| Authors | Titles of papers | Files |
1 |
Adkins, Lee C., Rickman, Dan S. and Hameed, Abid |
Bayesian Estimation of Regional Production for CGE Modeling |
Paper Table 1-6 Table 7
2 |
Afshari, Zahra and Sheibani, Ebrahim |
The effect of sectoral growth on women`s employment in Iran |
3 |
Ahmad, Nadim |
Environmental Spillovers - Energy Use and Carbon Leakages in the OECD |
Paper |
4 |
Ahmad, Nadim |
The OECD Input-Output Database |
Paper |
5 |
Albino, Vito and Kuhtz, Silvana |
Environmental Footprint of Industrial Districts using Input-Output Tables based on Production Processes |
Paper |
6 |
Stefan Althues and Helmut Maier |
Exhibition "EXPO 2000" in Hannover/Germany in 2000. Impact on Regional Economy Based on German Input-Output Tables, a Priori and a Posteriori |
Paper |
7 |
Mansour Khalili Araghi and Ali Souri |
The Inefficiency of Pricing Policy of Energy: Case Study of IranSession V.11.5, Tuesday, 14:00-15:30, Room: R-3840 |
Paper |
8 |
Alcala, Rolando, Antille Gaillard, Gabrielle, Fontela, Emilio and Guillet, Samuel |
Comparison of productivity measures by different methods for Switzerland |
9 |
Andreosso-O'Callaghan, Bernadette and Bassino, Jean-Pascal |
Technology spillovers in the Japanese service industry (1965-1995) |
10 |
Aroche-Reyes, Fidel |
Structural Change, Stability and Growth |
11 |
Asakura, Keiichiro |
Application of Qualitative Input-Output Analysis to the Japanese Economy |
12 |
Aulin-Ahmavaara, Pirko |
Imput-output Tables as an accounting Framework for TFP-measurement |
Paper |
13 |
Avonds, Luc and Gilot, Albert |
The new Belgian input-output tables: general principles |
Paper |
14 |
Azid, Toseef |
Layers of Technique, Marginal Input-Output Coefficients and Phillips Curve: A Case Study of US Chemical Industry |
Paper |
15 |
Bahceci, A. and Saygili, Seref |
The Contribution of ICT and Related Sectors to Technological Change: An Input-Output Analysis for Turkey |
Paper excel
16 |
Banyopadhyay, Debdas |
Effects of " Export Promotion" and "Import Substitution" on Poverty, Inequality and Growth in India: An Analysis in "Closed Loop" Input-Output Framework |
Paper Table Paper
17 |
Barata, Eduardo J.G. |
An Environmental Input-Output Model to Study Solid Waste Issues |
18 |
Barber-Dueck, Conrad and Kotsovos, |
Demi Tourism and Regional Input-Output Accounts: A Canadian Application |
19 |
Bar-Eliezer, Simcha and Bregman, Arieh |
The Impact of Research and Development Spillover on growth and Productivity in Israeli Manufacturing Industries 1990-1994 |
20 |
Bartelings, Heleen and van Ierland, Ekko C. |
Waste Management Policies: An Applied General Equilibrium Analysis |
Paper |
21 |
Basu, Rathin |
An Analysis of Energy Use and its Relationship to Changes in Economic Structure: The Canadian Example Between 1971 and 1990 |
22 |
Basu, Rathin |
The Evolution of the Canadian Economic Structure: Evidence from Linkage Changes over Time |
23 |
Bevilacqua, Carmelina , Bonafede, Giulia and Schachter, Gustav |
Economic Impact of Solid Waste Management on the Sicilian Economy: An Integrated Environment Input-Output Approach |
Paper PDF
24 |
Bazzazan, Fatemeh |
A Dynamic Price Input-Output Model for Energy |
25 |
Bazzazan, Fatemeh and Batey, Peter W.J. |
The Development and Empirical Testing of Extended Input-Output Price Models |
Paper |
26 |
Benvenuti, Stephano Casini and Paniccia, Renato |
A Multiregional Input-Output Model for Italy: Methodology and First Results |
27 |
Bevilacqua, Carmelina, Bonafede, Giulia and Schachter, Gustav |
Economic Impact of Solid Waste Management on the Sicilian Economy: An Integrated Environment Input-Output Approach |
28 |
Bhowmik, Rita |
Structural Changes in Services Consumption of the Indian Economy 1968-69 Ã? 1989-90: An Input-Output Technique |
29 |
Bidard, Christian and Erreygers, Guido |
A Critique of Post-Sraffian Approaches to Exhaustible Resources |
Paper |
30 |
Blancas, Andrés |
Structural Vulnerability of the Mexican Financial System: A Social Accounting Matrix Multiplier Approach |
31 |
Bobbin,Ian, Zhao Shiji and Tallis ,Ken,ZhengSimon |
Deriving Industry Multifactor Productivity from the IO System Input-output Based Multifactor Productivity |
Paper |
32 |
Boratynski Jakub |
Simulating tax policies in the sam framework |
Paper |
33 |
Christoph Bôhringer |
Climate Politics from Kyoto to Bonn: From little to nothing |
Paper |
34 |
Christoph Bôhringer |
Politiques climatiques - de Kyoto à Bonn: de pas grand chose à rien ?!? |
