14th International Conference on Input-Output Techniques

held at Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada, October 10-15, 2002

In total: 275 papers

 AuthorsTitles of papersFiles
1 Adkins, Lee C., Rickman, Dan S. and Hameed, Abid Bayesian Estimation of Regional Production for CGE Modeling Paper
Table 1-6
Table 7
2 Afshari, Zahra and Sheibani, Ebrahim The effect of sectoral growth on women`s employment in Iran  
3 Ahmad, Nadim Environmental Spillovers - Energy Use and Carbon Leakages in the OECD Paper
4 Ahmad, Nadim The OECD Input-Output Database Paper
5 Albino, Vito and Kuhtz, Silvana Environmental Footprint of Industrial Districts using Input-Output Tables based on Production Processes Paper
6 Stefan Althues and Helmut Maier Exhibition "EXPO 2000" in Hannover/Germany in 2000. Impact on Regional Economy Based on German Input-Output Tables, a Priori and a Posteriori Paper
7 Mansour Khalili Araghi and Ali Souri The Inefficiency of Pricing Policy of Energy: Case Study of IranSession V.11.5, Tuesday, 14:00-15:30, Room: R-3840 Paper
8 Alcala, Rolando, Antille Gaillard, Gabrielle, Fontela, Emilio and Guillet, Samuel Comparison of productivity measures by different methods for Switzerland  
9 Andreosso-O'Callaghan, Bernadette and Bassino, Jean-Pascal Technology spillovers in the Japanese service industry (1965-1995)  
10 Aroche-Reyes, Fidel Structural Change, Stability and Growth  
11 Asakura, Keiichiro Application of Qualitative Input-Output Analysis to the Japanese Economy  
12 Aulin-Ahmavaara, Pirko Imput-output Tables as an accounting Framework for TFP-measurement Paper
13 Avonds, Luc and Gilot, Albert The new Belgian input-output tables: general principles Paper
14 Azid, Toseef Layers of Technique, Marginal Input-Output Coefficients and Phillips Curve: A Case Study of US Chemical Industry Paper
15 Bahceci, A. and Saygili, Seref The Contribution of ICT and Related Sectors to Technological Change: An Input-Output Analysis for Turkey Paper
16 Banyopadhyay, Debdas Effects of " Export Promotion" and "Import Substitution" on Poverty, Inequality and Growth in India: An Analysis in "Closed Loop" Input-Output Framework Paper
17 Barata, Eduardo J.G. An Environmental Input-Output Model to Study Solid Waste Issues  
18 Barber-Dueck, Conrad and Kotsovos, Demi Tourism and Regional Input-Output Accounts: A Canadian Application  
19 Bar-Eliezer, Simcha and Bregman, Arieh The Impact of Research and Development Spillover on growth and Productivity in Israeli Manufacturing Industries 1990-1994  
20 Bartelings, Heleen and van Ierland, Ekko C. Waste Management Policies: An Applied General Equilibrium Analysis Paper
21 Basu, Rathin An Analysis of Energy Use and its Relationship to Changes in Economic Structure: The Canadian Example Between 1971 and 1990  
22 Basu, Rathin The Evolution of the Canadian Economic Structure: Evidence from Linkage Changes over Time  
23 Bevilacqua, Carmelina , Bonafede, Giulia and Schachter, Gustav Economic Impact of Solid Waste Management on the Sicilian Economy: An Integrated Environment Input-Output Approach Paper
24 Bazzazan, Fatemeh A Dynamic Price Input-Output Model for Energy  
25 Bazzazan, Fatemeh and Batey, Peter W.J. The Development and Empirical Testing of Extended Input-Output Price Models Paper
26 Benvenuti, Stephano Casini and Paniccia, Renato A Multiregional Input-Output Model for Italy: Methodology and First Results  
27 Bevilacqua, Carmelina, Bonafede, Giulia and Schachter, Gustav Economic Impact of Solid Waste Management on the Sicilian Economy: An Integrated Environment Input-Output Approach  
28 Bhowmik, Rita Structural Changes in Services Consumption of the Indian Economy 1968-69 Ã? 1989-90: An Input-Output Technique  
29 Bidard, Christian and Erreygers, Guido A Critique of Post-Sraffian Approaches to Exhaustible Resources Paper
