use and Environment in India: AnInput-output Analysis, Paper
94 Akiko NAKAJIMA, Taiji HAGIWARA, Yoshihiro TAMAI, Wen REN Inter-Relationship of Total Labour Requirement and Value AddedProductivity of Labour in the Phases of Economic Fluctuations: Case of, USA for Years 1987 to 1997, Paper
95 Jean-Pascal Nguessa NGANOU Estimating the Key Parameters oF the Lesotho CGE Model Paper
96 Hildegunn NORDÅS Vertical Specialization and the Quality of Infrastructure Paper
97 Takaaki OKUDA, Takayuki HATANO, Shuchang QI An Estimation of a Multi-Regional Input/Output Table in China andthe Analysis, Paper
98 Ngoc PHAM QUANG, Pierre MOHNEN Impact of Structural Change on Economic Growth in Vietnam Paper
99 Edoardo PIZZOLI Agricultural Sector in Input-output Matrix: a Microdata Approachfor the Italian Case., Paper
100 Alexandre A. PORSSE A Methodology to Estimate an Input-Output Matrix Integrated withan Account System at State Level, Paper
101 Geoff RIDDINGTON, Hervey GIBSON A Comparison of National Accounts, Survey and Location Quotientbased Local Area models and multipliers., Paper
102 Peter RITZMANN European Union Data for Input-Output and General, Equilibrium Modelling, Paper
103 Marek ROJICEK, Ivan JANOVSKIJ CGE Models Applied on New European Union Members, Case of CzechRepublic, Paper
104 José Manuel RUEDA-CANTUCHE, Thijs TEN RAA Secondary Products in the Andalusian Economy Paper
105 José Manuel RUEDA-CANTUCHE Thijs TEN RAA Stochastic Analysis of Input-Output Multipliers on the Basis ofUse and Make Matrices, Paper
106 José Manuel RUEDA-CANTUCHE Marisa ASENSIO PARDO, Antonio TITOS MORENO A Use-side Trade Margins Matrix for the Andalusian Economy Paper
107 Volodymyr RYABOSHLYK A Dynamic Input-Output Model with Explicit New and OldTechnologies, Paper
108 Amarendra SAHOO, Thijs TEN RAA Impact of Efficiency Gain under Competitive Pressure on IndianHouseholds: A General Equilibrium Approach, Paper
109 Haykel Hadj SALEM Impacts of the Euro-Tunisian Agreements of Free Exchange:Evaluation by the Computable General Equilibrium Model in 1996, Paper
110 Haykel Hadj SALEM The Macro Social Accounting Matrix of Tunisia in 1996 Paper
111 Orlando SAN MARTIN, Stein HOLDEN Food and Trees in the Village - Economic Development StrategiesBased on Food Production and Forest Resources: a Social Accounting, Analysis, Paper
112 Julio Sánchez CHÓLIZ, Rosa DUARTE Structural Change and Productive Blocks in the Spanish Economy: anInput-Output Analysis for 1980-1994, Paper
113 Rodica SANDU Energy Policy in Romania: a Computable General Equilibrium Model Paper
114 Susana SANTOS Distribution of Aggregate Income in Portugal within the Frameworkof a Social Accounting Matrix. Modelling the Household Sector., Paper
115 Walter SCHWARM Interregional Rural/Urban Fiscal Competition: A Political-EconomyGeneral Equilibrium Approach, Paper
116 Ji-Taek SEO, Hajime INAMURA, Asao ANDO Economic Effects of Tax Reform in an Overlapping Generations Model Paper
117 Nooraddin SHARIFY An Effectiveness Allocation for Investment by a Linear ProgrammingModel, Paper
118 Maria SHIKALOVA Effect of Pension Reform on Tax Evasion: Russian Case Paper
119 Michael SONIS, G.J.D HEWINGS Miyzawa Meet Christaller: Spatial Multipliers within a TripleDecomposition of Input-Output Central Place System, Paper
120 Bernt STIGUM A General Equilibrium Input-Output Trial: The Empirical Relevancefor Norwegian Trade Flows of the Heckscher-Ohlin Conjecture, Paper
121 Michael STIMMELMAYR, Doina Radulescu Implementing a Dual Income Tax in Germany: Effects on Investmentand Welfare, Paper
122 Dimitrios TSOMOCOS, C.A.E. GOODHART, P. SUNIRAND A Model to Analyse Financial Fragility Paper
123 Dimitrios TSOMOCOS, C.A.E. GOODHART, P. SUNIRAND A Model to Analyse Financial Fragility: Applications Paper
124 Karen TURNER, Grant ALLAN, Nick HANLEY, Peter MCGREGOR, Kim SWALES An Extension and Application of the Leontief Pollution Model forWaste Generation and Disposal in Scotland, Paper
125 Elisabeth VALLE, Clemente POLO An Appraisal of Tourism Impact on the Balearic Islands Economy Paper
126 Marcos Valli JORGE, Wilfredo L. MALDONADO, Octavio TOURINHO Endogenous Foreign Capital Flow in Brazil: The Role of the ForeignReserves, Paper
127 Esther VELÁZQUEZ ALONSO Impact Analysis and Extraction Method: Applications on WaterResources in Andalusia, Paper
128 Peter VIKSTRÖM Energy Efficiency and Energy Demand: A Historical CGEInvestigation on the Rebound Effect in the Swedish Economy 1957, Paper
129 Stefan VOEGELE, Tim Hoffmann, Peter Markewitz Fuel Substitution Options in the Electricity Sector -TheDependency on Capital Malleability, Paper
130 Lars WANG Integration of the CEECs in the EU and their Participation in theEMU: A VEO and AGE Analysis, Paper
131 Lars M. WIDELL, Lars SVENSSON Estimation of Commodity by Commodity IO Matrices Paper
132 Harry C. WILTING, Albert FABER, Annemarth M. IDENBURG Exploring Technology Scenarios with an Input-Output Model Paper
133 Norihiko YAMANO, Yoshio KAJITANI, Yoshiharu SHUMUTA Modeling the Regional Economic Loss of Natural Disasters: IndirectLoss Diffusion Due to the Disruptions of Electricity Disruptions and, Interindustry Economic Activities, Paper
134 David ZAVALETA Modeling the Economic Effects of a Natural Resource Boom inGeneral Equilibrium: The Bolivian Case, Paper
135 Jian ZHANG, Janaki R.R. ALAVALAPATI, Ram K. SHRESTHA, Alan W. HODGES Economic Impacts of Closing National Forests for Commercial TimberProduction in Florida and Liberty County, References, Paper

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