Paper |
35 |
Brouwer, Gerhardt |
The Role of Supply and Use Tables in South Africa as a Tool for Economic Analysis |
Paper |
36 |
Braibant, Michel |
Transformation of Supply and Use Tables to Input-Output Symmetrical Tables |
Paper |
37 |
Braibant, Michel |
Environmental Accounts in France: NAMEA Pilot Study for France |
Paper |
38 |
Brouwer, Gerhardt |
The Role of Supply and Use Tables in South Africa as a Tool for Economic Analysis |
Paper |
39 |
Cadarso, Maria Angeles, Corcoles, Carmen and Fernandez-Bolanos, Antonio |
Patterns of Growth and Consumption and their Influence on the Environment in Spain |
Paper |
40 |
Cadarso Vecina, Maria Angeles , Corcoles Fuentes, Carmen and Fernandez-Bolanos, Antonio |
The Multiplier Effects of Environmental Policies over Production and Employment in Spanish Economy |
41 |
Cardenete, M. Alejandro and Sancho, Ferran |
A Regional General Equilibrium Model for Tax Policy Evaluation |
Paper |
42 |
Carré, Ronald |
A Structural Analytic Model for the Canadian Economy into its Regional Aspects to the Horizon 2021: The FuturCanada Model |
Paper |
43 |
Castanon, Luis |
Tourism in the Galician Economy: An Input-Output Approach |
44 |
Sikhanwita Roy, Tuhin Das and Debesh Chakraborty |
Sources of Growth of Information Sector in India during 1983-84 to 1993-94 |
Paper |
45 |
Sanghamitra Majumdar, Shibani Maity, Siddharta Dutta and Debesh Chakraborty |
An Input-Output Study on the Effect of Water Pollution Control Scheme on Output and Prices of Different Goods and Services of the Indian Economy |
Paper |
46 |
Chandler,William and Ghanem, Ziad |
The Role of Augmented Input-Output Tables in an Environmental General Equilibrium Model |
47 |
Conrad Klaus |
Modèles d'équilibre général calculables sur l'économie de l'environnement et des ressources |
Paper |
48 |
Conrad, Klaus |
Computable General Equilibrium Models of Environmental and Resource Economics |
Paper (short)
49 |
Cruz, Luis M.G. |
Estimation of the Production of CO2 Emissions by the Portuguese Economy in an Input-Output Framework |
Paper |
50 |
Cuihong, Yang |
Study on The Impacts of Water Conservancy Investment by Using Input-Output Technique: A Case of China |
51 |
Ma. Reinaruth D. Carlos, Cristela Goce-Dakila |
Environnemental implications of household consuption expenditures in metro Manila |
Paper |
52 |
Cios, Technologie, |
Enterprise Input-output Software |
53 |
Cole, Sam |
An Application of Multi-Proportional Scaling to Social Accounting |
Paper |
54 |
Dachraoui, Kaïs, Harchaoui, Tarek and Mercier, Pierre G. |
The Sources of Growth of the Canadian Business Sector' s CO2 Emissions, 1990-1998 |
55 |
D 'Agata, Antonio |
Localised technical progress and choice of technique in a linear production model |
Paper |
56 |
Dalen, Jan van and Vollebregt, Michel |
A Comparison of the Almon Algorithm and the Standard Product Technology Method |
57 |
Dalgaard, Esben and Gysting, Christian |
An Algorithm for Balancing Commodity-Flow Systems |
Paper |
58 |
De Boer Paul, Mohara Cristina and Dramais Frédéric |
An intruduction to applied general equilibrium (age) modeling |
Paper |
59 |
Decaluwé Bernard, Lemelin André , Robichaud Véronique, Arnault Emini Christian and Annabi Nabil |
Main Features and Structure of the Bi-Regional CGE Model for Quebec and the Rest-of-Canada |
Paper |
60 |
Dedegkajeva, Iljen |
Compilation of the Supply and Use Tables at Constant Prices in Estonia |
61 |
Dedegkajeva, Iljen |
Derivation of Symmetric Input-Output Tables for Estonia |
Paper Annexe
62 |
Dedegkajeva, Iljen |
Compilation of the Supply and Use Tables at Constant Prices in Estonia |
Paper Table
63 |
DeHaan, Marc |
Disclosing international trade dependencies in environmental pressure indicators:the domestic consumption perspective |
Paper |
64 |
de Juan, Oscar |
An Input-Output Multiplier-Accelerator Growth Model |
Paper |
65 |
de Juan, Oscar and Febrero, Eladio |
The Meaning of the Real Value Added from a Sraffian View |
Paper |
66 |
de Mesnard, Louis |
Normalizing Biproportional Methods:New result |
Paper |
67 |
de Mesnard, Louis |
Consistency of the Supply-Driven Model: A Typological Approach |
Paper |
68 |
de Mesnard, Louis |
On the Consistency of Commodity-Based Technology |
Paper |
69 |
Della Croce,Filippo, Loerincick, Yves, Norris, Greg and Jolliet, Olivier |
The Energy Role of Retailing and Wholesaling within the Distribution Phase using Input-Output Life Cycle Assessment |
70 |