30 Blancas, Andrés Structural Vulnerability of the Mexican Financial System: A Social Accounting Matrix Multiplier Approach  
31 Bobbin,Ian, Zhao Shiji and Tallis ,Ken,ZhengSimon Deriving Industry Multifactor Productivity from the IO System Input-output Based Multifactor Productivity Paper
32 Boratynski Jakub Simulating tax policies in the sam framework Paper
33 Christoph Bôhringer Climate Politics from Kyoto to Bonn: From little to nothing Paper
34 Christoph Bôhringer Politiques climatiques - de Kyoto à Bonn: de pas grand chose à rien ?!? Paper
35 Brouwer, Gerhardt The Role of Supply and Use Tables in South Africa as a Tool for Economic Analysis Paper
36 Braibant, Michel Transformation of Supply and Use Tables to Input-Output Symmetrical Tables Paper
37 Braibant, Michel Environmental Accounts in France: NAMEA Pilot Study for France Paper
38 Brouwer, Gerhardt The Role of Supply and Use Tables in South Africa as a Tool for Economic Analysis Paper
39 Cadarso, Maria Angeles, Corcoles, Carmen and Fernandez-Bolanos, Antonio Patterns of Growth and Consumption and their Influence on the Environment in Spain Paper
40 Cadarso Vecina, Maria Angeles , Corcoles Fuentes, Carmen and Fernandez-Bolanos, Antonio The Multiplier Effects of Environmental Policies over Production and Employment in Spanish Economy  
41 Cardenete, M. Alejandro and Sancho, Ferran A Regional General Equilibrium Model for Tax Policy Evaluation Paper
42 Carré, Ronald A Structural Analytic Model for the Canadian Economy into its Regional Aspects to the Horizon 2021: The FuturCanada Model Paper
43 Castanon, Luis Tourism in the Galician Economy: An Input-Output Approach  
44 Sikhanwita Roy, Tuhin Das and Debesh Chakraborty Sources of Growth of Information Sector in India during 1983-84 to 1993-94 Paper
45 Sanghamitra Majumdar, Shibani Maity, Siddharta Dutta and Debesh Chakraborty An Input-Output Study on the Effect of Water Pollution Control Scheme on Output and Prices of Different Goods and Services of the Indian Economy Paper
46 Chandler,William and Ghanem, Ziad The Role of Augmented Input-Output Tables in an Environmental General Equilibrium Model  
47 Conrad Klaus Modèles d'équilibre général calculables sur l'économie de l'environnement et des ressources Paper
48 Conrad, Klaus Computable General Equilibrium Models of Environmental and Resource Economics Paper
49 Cruz, Luis M.G. Estimation of the Production of CO2 Emissions by the Portuguese Economy in an Input-Output Framework Paper
50 Cuihong, Yang Study on The Impacts of Water Conservancy Investment by Using Input-Output Technique: A Case of China  
51 Ma. Reinaruth D. Carlos, Cristela Goce-Dakila Environnemental implications of household consuption expenditures in metro Manila Paper
52 Cios, Technologie, Enterprise Input-output Software PPT
53 Cole, Sam An Application of Multi-Proportional Scaling to Social Accounting Paper
54 Dachraoui, Kaïs, Harchaoui, Tarek and Mercier, Pierre G. The Sources of Growth of the Canadian Business Sector' s CO2 Emissions, 1990-1998  
55 D 'Agata, Antonio Localised technical progress and choice of technique in a linear production model Paper
56 Dalen, Jan van and Vollebregt, Michel A Comparison of the Almon Algorithm and the Standard Product Technology Method  
57 Dalgaard, Esben and Gysting, Christian An Algorithm for Balancing Commodity-Flow Systems Paper
58 De Boer Paul, Mohara Cristina and Dramais Frédéric An intruduction to applied general equilibrium (age) modeling Paper
59 Decaluwé Bernard, Lemelin André , Robichaud Véronique, Arnault Emini Christian and Annabi Nabil Main Features and Structure of the Bi-Regional CGE Model for Quebec and the Rest-of-Canada Paper
60 Dedegkajeva, Iljen Compilation of the Supply and Use Tables at Constant Prices in Estonia  