Dewhurst, John, Munday, Max and Roberts, Annette |
Foreign Manufacturing and Changes in Industry Linkage Patterns in Scotland and Wales |
71 |
Drejer, Ina |
Input-Output Based Measures of Interindustry Linkages Revisited - A Survey and Discussion |
Paper |
72 |
Diekmann, Achim |
The Use of Energy in Transport - Past and Future Trends and Implications |
Paper |
73 |
Erik Dietzenbacher, Michael L. Lahr and Bart Los |
Is it Structural Change, or is Capital's Compensation Outpacing Labor's across More Industries? The Case of US Labor Productivity, 1982-1997 |
Paper |
74 |
Faye Duchin |
Global Environmental Degradation in the 21st Century: A Challenge for Input-Output Economics |
Paper |
75 |
Faye Duchin |
Dégradation mondiale de l'environnement au XXI e siècle: Un défi pour l'économie des entrées-sorties |
Paper |
76 |
William Edmondson |
Industry and Regional Impacts from Household Transfers Using Standard and Extended I-O |
Paper |
77 |
Eduardo Frickmann Young, Carlos, Rangel, Leonardo and Thanus de Andrade, Marcos |
Environmental Impacts of the Expansion of the Oil Industry in Brazil |
78 |
Eduardo Frickmann Young, Carlos, Rangel, Leonardo and Thanus de Andrade, Marcos |
Estimating Kaleckian Income Multipliers using Input-Output Tables: An Exercise for Brazil |
79 |
Erreygers, Guido and Bidard, Christian |
The Concept of Sector |
Paper |
80 |
Ezaki, Mitsuo |
Regional Disparity and Labor Migration in China: A Link CGE Analysis of 31 Provinces |
81 |
Taran Fæhn and Erling Holmøy |
Trade Liberalisation and Effects on Pollutive Emissions to Air and Deposits of Solid Waste. A General Equilibrium Assessment for Norway |
Paper |
82 |
Ming-tai Fan, Mark Horridge, Xiao-guang Zhang and Yu-xin Zheng |
Assessing the Effects of Proposed Taxation Reform in China: An Application of China CGE Model |
Paper |
83 |
Fang Bingsong and Han, Xiaoli |
Stability of Technical and Distributional Coefficients: Conjecture and Evidence |
84 |
Farsijani, Hassan |
Design of Global World-Class Manufacturing Through Input-Output Techniques |
Paper |
85 |
Fernandez, Melchor and Fernandez-Grela, Manuel |
Impacts of EU Enlargement on the Productive Structure of Spain and Portugal |
86 |
Forgon, Maria |
Further improvements of the Hungarian I/O compilation |
Paper |
87 |
Forssell, Osmo and Mäenpää, Ilmo |
Paths of Air Pollution due to Energy Consumption in Finland 1970-2000 |
Paper |
88 |
Søren E. Frandsen, Hans G. Jensen, Wusheng Yu and Aage Walter-Jørgensen |
Modelling the EU Sugar Policy - A Study of Policy Reform Scenarios |
Paper |
89 |
Fritz, Oliver, Kurzmann, Raimund Streicher, Gerhard and Zakarias, Gerold |
Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables in Austria |
Paper |
90 |
Fritz, Oliver, Kurzmann, Raimund Streicher, Gerhard and Zakarias, Gerold |
Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables in Austria |
Paper |
91 |
Fujikawa, Kiyoshi and Watanabe,Takatoshi |
Total Factor Productivity Growth in China 1987 - 1997: China's Economic Growth is still Myth? |
92 |
Fujikawa, Kiyoshi and Watanabe,Takatoshi |
Productivity Growth of Chinese Economy by Industry |
Paper |
93 |
Garau, Giorgio |
Total Factor Productivity Surplus in a SAM Context |
94 |
Généreux, Pierre A and Langen, Brent |
The Derivation of Provincial (inter-regional) Trade Flows: the Canadian Experience Le calcul des flux du commerce provincial (interrégional): lâ??expérience canadienne |
Paper Paper
95 |
Gera, Surendra and Gu, Wulong |
The Effect of Organisational Change and Information Technology on Productivity: Firm-Level Evidence |
96 |
Gerilla, Gloria P., Kagawa, Shigemi and Inamura, Hajime |
Technology Transfer and Carbon Emissions: A Case of Japan and China |
97 |
Ho Un Gim |
The Decomposition by Factors and Partial Derivatives in Direct and Indirect Requirements: with Attention to Applications |
Paper |
98 |
Guajardo-Quiroga, Ramon and Arrambide-Olvera, Javier |
Atmospheric Pollution Intensity Indexes: An Application for the State of Nuevo Leon, Mexico |
99 |
Guilhoto, Joaquim J.M. |
The Globalization Process and the Productive Structure of the Brazilian Economy in the 1990s: An Input-Output Approach |
Paper |
100 |
William Gullickson and Michael Harper |
Production Functions, Input-Output Tables, and the Relationship between Industry and Aggregate Productivity Measures |
Paper |
101 |
Guo, Jiemin, Planting, Mark and Lawson, Ann |
From Make-Use to Symmetric I-O Tables: An Assessment of Alternative Technology Assumptions |
102 |
Partha Pratim Ghosh and Debesh Chakraborty |
The Structure of the Sri Lankan Economy |
Paper |
103 |
Ramón Guajardo-Quiroga and Javier Arrambide-Olvera |
Atmospheric Pollution Intensity Indexes: An Application for the State of Nuevo Leon, Mexico |
Paper |
104 |
Hajnovicova, Viera and Lapisakova, Jirina |
Input-Output and SAM Multiplier Analysis: the Slovak Case |
Paper Table |
105 |
Hayami, Hitoshi and Nakamura, Masao |
CO2 Emission of Alternative Technologies and Bilateral Trade between Japan and Canada: Technology Option and Implication for Joint Implementatio |
Paper |
106 |
Viera Hajnovicova and Jirina Lapisakova |
SAM Multiplier Analysis: The Slovak Case |
Paper |
107 |
Henrique P. Silveira, Antonio |
Stability Properties of the Classical Concept of Gravitation in a Cross-Dual Framework |
108 |
Hoen, Alex R |
Identifying Linkages with Cluster Based Methodology |
Paper |
109 |
Hoerner, J. Andrew, Barrett, James and Meade, Douglas S. |
A Sustainable Economy: Analysis of a Comprehensive Approach to Climate Change and Energy Policy |
110 |
Hubacek Klaus and Sun, Laixiang |
An Extended Input-Output Model for Analyzing Water Use in China |
111 |
Eiji Hosoda |
An Economic Analysis of Shredder Residue |
Paper |
112 |
Imansyah, M. Handry and West, Guy R. |
Structural Change and Fundamental Economic Structure in Developing Countries : The Case of Indonesia |
113 |
Inamura, Hajime Ishikura, Tomoki Ishiguro, Kazuhiko Kagawa, Shigemi |
Dynamic Leontief System Based on the Romer's Growth Theory |
114 |
Ishiguro, Kazuhiko and Inamura, Hajime |
Development of Spatial Computable General Equilibrium Model and Its Application Taking Account of Ocean Carriers' Behavior |
115 |
Izumi, Hiroshi and Li, Jie |
PPPs by Sector and I-O Structures of China and Japan in 1995 |
116 |
Annemarth M. Idenburg |
Information asked for sustainable development policies: the case of the Netherlands |
Paper |
117 |
Robert Inklaar, Marcel Timmer and Bart van Ark |
International Comparisons of Prices, Output and Productivity Levels by Industry: Europe and the US |
Paper |
118 |
Jacob, Jojo and Meister, Christoph |
Productivity Gains, Intersectoral Linkages, and Trade. Indonesia from 1975 to 1995 |
Paper |
119 |
Lars-Bo Jacobsen |
Is the Promotion of Organic Farming the Most Cost Efficient Way of Achieving Environmental Goals? A Danish Case Story |
Paper |
120 |
Jayasinghe, Milan |
Productivity Dynamics of the Canadian Banking Sector |
121 |
Henning Tarp Jensen and Finn Tarp |
Trade Policy and Income Distribution in Vietnam within a CGE Model Framework |
Paper |
122 |
Søren E. Frandsen, Hans G. Jensen, Wusheng Yu and Aage Walter-Jørgensen |
Modelling the EU Sugar Policy - A Study of Policy Reform Scenarios |
Paper |
123 |
Jianwen, Yuan |
The Effects of Industrial Structural Changes of Guangdong Province to Economic Growth |
124 |
Joma, Alaa |
Do Dry Peace Survive? : An Interdependency Analysis of Water and Farm Food Products in Palestine |
125 |
Jones, Calvin and Roberts, Annette |
Regional Tourism Satellite Accounts and Input-Output |
126 |
Dale W. Jorgenson, Mun S. Ho, Kevin J. Stiroh |
Growth of U.S. Industries and Investments in, Information Technology and Higher Education |
Paper PPT |
127 |
Kalin, Janja |
New Sources for Intermediate Consumption and Compilation of IOT in Slovenia |
Paper |
128 |
Shigemi Kagawa, Gloria P. Gerilla, Yuichi Moriguchi and Hajime Inamura |
A Spatial Structural Decomposition Analysis of the Chinese and Japanese Energy Demand: 1985-1990 |
Paper |
129 |
The Invisible Multipliers of Joint-Products |
Paper |
130 |
Shigemi Kagawa |
The Relationship Between Capital and Waste Accumulation: An Application of Dynamic Input-Output Approach |
Paper |
131 |
Khorshid,Motaz |
Issue-oriented social accounting matrices for development policy: experience from the middle East and North Africa Region |
Paper |
132 |
Kiedrowski, Roman |
Classical Competition and Optimal Growth in a Multisectoral Model with Fixed Capital |
133 |
Kim Kwangmun Secretario, Francisco and Goce -Dakila, Cristela |
Structural Analysis of the Metro Manila Economy Based on the Inter-Regional Input-Output Approach |
Paper |
134 |
Chong-Gui Kim |
Analysis of Interdependency of the Asia-Pacific Countries |
Paper |
135 |
Hartmut Kogelschatz |
On the Leontief Inverse of a Beta Distributed Input Matrix |
Paper |
136 |
Kohli, Martin C. |
Air pollution, public investment and transportation in the United States |