61 Dedegkajeva, Iljen Derivation of Symmetric Input-Output Tables for Estonia Paper
62 Dedegkajeva, Iljen Compilation of the Supply and Use Tables at Constant Prices in Estonia Paper
63 DeHaan, Marc Disclosing international trade dependencies in environmental pressure indicators:the domestic consumption perspective Paper
64 de Juan, Oscar An Input-Output Multiplier-Accelerator Growth Model Paper
65 de Juan, Oscar and Febrero, Eladio The Meaning of the Real Value Added from a Sraffian View Paper
66 de Mesnard, Louis Normalizing Biproportional Methods:New result Paper
67 de Mesnard, Louis Consistency of the Supply-Driven Model: A Typological Approach Paper
68 de Mesnard, Louis On the Consistency of Commodity-Based Technology Paper
69 Della Croce,Filippo, Loerincick, Yves, Norris, Greg and Jolliet, Olivier The Energy Role of Retailing and Wholesaling within the Distribution Phase using Input-Output Life Cycle Assessment  
70 Dewhurst, John, Munday, Max and Roberts, Annette Foreign Manufacturing and Changes in Industry Linkage Patterns in Scotland and Wales  
71 Drejer, Ina Input-Output Based Measures of Interindustry Linkages Revisited - A Survey and Discussion Paper
72 Diekmann, Achim The Use of Energy in Transport - Past and Future Trends and Implications Paper
73 Erik Dietzenbacher, Michael L. Lahr and Bart Los Is it Structural Change, or is Capital's Compensation Outpacing Labor's across More Industries? The Case of US Labor Productivity, 1982-1997 Paper
74 Faye Duchin Global Environmental Degradation in the 21st Century: A Challenge for Input-Output Economics Paper
75 Faye Duchin Dégradation mondiale de l'environnement au XXI e siècle: Un défi pour l'économie des entrées-sorties Paper
76 William Edmondson Industry and Regional Impacts from Household Transfers Using Standard and Extended I-O Paper
77 Eduardo Frickmann Young, Carlos, Rangel, Leonardo and Thanus de Andrade, Marcos Environmental Impacts of the Expansion of the Oil Industry in Brazil  
78 Eduardo Frickmann Young, Carlos, Rangel, Leonardo and Thanus de Andrade, Marcos Estimating Kaleckian Income Multipliers using Input-Output Tables: An Exercise for Brazil  
79 Erreygers, Guido and Bidard, Christian The Concept of Sector Paper
80 Ezaki, Mitsuo Regional Disparity and Labor Migration in China: A Link CGE Analysis of 31 Provinces  
81 Taran Fæhn and Erling Holmøy Trade Liberalisation and Effects on Pollutive Emissions to Air and Deposits of Solid Waste. A General Equilibrium Assessment for Norway Paper
82 Ming-tai Fan, Mark Horridge, Xiao-guang Zhang and Yu-xin Zheng Assessing the Effects of Proposed Taxation Reform in China: An Application of China CGE Model Paper
83 Fang Bingsong and Han, Xiaoli Stability of Technical and Distributional Coefficients: Conjecture and Evidence  
84 Farsijani, Hassan Design of Global World-Class Manufacturing Through Input-Output Techniques Paper
85 Fernandez, Melchor and Fernandez-Grela, Manuel Impacts of EU Enlargement on the Productive Structure of Spain and Portugal  
86 Forgon, Maria Further improvements of the Hungarian I/O compilation Paper
87 Forssell, Osmo and Mäenpää, Ilmo Paths of Air Pollution due to Energy Consumption in Finland 1970-2000 Paper
88 Søren E. Frandsen, Hans G. Jensen, Wusheng Yu and Aage Walter-Jørgensen Modelling the EU Sugar Policy - A Study of Policy Reform Scenarios Paper
89 Fritz, Oliver, Kurzmann, Raimund Streicher, Gerhard and Zakarias, Gerold Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables in Austria Paper
90 Fritz, Oliver, Kurzmann, Raimund Streicher, Gerhard and Zakarias, Gerold Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables in Austria Paper
91 Fujikawa, Kiyoshi and Watanabe,Takatoshi Total Factor Productivity Growth in China 1987 - 1997: China's Economic Growth is still Myth?  
92 Fujikawa, Kiyoshi and Watanabe,Takatoshi Productivity Growth of Chinese Economy by Industry Paper
93 Garau, Giorgio Total Factor Productivity Surplus in a SAM Context  
94 Généreux, Pierre A and Langen, Brent The Derivation of Provincial (inter-regional) Trade Flows: the Canadian Experience Le calcul des flux du commerce provincial (interrégional): lâ??expérience canadienne Paper
95 Gera, Surendra and Gu, Wulong The Effect of Organisational Change and Information Technology on Productivity: Firm-Level Evidence  
96 Gerilla, Gloria P., Kagawa, Shigemi and Inamura, Hajime Technology Transfer and Carbon Emissions: A Case of Japan and China  
97 Ho Un Gim The Decomposition by Factors and Partial Derivatives in Direct and Indirect Requirements: with Attention to Applications Paper
98 Guajardo-Quiroga, Ramon and Arrambide-Olvera, Javier Atmospheric Pollution Intensity Indexes: An Application for the State of Nuevo Leon, Mexico  
99 Guilhoto, Joaquim J.M. The Globalization Process and the Productive Structure of the Brazilian Economy in the 1990s: An Input-Output Approach Paper
100 William Gullickson and Michael Harper Production Functions, Input-Output Tables, and the Relationship between Industry and Aggregate Productivity Measures Paper
101 Guo, Jiemin, Planting, Mark and Lawson, Ann From Make-Use to Symmetric I-O Tables: An Assessment of Alternative Technology Assumptions  
102 Partha Pratim Ghosh and Debesh Chakraborty The Structure of the Sri Lankan Economy Paper
103 Ramón Guajardo-Quiroga and Javier Arrambide-Olvera Atmospheric Pollution Intensity Indexes: An Application for the State of Nuevo Leon, Mexico Paper
104 Hajnovicova, Viera and Lapisakova, Jirina Input-Output and SAM Multiplier Analysis: the Slovak Case Paper Table
105 Hayami, Hitoshi and Nakamura, Masao CO2 Emission of Alternative Technologies and Bilateral Trade between Japan and Canada: Technology Option and Implication for Joint Implementatio Paper
106 Viera Hajnovicova and Jirina Lapisakova SAM Multiplier Analysis: The Slovak Case Paper
107 Henrique P. Silveira, Antonio Stability Properties of the Classical Concept of Gravitation in a Cross-Dual Framework  
108 Hoen, Alex R Identifying Linkages with Cluster Based Methodology Paper
109 Hoerner, J. Andrew, Barrett, James and Meade, Douglas S. A Sustainable Economy: Analysis of a Comprehensive Approach to Climate Change and Energy Policy  
110 Hubacek Klaus and Sun, Laixiang An Extended Input-Output Model for Analyzing Water Use in China  
111 Eiji Hosoda An Economic Analysis of Shredder Residue Paper
112 Imansyah, M. Handry and West, Guy R. Structural Change and Fundamental Economic Structure in Developing Countries : The Case of Indonesia  
113 Inamura, Hajime Ishikura, Tomoki Ishiguro, Kazuhiko Kagawa, Shigemi Dynamic Leontief System Based on the Romer's Growth Theory  
114 Ishiguro, Kazuhiko and Inamura, Hajime Development of Spatial Computable General Equilibrium Model and Its Application Taking Account of Ocean Carriers' Behavior  
115 Izumi, Hiroshi and Li, Jie PPPs by Sector and I-O Structures of China and Japan in 1995  
116 Annemarth M. Idenburg Information asked for sustainable development policies: the case of the Netherlands Paper
117 Robert Inklaar, Marcel Timmer and Bart van Ark International Comparisons of Prices, Output and Productivity Levels by Industry: Europe and the US Paper
118 Jacob, Jojo and Meister, Christoph Productivity Gains, Intersectoral Linkages, and Trade. Indonesia from 1975 to 1995 Paper
119 Lars-Bo Jacobsen Is the Promotion of Organic Farming the Most Cost Efficient Way of Achieving Environmental Goals? A Danish Case Story Paper
120 Jayasinghe, Milan Productivity Dynamics of the Canadian Banking Sector  
121 Henning Tarp Jensen and Finn Tarp Trade Policy and Income Distribution in Vietnam within a CGE Model Framework Paper
122 Søren E. Frandsen, Hans G. Jensen, Wusheng Yu and Aage Walter-Jørgensen Modelling the EU Sugar Policy - A Study of Policy Reform Scenarios Paper
123 Jianwen, Yuan The Effects of Industrial Structural Changes of Guangdong Province to Economic Growth  
124 Joma, Alaa Do Dry Peace Survive? : An Interdependency Analysis of Water and Farm Food Products in Palestine  
125 Jones, Calvin and Roberts, Annette Regional Tourism Satellite Accounts and Input-Output  
126 Dale W. Jorgenson, Mun S. Ho, Kevin J. Stiroh Growth of U.S. Industries and Investments in, Information Technology and Higher Education Paper PPT
127 Kalin, Janja New Sources for Intermediate Consumption and Compilation of IOT in Slovenia Paper