Paper |
137 |
Kopecky, Ondrej |
Use of theoretical background for practical compilation: several remarks on the IOT compilation practices in the Czech Statistical Office |
Paper |
138 |
Kratena, Kurt |
Paper |
139 |
Kratena, Kurt and Zakarias, Gerold |
Technical Coefficients Change by Bi-proportional Econometric Adjustment Functions |
Paper |
140 |
Kraybill, David, Díaz-Rodrígue, Ivonnez and Southgate, Douglas |
A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis of Rice Market Liberalization and Water Price Rationalization in the Dominican Republic |
Paper |
141 |
Kytzia,Susanne, Najar, Christine and Faist, Mireille |
Joining engineering and economic perspectives in an integrated assessment of economic systems |
142 |
Angela Koeppl, Daniela Kletzan and Kurt Kratena |
E3 Impacts of Domestic Emission Trading Regimes in Liberalised Energy Markets: Carbon Leakage or Double Dividend? |
Paper |
143 |
Karin Knottenbauer |
Modelling Innovation and Structural Change,Vertical Integration versus Input-Output Analysis |
Paper |
144 |
Steven Kraines and Yoshikuni Yoshida |
Modelling the Effect of Alternative Production Technologies using IO Tables with Sector Specific Units |
Paper |
145 |
Kurt Kratena |
Ecological Value Added" in an Integrated Ecosystem-Economy Model: An Indicator for Sustainability |
Paper |
146 |
Vito Albino and Silvana Kühtz |
Environmental Footprint of Industrial Districts using Input-Output Tables Based on Production Processes |
Paper |
147 |
Michael L. Lahr |
RAS Updates in a Commodity-by-Industry Setting: What Does the Extra Information Buy You? |
Paper |
148 |
Manfred Lenzen, Lise-Lotte Pade and Jesper Munksgaard |
CO2 multipliers in multi-region input-output models |
Paper |
149 |
Loerincick, Yves, Della Croce, Filippo, Norris, Greg and Jolliet, Olivier |
Comparison of Process LCA and Input Output LCA and Development of a Hybrid Approach |
150 |
Lopes, João Carlos, Dias, João and do Amaral, João Ferreira |
Efficiency, External Dependency and Structural Change: The Portuguese Case |
Paper |
151 |
De Mesnard, Louis |
Normalizing Biproportional Methods |
Paper |
152 |
Luiz Parré, José, Florindo Alves, Alexandre and Celso Sordi, Joao |
Input-Output Matrix for Metropolitan Areas using Local Census Data: The Case of Maringa, Brazil |
153 |
Ming Lei |
Study on China's Sustainable Development |
Paper |
154 |
Bart Lost |
Identification of Strategic Industries: A dynamic perspective |
Paper |
155 |
Machado, Giovani V. and Schaeffer, Roberto |
Energy use and carbon emissions impacts of increasing exports in Brazil: An IO approach |
156 |
Maenpaa, Ilmo |
Physical Input-Output Tables of Finland 1995: Solutions to Some Basic Methodological Problems |
Paper |
157 |
Combinational optimization, cumulative inflation and dynamic imput-output modelling |
Paper |
158 |
Malan, Anemé |
Compiling a Social Accounting Matrix according to the 1993 System of National Accounts: The South African Experience |
159 |
Manresa, Antonio and Sancho, Ferran |
Implementing a Double Dividend: Recycling Ecotaxes towards Lower Labour Taxes |
Paper |
160 |
Manrique de Lara Penate, Casiano |
An Enterprise Input-Output Account for a Service Industry |
161 |
Manrique de Lara Penate, Casiano and Santos Penate, Dolores |
Updating IO Accounts when Row and Column Totals are Unknown |
162 |
Mantegazza, Susanna and Mastrantonio, Livia |
Italian Supply and Use Tables: First Evidences |
163 |
Marangoni, Giandemetrio and Fezzi, Giulio |
I-O for Corporate Governance |
164 |
Maynard, Jean-Pierre and Yan, Beiling |
Interprovincial Differences in Industry structures : an analysis for selected time periods - 1990 and 1997 |
165 |
G. McBean and C. Coleman |
Climate Change -Inputs-Outputs Needed from Economists |
Paper |
166 |
Messinger, Hans |
Developing a Canadian Transportation Satellite Account |
167 |
Millan, Joaquin A.and Millan, José S. |
Changes in Energy Costs and Energy Intensities of the Spanish Economy |
168 |
Millan, Joaquin A. and Aldaz, Natalia |
Evolution of the Production Structure of the Spanish Economy using Indicators |
169 |
Mokrasova, Viera |
The Analysis of the Slovak Economy based on Supply and Use Tables for 1994, 1996 and 1998 |
170 |
Mukhopadhyay, Sudhin K. |
Input-Output Approach to Development of a Subsistence Farm Sector in India |
171 |
Munday, Max and Roberts, Annette |
Regional Environmental Input-Output Tables and New Policy Directions in Wales |