128 Shigemi Kagawa, Gloria P. Gerilla, Yuichi Moriguchi and Hajime Inamura A Spatial Structural Decomposition Analysis of the Chinese and Japanese Energy Demand: 1985-1990 Paper
129 SHIGEMI KAGAWA, HAJIME INAMURA, YUICHI MORIGUCHI The Invisible Multipliers of Joint-Products Paper
130 Shigemi Kagawa The Relationship Between Capital and Waste Accumulation: An Application of Dynamic Input-Output Approach Paper
131 Khorshid,Motaz Issue-oriented social accounting matrices for development policy: experience from the middle East and North Africa Region Paper
132 Kiedrowski, Roman Classical Competition and Optimal Growth in a Multisectoral Model with Fixed Capital  
133 Kim Kwangmun Secretario, Francisco and Goce -Dakila, Cristela Structural Analysis of the Metro Manila Economy Based on the Inter-Regional Input-Output Approach Paper
134 Chong-Gui Kim Analysis of Interdependency of the Asia-Pacific Countries Paper
135 Hartmut Kogelschatz On the Leontief Inverse of a Beta Distributed Input Matrix Paper
136 Kohli, Martin C. Air pollution, public investment and transportation in the United States Paper
137 Kopecky, Ondrej Use of theoretical background for practical compilation: several remarks on the IOT compilation practices in the Czech Statistical Office Paper
139 Kratena, Kurt and Zakarias, Gerold Technical Coefficients Change by Bi-proportional Econometric Adjustment Functions Paper
140 Kraybill, David, Díaz-Rodrígue, Ivonnez and Southgate, Douglas A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis of Rice Market Liberalization and Water Price Rationalization in the Dominican Republic Paper
141 Kytzia,Susanne, Najar, Christine and Faist, Mireille Joining engineering and economic perspectives in an integrated assessment of economic systems  
142 Angela Koeppl, Daniela Kletzan and Kurt Kratena E3 Impacts of Domestic Emission Trading Regimes in Liberalised Energy Markets: Carbon Leakage or Double Dividend? Paper
143 Karin Knottenbauer Modelling Innovation and Structural Change,Vertical Integration versus Input-Output Analysis Paper
144 Steven Kraines and Yoshikuni Yoshida Modelling the Effect of Alternative Production Technologies using IO Tables with Sector Specific Units Paper
145 Kurt Kratena Ecological Value Added" in an Integrated Ecosystem-Economy Model: An Indicator for Sustainability Paper
146 Vito Albino and Silvana Kühtz Environmental Footprint of Industrial Districts using Input-Output Tables Based on Production Processes Paper
147 Michael L. Lahr RAS Updates in a Commodity-by-Industry Setting: What Does the Extra Information Buy You? Paper
148 Manfred Lenzen, Lise-Lotte Pade and Jesper Munksgaard CO2 multipliers in multi-region input-output models Paper
149 Loerincick, Yves, Della Croce, Filippo, Norris, Greg and Jolliet, Olivier Comparison of Process LCA and Input Output LCA and Development of a Hybrid Approach  
150 Lopes, João Carlos, Dias, João and do Amaral, João Ferreira Efficiency, External Dependency and Structural Change: The Portuguese Case Paper
151 De Mesnard, Louis Normalizing Biproportional Methods Paper
152 Luiz Parré, José, Florindo Alves, Alexandre and Celso Sordi, Joao Input-Output Matrix for Metropolitan Areas using Local Census Data: The Case of Maringa, Brazil  
153 Ming Lei Study on China's Sustainable Development Paper
154 Bart Lost Identification of Strategic Industries: A dynamic perspective Paper
155 Machado, Giovani V. and Schaeffer, Roberto Energy use and carbon emissions impacts of increasing exports in Brazil: An IO approach  
156 Maenpaa, Ilmo Physical Input-Output Tables of Finland 1995: Solutions to Some Basic Methodological Problems Paper
157 MAJUMDAR Chitro Combinational optimization, cumulative inflation and dynamic imput-output modelling Paper
158 Malan, Anemé Compiling a Social Accounting Matrix according to the 1993 System of National Accounts: The South African Experience  
159 Manresa, Antonio and Sancho, Ferran Implementing a Double Dividend: Recycling Ecotaxes towards Lower Labour Taxes Paper
160 Manrique de Lara Penate, Casiano An Enterprise Input-Output Account for a Service Industry  
161 Manrique de Lara Penate, Casiano and Santos Penate, Dolores Updating IO Accounts when Row and Column Totals are Unknown  
162 Mantegazza, Susanna and Mastrantonio, Livia Italian Supply and Use Tables: First Evidences  
163 Marangoni, Giandemetrio and Fezzi, Giulio I-O for Corporate Governance  
164 Maynard, Jean-Pierre and Yan, Beiling Interprovincial Differences in Industry structures : an analysis for selected time periods - 1990 and 1997  
165 G. McBean and C. Coleman Climate Change -Inputs-Outputs Needed from Economists Paper
166 Messinger, Hans Developing a Canadian Transportation Satellite Account  
167 Millan, Joaquin A.and Millan, José S. Changes in Energy Costs and Energy Intensities of the Spanish Economy  
168 Millan, Joaquin A. and Aldaz, Natalia Evolution of the Production Structure of the Spanish Economy using Indicators  
169 Mokrasova, Viera The Analysis of the Slovak Economy based on Supply and Use Tables for 1994, 1996 and 1998  
170 Mukhopadhyay, Sudhin K. Input-Output Approach to Development of a Subsistence Farm Sector in India  
171 Munday, Max and Roberts, Annette Regional Environmental Input-Output Tables and New Policy Directions in Wales  
172 Sanghamitra Majumdar,Shibani Maity, Siddhartta Dutta, Debesh Chakraborty AN INPUT-OUTPUT STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF WATER POLLUTION CONTROL Paper
173 H. Scott Matthews Input-Output Based Life Cycle Analysis for New Economy Models Paper
174 Joaquin A. Millan and José S. Millan Changes in energy cost and energy intensities in the spanish economy Paper
175 Ming Lei Study on China's Sustainable Development - Integrated Input-Output Analysis and Green Charges for China Paper
176 Pierre Mohen The different roles of capital and labor Paper
177 Kakali Mukhopadhyay and Osmo Forssell An Empirical Investigation of Air Pollution from Fossil Fuel Combustion and its Impact on Health in India during 1973-74 to 1996-97 Paper
178 Kakali Mukhopadhyay Sources of CO2 Emission Changes in India During 1973-74 to 1996-97: A Structural Decomposition Analysis Paper
181 Jan Mutl Capturing Technological Change in an IO Model with Application to Calculations of Embodied Paper
182 Shinichiro Nakaruma and Yasushi Kondo Environmental Impact and Economic Cost of Waste treament: Analysis by Waste IO Model Paper
183 Nakano, Satoshi and Asakura, Keiichiro Environmental Simulation for China: Effects of 'Biobriquette' Paper
184 Marko Nokkala Social Accounting Matrices and CGE Models in Policy Analysis: Data Needs and Future Developments Paper
185 Nokkala, Marko, Sirkia, Ari and Rasanen, Jukka Input-output based transport system model: The Finnish experience  
186 Nokkala, Marko Social accounting matrices and CGE models in policy analysis: Data needs and future developments  
187 Akiko Nakajima Total Labour Value (Total labour Requirements) and value added productivity of labour in the process of economie developpement Paper
Excel 1
Excel 2
188 Kazuhiko Nishimura Technologie transfer with Capital Constraints and environ mental protections: Models and applications to the phillipines Paper
189 Okuyama, Yasuhide Hewings, Geoffrey J. D. and Sonic, Michael Economic Impacts of Unscheduled Event: Sequential Interindustry Model (SIM) Approaches  
190 Okuyama, Yasuhide Hewings, Geoffrey J. D. and Sonic, Michael Structural Changes of the Chicago Economy: A Temporal Inverse Analysis  
191 Olinto Ramos, Roberto Luis, Zani, Sheila and Canton Cardoso, Sandra The Brazilian System of National Quarterly Accounts  
192 Oosterhaven, Jan On the Dynamics of Net versus Gross Multiplier  
193 Jan Oosterhaven On the Dynamics of Net versus Gross Multipliers  
194 SAM Based CGE Models 1: Organised by J. Asger Olsen Modelling the EU Sugar Policy - A Study of Policy Reform Scenarios Paper
195 Søren E. Frandsen, Hans G. Jensen, Wusheng Yu and Aage Walter-Jørgensen Trade Policy and Income Distribution in Vietnam within a CGE Model Framework  
196 Henning Tarp Jensen and Finn Tarp   Paper
197 Paloviita, Ari Extending the Boundaries of Corporate Environmental Management with National Input-Output Table Framework  
198 Parré, José Luiz , Florinde Alves, Alexandre and Celso Sordi, João Input-Output Matrix for Metropolitan Areas Paper
199 Piqun, Qiu and Yin, Liu Research on Input-Output Table and Analysis Method in China  
200 Pizzoli, Edouarto From Firm's Balance-Sheet to the National Input-Output Table: An Empirical Investigation for the Italian Economy  
201 Plich, Mariusz NAMEA for Poland: Problems of Constructing and Results of Analyses Based on Pilot Version  
202 Prasad, Krishna N. Inter-sectoral Terms of Trade in Input-Output Framework: An Extended Version  
203 Prasad, Krishna N. Inverse Elements and Aggregation in Input-Output Analysis  
204 Przybylinski, Michal "Bilateral Ã'Pollution FlowsÃ" between Poland and Germany  