172 |
Sanghamitra Majumdar,Shibani Maity, Siddhartta Dutta, Debesh Chakraborty |
Paper |
173 |
H. Scott Matthews |
Input-Output Based Life Cycle Analysis for New Economy Models |
Paper |
174 |
Joaquin A. Millan and José S. Millan |
Changes in energy cost and energy intensities in the spanish economy |
Paper |
175 |
Ming Lei |
Study on China's Sustainable Development - Integrated Input-Output Analysis and Green Charges for China |
Paper |
176 |
Pierre Mohen |
The different roles of capital and labor |
Paper |
177 |
Kakali Mukhopadhyay and Osmo Forssell |
An Empirical Investigation of Air Pollution from Fossil Fuel Combustion and its Impact on Health in India during 1973-74 to 1996-97 |
Paper |
178 |
Kakali Mukhopadhyay |
Sources of CO2 Emission Changes in India During 1973-74 to 1996-97: A Structural Decomposition Analysis |
Paper |
179 |
Kakali Mukhopadhyay |
Paper |
180 |
P.S.K. Murty |
Paper |
181 |
Jan Mutl |
Capturing Technological Change in an IO Model with Application to Calculations of Embodied |
Paper |
182 |
Shinichiro Nakaruma and Yasushi Kondo |
Environmental Impact and Economic Cost of Waste treament: Analysis by Waste IO Model |
Paper Short
183 |
Nakano, Satoshi and Asakura, Keiichiro |
Environmental Simulation for China: Effects of 'Biobriquette' |
Paper |
184 |
Marko Nokkala |
Social Accounting Matrices and CGE Models in Policy Analysis: Data Needs and Future Developments |
Paper |
185 |
Nokkala, Marko, Sirkia, Ari and Rasanen, Jukka |
Input-output based transport system model: The Finnish experience |
186 |
Nokkala, Marko |
Social accounting matrices and CGE models in policy analysis: Data needs and future developments |
187 |
Akiko Nakajima |
Total Labour Value (Total labour Requirements) and value added productivity of labour in the process of economie developpement |
Paper Excel 1 Excel 2
188 |
Kazuhiko Nishimura |
Technologie transfer with Capital Constraints and environ mental protections: Models and applications to the phillipines |
Paper |
189 |
Okuyama, Yasuhide Hewings, Geoffrey J. D. and Sonic, Michael |
Economic Impacts of Unscheduled Event: Sequential Interindustry Model (SIM) Approaches |
190 |
Okuyama, Yasuhide Hewings, Geoffrey J. D. and Sonic, Michael |
Structural Changes of the Chicago Economy: A Temporal Inverse Analysis |
191 |
Olinto Ramos, Roberto Luis, Zani, Sheila and Canton Cardoso, Sandra |
The Brazilian System of National Quarterly Accounts |
192 |
Oosterhaven, Jan |
On the Dynamics of Net versus Gross Multiplier |
193 |
Jan Oosterhaven |
On the Dynamics of Net versus Gross Multipliers |
194 |
SAM Based CGE Models 1: Organised by J. Asger Olsen |
Modelling the EU Sugar Policy - A Study of Policy Reform Scenarios |
Paper |
195 |
Søren E. Frandsen, Hans G. Jensen, Wusheng Yu and Aage Walter-Jørgensen |
Trade Policy and Income Distribution in Vietnam within a CGE Model Framework |
196 |
Henning Tarp Jensen and Finn Tarp |
Paper |
197 |
Paloviita, Ari |
Extending the Boundaries of Corporate Environmental Management with National Input-Output Table Framework |
198 |
Parré, José Luiz , Florinde Alves, Alexandre and Celso Sordi, João |
Input-Output Matrix for Metropolitan Areas |
Paper |
199 |
Piqun, Qiu and Yin, Liu |
Research on Input-Output Table and Analysis Method in China |
200 |
Pizzoli, Edouarto |
From Firm's Balance-Sheet to the National Input-Output Table: An Empirical Investigation for the Italian Economy |
201 |
Plich, Mariusz |
NAMEA for Poland: Problems of Constructing and Results of Analyses Based on Pilot Version |
202 |
Prasad, Krishna N. |
Inter-sectoral Terms of Trade in Input-Output Framework: An Extended Version |
203 |
Prasad, Krishna N. |
Inverse Elements and Aggregation in Input-Output Analysis |
204 |
Przybylinski, Michal |
"Bilateral Ã'Pollution FlowsÃ" between Poland and Germany |
205 |
Ari Paloviita |
Paper |
206 |
Stefano Casini Benvenuti and Renato Paniccià |
A Multiregional Input-Output Model for Italy: Methodology and First Results |
Paper |
207 |
Xiaoming Pan and Steven Kraines |
Environmental Input-Output Models for Life Cycle Analysis |
Paper |
208 |
Qiu Piqun and Liu Yin |
Research on Input-Output Table and Analysis Method in China |
Paper |
209 |
Rand, John, Roland-Holst, David and Tri Thanh, Vo |
Rural-urban Dualism in Vietnam: Prospects for Redistribution through Economic Reform |
210 |
Rashid, Zakariah Abdul and Bashir, Mohamed Sharief |
Impacts of Trade on Labour Skill in Malaysia |