206 Stefano Casini Benvenuti and Renato Paniccià A Multiregional Input-Output Model for Italy: Methodology and First Results Paper
207 Xiaoming Pan and Steven Kraines Environmental Input-Output Models for Life Cycle Analysis Paper
208 Qiu Piqun and Liu Yin Research on Input-Output Table and Analysis Method in China Paper
209 Rand, John, Roland-Holst, David and Tri Thanh, Vo Rural-urban Dualism in Vietnam: Prospects for Redistribution through Economic Reform  
210 Rashid, Zakariah Abdul and Bashir, Mohamed Sharief Impacts of Trade on Labour Skill in Malaysia Paper
Figure 1
211 Rashid, Zakariah Abdul Factor Intensity of Trade: Malaysia's Labour Skills in Manufacturing Trade Flows Paper
212 Reinaruth D. Carlos, Maria The Effect of Migrant Remittances on the Philippine Economy : The Consumption Expenditures Channel  
213 Rickman, Dan S. and Miller, Steven R. An Evaluation of Alternative Strategies for Incorporating Inter-industry Relationships into a Regional Employment Forecasting Model  
214 Rocco S., Claudio M. and Guarata, N. The Use of Interval Arithmetic as an Alternative Method to Evaluate Uncertainty in Input-Output Models Paper
215 Rodriguez-Gonzalez, Antonio and Canada-Vicinay, Juan Inter-temporal Structural Change in Spain 1980-1995: An Approach to the Effect of Spanish Adhesion to EU in 1986  
216 Rueda-Cantuche, José Manuel Construction Modelling of Input-Output Coefficients Matrices in an Axiomatic Context: Some Further Considerations Paper
217 Ruiz Napoles, Pablo Exports, Growth and Employment in Mexico 1978 - 1998: A Structural Analysis  
218 Tong Rencheng An Input-Output Model for Oil Piping Paper
219 Antonio Rodríguez-González and Juan Cañada-Vicinay Structural Change in Spain 1980-1994: An Approach to the Effect of Spain's Adhesion to the EU in 1986 Paper
220 Jayant Sathaye, Joyashree Roy, Katja Schumacher, Alan Sanstad, Yuri Tanimichi and Ron Sands Projecting Carbon Emissions and Abatement Costs in Developing Countries: Impact of Country-Specific Substitution Elasticities Paper
221 Sikhanwita Roy, Tuhin Das and Debesh Chakraborty Sources of Growth of Information Sector in India during 1983-84 to 1993-94 Paper
222 Saal, David S. and Liu, Aying Structural Change in the United States: 1977-97  
223 Yusuf M. Siddiqi and Mehrzad Salem Constructing Regional Input-Output Accounts: The Recent Canadian Experience Paper
224 Sanchez Choliz, Julio and Duarte, Rosa Forward and Backward Linkage Coefficients: An Integrating Approach  
225 M. Alejandro Cardenete and Ferran Sancho A Regional General Equilibrium Model for Tax Policy Evaluation Paper
226 Sargento, Ana and Ramos, Pedro The Input-Output Table and the Interregional Trade in Regiao Centro (Portugal) Paper
227 Sathaye, Jayant, Roy, Joyashree, Schumacher, Katja, Sanstad, Alan, Tanimichi, Yuri and Sands, Ron Projecting Carbon Emissions and Abatement Costs in Developing Countries: Impact of Country-Specific Substitution Elasticities Paper
228 Saygili, Bahceci and Seref The Contribution of ICT and Related Sectors to Technological Change: An Input-Output Analysis for Turkey  
229 Schaffer, Axel J. ECOLIO - an Ecological Input-Output model for conventional and ecological key sector analysis in Germany Paper
230 Zahra Afshari and Ebrahim Sheibani The Effect of Sectoral Growth on Women's Employment in Iran Paper
231 Secretario, Francisco, Kim, Kwangmun and Goce-Dakila, Cristela The Metro Manila Inter-Regional Input-Output Table: Its Attempt of Compilation Based on the Hybrid Approach Paper
232 Sharify, Nooraddin A Comparison of the Impact of Direct and Indirect Payments by the Government to Households Through a Social Accounting Matrix in the Golastan Province of Iran  
233 Yusuf M. Siddiqi and Mehrzad Salem Constructing Regional Input-Output Accounts: The Recent Canadian Experience Paper
234 Sergey M. Shvets and L. Radchenko Some Algorithms of Building Dynamic Regional Model Based on Input-Output Technique and Forecasting Matrix Direct Requirements Paper
235 K.L. Sharma Production Linkages between Farm and Nonfarm Sectors in Fiji Islands Paper
236 Stehrer, Robert Income Distribution and Economic Structure in a Multisectoral Model with Heterogenous Labour  
237 St. Lawrence, Joe and Gaston, Craig Input-output modelling of scrap metal generation based on historical final demand Paper
238 Suga, Mikio and Saito, Takashi Empirical Analysis of the Recycling System of Waste Products in the Japanese Economy Paper
239 Christian Seidl, Ulrich Schmidt, Peter Grosche A beauty contest of refere processes of economics journals: Preliminary results Paper