Paper Figure 1 2 3-5 6
211 |
Rashid, Zakariah Abdul |
Factor Intensity of Trade: Malaysia's Labour Skills in Manufacturing Trade Flows |
Paper |
212 |
Reinaruth D. Carlos, Maria |
The Effect of Migrant Remittances on the Philippine Economy : The Consumption Expenditures Channel |
213 |
Rickman, Dan S. and Miller, Steven R. |
An Evaluation of Alternative Strategies for Incorporating Inter-industry Relationships into a Regional Employment Forecasting Model |
214 |
Rocco S., Claudio M. and Guarata, N. |
The Use of Interval Arithmetic as an Alternative Method to Evaluate Uncertainty in Input-Output Models |
Paper |
215 |
Rodriguez-Gonzalez, Antonio and Canada-Vicinay, Juan |
Inter-temporal Structural Change in Spain 1980-1995: An Approach to the Effect of Spanish Adhesion to EU in 1986 |
216 |
Rueda-Cantuche, José Manuel |
Construction Modelling of Input-Output Coefficients Matrices in an Axiomatic Context: Some Further Considerations |
Paper |
217 |
Ruiz Napoles, Pablo |
Exports, Growth and Employment in Mexico 1978 - 1998: A Structural Analysis |
218 |
Tong Rencheng |
An Input-Output Model for Oil Piping |
Paper |
219 |
Antonio Rodríguez-González and Juan Cañada-Vicinay |
Structural Change in Spain 1980-1994: An Approach to the Effect of Spain's Adhesion to the EU in 1986 |
Paper |
220 |
Jayant Sathaye, Joyashree Roy, Katja Schumacher, Alan Sanstad, Yuri Tanimichi and Ron Sands |
Projecting Carbon Emissions and Abatement Costs in Developing Countries: Impact of Country-Specific Substitution Elasticities |
Paper |
221 |
Sikhanwita Roy, Tuhin Das and Debesh Chakraborty |
Sources of Growth of Information Sector in India during 1983-84 to 1993-94 |
Paper |
222 |
Saal, David S. and Liu, Aying |
Structural Change in the United States: 1977-97 |
223 |
Yusuf M. Siddiqi and Mehrzad Salem |
Constructing Regional Input-Output Accounts: The Recent Canadian Experience |
Paper |
224 |
Sanchez Choliz, Julio and Duarte, Rosa |
Forward and Backward Linkage Coefficients: An Integrating Approach |
225 |
M. Alejandro Cardenete and Ferran Sancho |
A Regional General Equilibrium Model for Tax Policy Evaluation |
Paper |
226 |
Sargento, Ana and Ramos, Pedro |
The Input-Output Table and the Interregional Trade in Regiao Centro (Portugal) |
Paper |
227 |
Sathaye, Jayant, Roy, Joyashree, Schumacher, Katja, Sanstad, Alan, Tanimichi, Yuri and Sands, Ron |
Projecting Carbon Emissions and Abatement Costs in Developing Countries: Impact of Country-Specific Substitution Elasticities |
Paper |
228 |
Saygili, Bahceci and Seref |
The Contribution of ICT and Related Sectors to Technological Change: An Input-Output Analysis for Turkey |
229 |
Schaffer, Axel J. |
ECOLIO - an Ecological Input-Output model for conventional and ecological key sector analysis in Germany |
Paper |
230 |
Zahra Afshari and Ebrahim Sheibani |
The Effect of Sectoral Growth on Women's Employment in Iran |
Paper |
231 |
Secretario, Francisco, Kim, Kwangmun and Goce-Dakila, Cristela |
The Metro Manila Inter-Regional Input-Output Table: Its Attempt of Compilation Based on the Hybrid Approach |
Paper |
232 |
Sharify, Nooraddin |
A Comparison of the Impact of Direct and Indirect Payments by the Government to Households Through a Social Accounting Matrix in the Golastan Province of Iran |
233 |
Yusuf M. Siddiqi and Mehrzad Salem |
Constructing Regional Input-Output Accounts: The Recent Canadian Experience |
Paper |
234 |
Sergey M. Shvets and L. Radchenko |
Some Algorithms of Building Dynamic Regional Model Based on Input-Output Technique and Forecasting Matrix Direct Requirements |
Paper |
235 |
K.L. Sharma |
Production Linkages between Farm and Nonfarm Sectors in Fiji Islands |
Paper |
236 |
Stehrer, Robert |
Income Distribution and Economic Structure in a Multisectoral Model with Heterogenous Labour |
237 |
St. Lawrence, Joe and Gaston, Craig |
Input-output modelling of scrap metal generation based on historical final demand |
Paper |
238 |
Suga, Mikio and Saito, Takashi |
Empirical Analysis of the Recycling System of Waste Products in the Japanese Economy |
Paper |
239 |
Christian Seidl, Ulrich Schmidt, Peter Grosche |
A beauty contest of refere processes of economics journals: Preliminary results |
Paper |
240 |
Anushree Sinha |
Does Welfare of Women Improve by Globalisation: A CGE Model Analysis of India |
Paper |
241 |
Dirk Stelder, Jan Oosterhaven and Gerard J. Eding |
IRIOS: An InterRegional Input-Output Software Approach to Generalised Endogenisation, Linkage, Multiplier and Impact Analysis |
Paper |
242 |
Sangwon Suh, Gjalt Huppes and Helias Udo de Haes |
Environmental Impacts of Domestic and Imported Commodities in the US Economy |
Paper |
243 |
Sangwon Suh |
Gearing Input-Output Analysis to Environmental Systems Analysis |
Paper |
244 |
Sven Lundie, MAnfred Lenzen, Bransgroove, Charet and Shack |
Assesing the ecological footprint of a large metropoliten water supplier |
245 |
Terosa, Cid L. and Manzano, George N. |
Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Technique in Input-Output Key Sector Analysis |
246 |
Terosa, Cid L. and Manzano, George N. |
Factor Savings and Usage Effects of Trade in Intermediate Inputs in Selected Philippine Industries |
247 |
Thage, Bent |
Requirements to the Methods Used in the Construction of Symmetric Input-Output Tables as Part of a Modern Quality Based Official Statistical System |
248 |
Thage, Bent |
Symmetric Input-Output Tables and Quality Standards for Official Statistics |
Paper |
249 |
Henning Tarp Jensen and Finn Tarp |
Trade Policy and Income Distribution in Vietnam within a CGE Model Framework |
Paper |
250 |
Un Gim, Ho |
The Decomposition by Factors and Partial Derivatives in Direct and Indirect Requirements |
251 |
Ustinova, Natalia |
Input-Output Tables for Russia: Experience, Problems and Perspectives |
252 |
Van An, Dinh, Roland-Holst, Davidand Tarp, Finn |
Globalization, Price Transmission and Economic Reform in Vietnam: Estimates from a New Social Accounting Matrix |
253 |
Van den Cruyce, Bart |
The measurement of industrial subcontracting and its treat-ment in the compilation of SUT and IO tables: an illustration for Belgium |
254 |
Van den Cruyce, Bart |
An integrated approach to constructing the use table for imported goods and the use side trade margins table |
Paper |
255 |
Vaughn Aiken, Deborah and Pasurka, Jr. , Carl A. |
Least-Cost Air Pollution Control: A CGE Joint Production Framework |
Paper |
256 |
Vaughn Aiken, Deborah and Pasurka, Jr. , Carl A. |
Sources of Emission Changes: A Joint Production Perspective of Existing Decomposition Models |
Paper |
257 |
Venanzoni , Giuseppe and Fachin, Stefano |
IDEM, an Integrated Demographic and Economic Model of the Italian Economy |
Paper |
258 |
Michel Vollebregt and Jan van Dalen |
A Comparison of the Almon Algorithm and the Standard Product Technology Method |
Paper |
259 |
Wen, Shengru |
Input-Output Decision Method under Final Requirements are Random Variebles with a Normal Distribution |
260 |
Wilhelm Koppen, -Dietrich |
Interregional Feedbacks - Extending Bi-regional I-O Models |
261 |
Wilting, Harry C. |
The Effects of Dutch Production and Consumption on the Environment in the Netherlands and Abroad |
Paper |
262 |
Wixted, Brian and Cooper, Russel |
Extraterritorial Cluster Development in Europe: The Role of Intermediate and Final Demand |
Paper |
263 |
Wolff, Reiner |
A Global Robustness Measure for Input-Output Projections from ESA and SNA Tables |
Paper |
264 |
Brian Wixted and Russel Cooper |
Extra-Territorial Cluster Development in Europe: Searching for Evidence of Supranational Industrial Activity |
Paper |
265 |
Daniel J. Wilson |
Embodying Embodiment in a Structural, Macroeconomic, Input-Output Model |
Paper (Short)
266 |
Xikang, Chen |
Water Conservancy Economy Input-Occupancy-Output Tables for China and Its Nine Major Rivers |
267 |
Xue Fu |
Impact of the Magnetic Levitation in Shanghai on the Chinese Economy |
Paper |
268 |
Jian Xu |
Distance, Degree of Freedom and Error of the RAS Method |
Paper |
269 |
Yagi, Takashi |
Evaluation of Sectoral Productivity Changes |
270 |
Yano, Takashi and Kosaka, Hiroyuki |
The Effects of China's WTO Entry on the World Economy: A 1985-90-95 Linked International Input-Output Approach |
Paper |
271 |
Søren E. Frandsen, Hans G. Jensen, Wusheng Yu and Aage Walter-Jørgensen |
Modelling the EU Sugar Policy - A Study of Policy Reform Scenarios |
Paper |
272 |
Yang Cuihong |
The Impacts of Water Conservancy Investment by Using Input-Output Technique: A Case of China |
Paper |
273 |
Zaitseva, Julia |
Multiregional Analysis on the Base of Input-Output Tables |
Paper |
274 |
Zheng, Xiao Yong |
The Measurement and Countermeasures for the Development of Information Technology Industry of Zhejiang |
275 |
Zakarias, Gerold and Kurt Kratena |
Technical Coefficients Change by Bi-proportional Econometric Adjustment Functions |
Paper |