240 Anushree Sinha Does Welfare of Women Improve by Globalisation: A CGE Model Analysis of India Paper
241 Dirk Stelder, Jan Oosterhaven and Gerard J. Eding IRIOS: An InterRegional Input-Output Software Approach to Generalised Endogenisation, Linkage, Multiplier and Impact Analysis Paper
242 Sangwon Suh, Gjalt Huppes and Helias Udo de Haes Environmental Impacts of Domestic and Imported Commodities in the US Economy Paper
243 Sangwon Suh Gearing Input-Output Analysis to Environmental Systems Analysis Paper
244 Sven Lundie, MAnfred Lenzen, Bransgroove, Charet and Shack Assesing the ecological footprint of a large metropoliten water supplier PPT
245 Terosa, Cid L. and Manzano, George N. Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Technique in Input-Output Key Sector Analysis  
246 Terosa, Cid L. and Manzano, George N. Factor Savings and Usage Effects of Trade in Intermediate Inputs in Selected Philippine Industries  
247 Thage, Bent Requirements to the Methods Used in the Construction of Symmetric Input-Output Tables as Part of a Modern Quality Based Official Statistical System  
248 Thage, Bent Symmetric Input-Output Tables and Quality Standards for Official Statistics Paper
249 Henning Tarp Jensen and Finn Tarp Trade Policy and Income Distribution in Vietnam within a CGE Model Framework Paper
250 Un Gim, Ho The Decomposition by Factors and Partial Derivatives in Direct and Indirect Requirements  
251 Ustinova, Natalia Input-Output Tables for Russia: Experience, Problems and Perspectives  
252 Van An, Dinh, Roland-Holst, Davidand Tarp, Finn Globalization, Price Transmission and Economic Reform in Vietnam: Estimates from a New Social Accounting Matrix  
253 Van den Cruyce, Bart The measurement of industrial subcontracting and its treat-ment in the compilation of SUT and IO tables: an illustration for Belgium  
254 Van den Cruyce, Bart An integrated approach to constructing the use table for imported goods and the use side trade margins table Paper
255 Vaughn Aiken, Deborah and Pasurka, Jr. , Carl A. Least-Cost Air Pollution Control: A CGE Joint Production Framework Paper
256 Vaughn Aiken, Deborah and Pasurka, Jr. , Carl A. Sources of Emission Changes: A Joint Production Perspective of Existing Decomposition Models Paper
257 Venanzoni , Giuseppe and Fachin, Stefano IDEM, an Integrated Demographic and Economic Model of the Italian Economy Paper
258 Michel Vollebregt and Jan van Dalen A Comparison of the Almon Algorithm and the Standard Product Technology Method Paper
259 Wen, Shengru Input-Output Decision Method under Final Requirements are Random Variebles with a Normal Distribution  
260 Wilhelm Koppen, -Dietrich Interregional Feedbacks - Extending Bi-regional I-O Models  
261 Wilting, Harry C. The Effects of Dutch Production and Consumption on the Environment in the Netherlands and Abroad Paper
262 Wixted, Brian and Cooper, Russel Extraterritorial Cluster Development in Europe: The Role of Intermediate and Final Demand Paper
263 Wolff, Reiner A Global Robustness Measure for Input-Output Projections from ESA and SNA Tables Paper
264 Brian Wixted and Russel Cooper Extra-Territorial Cluster Development in Europe: Searching for Evidence of Supranational Industrial Activity Paper
265 Daniel J. Wilson Embodying Embodiment in a Structural, Macroeconomic, Input-Output Model Paper
266 Xikang, Chen Water Conservancy Economy Input-Occupancy-Output Tables for China and Its Nine Major Rivers  
267 Xue Fu Impact of the Magnetic Levitation in Shanghai on the Chinese Economy Paper
268 Jian Xu Distance, Degree of Freedom and Error of the RAS Method Paper
269 Yagi, Takashi Evaluation of Sectoral Productivity Changes  
270 Yano, Takashi and Kosaka, Hiroyuki The Effects of China's WTO Entry on the World Economy: A 1985-90-95 Linked International Input-Output Approach Paper
271 Søren E. Frandsen, Hans G. Jensen, Wusheng Yu and Aage Walter-Jørgensen Modelling the EU Sugar Policy - A Study of Policy Reform Scenarios Paper
272 Yang Cuihong The Impacts of Water Conservancy Investment by Using Input-Output Technique: A Case of China Paper
273 Zaitseva, Julia Multiregional Analysis on the Base of Input-Output Tables Paper
274 Zheng, Xiao Yong The Measurement and Countermeasures for the Development of Information Technology Industry of Zhejiang  
275 Zakarias, Gerold and Kurt Kratena Technical Coefficients Change by Bi-proportional Econometric Adjustment Functions Paper

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